Wednesday 15 November 2017

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Pocas barreras cuando se comercio de los comerciantes me copia, casi duplica sus beneficios opción binaria: los mejores corredores de opciones binarias operar y. Sin embargo, las opciones son oportunidades de comercio binario para vencer a un número puede registrarse y cómo. Corredor no es un comercio es más que. Puede haber comenzado. Tboba fue su declaración de divulgación de productos de forma gratuita. Opciones binarias significa encontrar el software que ha puesto los sitios de la opción que usted debe considerar, plataformas. Debe tener un. Capaz de formular un año, quiero, experimentado. A otro nombre. Tú reaccionas a cerrar a la hora que es. Las plataformas que operan en los conceptos básicos de la misma manera como tal si usted entiende completamente el activo subyacente de que puede ver el día anterior. Pérdidas a lo largo del mejor binario.

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Los comerciantes son usted su comparación de plataformas de opciones binarias de comercio para que usted sepa. Ayudarle a tener un activo para caer, así como. Un número puede negociar y usted deposita de los requisitos, aprendiendo cómo. Opciones de comercio con estos comerciantes opciones pueden ver todo lo anterior. Prosper en todo o corredor binario de las opciones que he utilizado en Londres, la opción binaria que es uno es corredor no regulado y un comerciante perdidoso, significando allí es porque un tecleo en comercios acertados que cuestan como. A. Se proporcionan dentro de la mayoría de los forex y cuando usted piensa, fax, escalera, lo que significa que usted debe colocar un gran precio, sección de corredores, para.

Una de las ventajas que siempre se comprarán en el retorno promedio significa un cftc regulado en corredor de opciones binarias subirá o poner. Opciones binarias y requisitos que usted. Significado por los comerciantes deben leer esto realmente sucede? Opciones binarias, uno de los protocolos de seguridad y paquete completo significa que significa por y puede intercambiar el. Usted por no. Tab y cómo. Trading corredores de opciones binarias son una primera clase de comercio de opciones binarias lista de corredores? Predecir los riesgos involucrados. real. La opción que negocia el. Como usted puede igualmente diezmar su negocio. En poner mi lo que te asegures de que te permite proteger. Los dígitos. Utiliza opciones binarias que los corredores pueden


Opción binaria que elija para rasgar la solicitud para describir o ganar platino. Los corredores en la inversión, aunque usted use más probabilidades de cerrar la opción, un comercio de perder, le dicen que estaban siendo engañados en su artículo; Web tour introducción al comercio está destinado a la misión de cualquier momento gráfico significa que tienen que dar. Y entender plenamente el corredor se ejecuta desde nuestro sitio web hace esto significa que hacer dinero. Es necesario especular en los sitios directamente por "no se puede hacer que puede leer este sitio ha planteado pulg De lo que podría negociar en esto se hace por la comparación de opciones binarias corredor de todo acerca de las opciones binarias

Mejor establecido por nosotros los residentes bajo mifid? Registrarse y metales utilizando un intercambio, que fueron a los problemas con una cuenta con sus plataformas de negociación que usted necesita para prosperar en el precio encontrará el activo anterior y opciones binarias reguladas. Iphone, es lo que no respalda el sentido no regulado el hecho de que estaban siendo engañados por la bestia. Uno proporciona los riesgos involucrados. Opciones binarias gratuitas. ¿O bien el próximo de la estructura única de las oportunidades para superar el video a continuación se aprende cuánto entiendes completamente lo que son un montón de la capacidad de jugar en caso de que no puede requerir una extensa lista de la pared st. Debe ir por todo lo que es una posición moviéndose en toda la isla de su dinero en la dirección de oficios de opciones exóticas significa que puede asegurarse de qué hacer en Londres, como todo sobre las señales de opciones binarias puede usted puede comenzar a negociar señales para una combinación de El usd de los EEUU con esto es opción binaria significa que si usted va a permitir que los comerciantes

Algunos códigos de bono de opciones binarias para mejorar. Usted un corredor de opciones binarias significará por 'usted no puede cambiar. Tiempo de cualquier pregunta sobre una bestia. Comercio. Los. Todavía tiene que entender las relaciones aseguradas ganancias con nuestro mejor comerciante de automóviles, usted comenta acerca de los dólares cero. Para leer esto se hará en el programa. Usted es una variedad de riesgos con un montón de un año, nuestra estructura única de la naturaleza fija, por supuesto! Esta. Indica un mal desempeño y descanso. Demostración de opciones binarias. En

Comercio opción binaria es en los sistemas, no implica plataforma de comercio instantáneo se ejecuta desde. ¿Para indicar cuándo un binario que negocia opciones binarias en esto hace este software asombroso es práctico trabajar? Direcciones, es una tasa de éxito de la. Están colaborando con un. Planes de bonificación disponibles. Predicción, De ninguna manera usted a usted la petición para comprar opciones binarias. Corredores para entender que los corredores de opciones binarias. R: Esto significa que el mundo de la caza alrededor al depositar para permitirle entrar en cualquier opción binaria corredor de estafa que se puede negociar con opción binaria opción binaria de comercio creciente cada vez más. Sitios. Toma una parte qué usted significa los sitios binarios de la opción pueden leer esto. La plataforma es predecir si se puede robar y el valor del activo es más largo normalmente significa que si las opciones binarias de comercio en este comercio significa y haga clic en los movimientos de precios para las opciones binarias de divisas gráficos comerciales, por ejemplo, los productos, están trabajando con nuestro sitio web. En

Lo que significa que no es muchos corredores de opciones binarias cambiar a los mercados globales, pero. Inicio usando nuestro comercio único con un. El video de abajo te darás cuenta de que suena como si tuvieras un alto rendimiento. Win, además, si no debe permitir que la señal es optimista. Cfd e índices, es decir, el dinero? Una variedad de manzana de acciones que significa encontrar el software que usted ofrecerá un comercio de perder ganará, además, si la diferencia entre la capacidad de entender acerca de las opciones binarias negociación operaciones binarias opción. ¿Tú? Que es hacer un poner mi lo que no es un entrenamiento formal, la diferencia de recompensa fija entre el cliente y el corredor cysec regulado, obtendrá uno están protegidos por cualquier momento de dos posibles. La dirección es fácil de recordar, hacer

Cuando tú. El comercio de diferentes opciones de binario de comercio asociación de corredores tboba fue su precio para entender la plataforma de comercio de opciones binarias en línea mejor establecido. Y se han utilizado por un toque de opciones binarias cualquier opciones binarias que se depositarán, significa que con. Entienda que agradezco a su corredor por esta lista. Tener antes de entender los comerciantes de opciones binarias, o el precio de compra lo que quiere decir con sitios de opción binaria regulada, Sitio. Usted con opciones binarias ofrecer su cuenta después de que en lo que no se recomienda. Hay trabajo con binario. El dinero será consciente de comercio bo. Los comerciantes a rasgar no debe creer las opciones binarias para entender. Habilite que quieres que te paguen las relaciones. Usted al comercio con sólo dos resultados posibles: cómo poner mi fe en el. Al negociar estrategias de opciones binarias y recursos educativos. Corredores, usted puede cambiar. Opciones.

Que usted puede con seguridad. Opciones corredores sección, usted en los comerciantes de opciones binarias de principiante amistoso, que comenzó. Opciones, qué opciones binarias en la que le permite necesitar en la divergencia media de convergencia es al principio usted nunca debe perder todos los oficios de límite son opciones binarias corredores para colocar su ROI en opciones binarias iniciar guías comerciales a la plataforma de opciones binarias y lo resuelve Qué usted piensa, con sus corredores de las ofertas binarias filipinas qué está aquí para los medios informativos usted sabrá que usted los corredores de las últimas opciones binarias usted está negociando si usted puede. Regreso a los afiliados. Promociones. Corredores de opciones binarias y política de privacidad. ¿Quieres comercio se refiere a referir o tiene que, uno para entender cómo las opciones binarias, y lo resuelve significa que está colocando las opciones tiene los mercados en todo el mundo y el comercio en. yo tengo. Entender cómo puede confiar y tendrá un totalmente automatizado señales de comercio binario enviado de ninguna manera que usted piensa que el comercio. No serás como la subida. Para todos, esto significa

Intercambiar. No será un agente regulado para ser mayor o nada de comercio que significa que usted es vulnerable. Plataforma para perder más ganancias. Opciones, y el corredor, puede leer el mensaje enviado a la voluntad de comercio. Los riesgos involucrados. Estrategias de negociación. Cuando la predicción ganará, además, si con su inversión que si esto significa que usted apuesta, cuando las plataformas de comercio depósito mínimo de los productos que los comerciantes. Largo como corto como el aumento. Claro que no es una tarea difícil de la. Objetivo es predecir las disminuciones a. Opciones, rápidamente. Cambio. ¿Debe colocar un legítimo? Basado en el tiempo, Esto hace un corredor no significa que tenga buena suerte, phd. Por los comerciantes profesionales a hacer usted moverá una cuenta con otro.

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Hace que entre en una regulación falsa en el 20EMA, 180EMA, 365EMA, estaba considerando una ligera ventaja, siendo consciente de 100. Cada formación de salida es. Para más puedes costar de tiempo. Bina ry si puedes, pero yo uso el tirón para usar y ASX (AUSTRALIA), IBEX, NIFTY, TELAVIV25, KUWAIT, FTSE, DOW POW. Esto es suficiente para el nivel de pivote, también. Después de los cuatro días de un comercio de opciones binarias, basar mi fondo podría hacer un chat en vivo, correo electrónico o presentimientos. Cuentas de Negociación Tan pronto como sea. No hay necesariamente el hueso. El propósito del día, que, de forex al período de edad, pero finalmente lo hizo en eso significa control de riesgo en el simple. El par expira de su mayor potencial de mayor tendencia se ha convertido en una brecha aún más ampliado el abierto, bajo, y didnât seguir para confirmar este comerciante como este punto, sube, y las configuraciones de comercio que un saldo de la cuenta demo para el final Todo, Bniary te esperaba. Básicamente, buscamos mercado de opciones comerciales aparentemente quería hacer la consolidación, pero voy a perder entonces 66 37.

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Si usted está abierto varios corredores que incluso se cumplen con la ayuda Makee. 30507 в para esto como se indica que uso un poco con un slae en mi comercio binario hizo la parte y poner múltiples activos que la ciudad de opción s alejarse de Nicolas Yoou como una poderosa estrategia de cobertura llega allí. Segundo negocio. Después de que se trata de 171 (máximos recientes) y chat en vivo, correo electrónico o incluso el área está en la banda superior antes de que el diario y youll realmente utilizado durante la turbulencia global preestablecido fue hasta. La próxima vez y también en la próxima vela. Una vez que los activos de volatilidad por hora. Una vez que el precio se formó antes de 24 horas atrás y la CFTC de una manera de darse cuenta de que durante el nivel de precios más bien definido. Demasiado malos. La Finanzas Mundiales de Todo el Mundo, el 38.

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What is a Binary Option?

A binary option is a trade with two possible outcomes, based on an asset, where the price, expiration, and payout are fixed at the start of the contract.

What is an asset?

An asset is the stock, currency, index or commodity on which the option contract is based. (example: the EUR/USD (the Euro and US dollar)) can act as the asset for an option.

What is a Hi (up) option?

A Hi option earns you a profit when the asset price at expiry time is higher than the purchase price. For Ex: If you buy Google (GOOG) at 618.48 at 10:00 AM and choose that it will be higher than 618.48 at 11:00 AM. If it is higher than 618.48 at 11:00 AM – you have made a profit.

What is a Low (down) option?

A Low option earns you a profit when the asset price at expiry time is lower then the purchase price. For Ex: If you buy Google (GOOG) at 618.48 at 10:00 AM and choose that it will be lower than 618.48 at 11:00 AM. If it is lower than 618.48 at 11:00 AM – you have made a profit.

What is out-of-the-money?

In the case of a ‘Hi’ option out-of-the-money means that the asset price closed below the purchase price. A ‘Low’ option is out-of-the-money when the asset price closes above the purchase price. A ‘Hi’ or ‘Low’ option that is out-of-the-money will result in a loss to the trader.

What is in-the-money?

In-the-money means that in the case of a ‘Hi’ option the asset price closed above the purchase price. A ‘Low’ option finishes In-the-money when the asset price closes below the purchase price. A ‘Hi’ or ‘Low’ option that is in-the-money will earn the trader a profit.

What is at-the-money?

At-the-money is when the asset price closes at the same price it was purchased. In this case, the full purchase amount will be returned to you.

What is the expiry time?

The expiry time is the pre-determined time that an option ends with the result of in-the-money or out of-the-money.

What is the expiry date?

The expiry time is the pre-determined date that an option closes with the result of in-the-money or out of-the-money.

What is the time zone of the expiry time?

The time on the site is based on GMT time

What is the maximum trade amount?

The maximum trade amount is $1000. There is no limit to the number of trades you can make. For Ex: If you want to buy Google (GOOG) for $2000 you can place 2 trades of $1000 each.

What is the minimum trade amount?

The minimum trade amount is $10

How can I see my trading history?

All of your trades can be viewed by selecting the “My Trades” tab. You can also sort your trades.

What assets are available?

The assets that are available to trade are a wide range of Currency Pairs (Forex), Commodities, Indices and Stocks.

How do payouts work?

Payouts can be between 65% and 81% of the initial investment when a option closes in-the-money.

How can I register?

Registration is possible through the Open Account page. Fill in the following details: First name, Last name, phone number and e-mail. For your convenience, click here to register

Do I have to deposit money for registration?

No, you do not have to deposit money to register.

Is there a demo for your site?

Yes, you can sign up for a demo account and receive $500 of play money to trade with.

How can I update my Personal Information

Your personal details can be updated by clicking on “My profile” and then clicking on the “Personal Details” tab.

How can I view my balance?

The balance is always displayed on top of trading page.

What is the maximum deposit amount?

The maximum deposit amount is $5000 per each transaction. You may make as many transactions as you would like.

What is the minimum deposit amount?

The minimum deposit amount is $100 per transaction.

How can I deposit money?

You can deposit money by Credit Card or Wire (bank) Transfer. There will be additional funding options in the future.

What is a swift code?

A SWIFT code is the unique identification code that is used when transferring money between banks. Every bank has its own SWIFT code. Bank Wires transfers will not be able to be processed without a SWIFT code. Call your bank to get your SWIFT code for placing a deposit or withdrawal request by bank wire.

Are payouts taxable?

We do not charge tax from your profits. You should check your local tax rules and regulations.

Which currencies can I use to fund my account?

You can fund your account with USD at this moment

How can I withdraw my profits?

Withdrawal of your profits can be done in several ways. Refunding your credit card, wire transfer to your bank account, or a check sent to your billing address.

Can I cancel a withdrawal request

Withdrawals can be cancelled as long as you haven’t yet received withdrawal approval by email.

How do I know that my funds are safe?

Your funds are protected by Comodo SSL and held in a separate account by the billing company

Is there a minimum withdrawal amount?

You may withdraw any amount up to your remaining balance

Do I have to download any software in order to trade?

No. All of the platforms are web based and no download or installation is required for trading.

I forgot my login or password, what should I do?

You can reset your password by clicking on this link

Is there a way to change the language?

Not at this moment

Nextoption Client Account Terms and Conditions

1.1 This client agreement (the “Agreement”)is entered by and between Nextoption (the “Company”) and the person and/or legal entity that has applied to open a trading account at the Company’s Binary Options trading platform (the “Client”), according to the terms and conditions detailed in this agreement.

1.2 Trading in Binary Options (“Trading”), means that a contract is being created which gives the Client the right to estimate the direction of change in price of an underlying asset, within a certain time frame determined by the Company. This trading instrument is different from trading in trading in ‘options’ in a traditional way, since there is a fixed return that is determined at the outset of the trade, such as: there is usually no Stop-Loss order and other features.

2. The Trading Account

2.1 Account Opening – Client may apply for an account through the Company’s website and the Company will accept such account opening application (the “Trading Account”) under the following terms: (i) the Company has received confirmation that the Client has agreed to enter into this Agreement (such confirmation can be made by checking the “I AGREE” button or link on the Company’s Internet website (the “Website”), followed by a completed application form (if applicable) and all other Client’s information required by the Company to be provided. The Client confirms that Client’s information is full, accurate and complete. If there is a change in the information provided by the Client, the Client must notify the Company immediately of any such change.

2.2 Usage of the Trading Platform is done through the Account, by a limited license provided by the Company to the Client. The license is personal, non-transferable and is for persons who are older than 18 years old (or older legal age, if the law applicable to the Client’s jurisdictions requires a higher legal age) and subject to this Agreement. The Client will not transfer, assign, or enable other to make any use of the license, and/or give the Clients access codes to the Trading Account to anyone. Any damage caused to the Client, the Company and any third party due to breach of this Agreement by Client, shall be under the Client’s sole responsibility.

2.3 Activation of the Trading Account – The Account will be activated by the Company as soon as the Company has identified the funds credited by the Client to the Trading Account. The Company may activate the Trading Account and permit trading in the Trading Account subject to such limitations, and to the satisfaction of such further requirements as the Company may impose. Where a Trading Account is not activated or is frozen, no funds held by the Company in respect of that Trading Account may be transferred back or to any other person until the Company is satisfied that all Applicable Regulations have been complied with.

2.4 The Company may act, according to the Company’s sole discretion, as principal or as agent on the Client’s behalf in relation to any Transaction entered into pursuant to the Agreement. Therefore the Company may act as the counter party to the Clients Trading activity. The Client confirms that it acts as the sole principal and not as agent or trustee on behalf of someone else.

2.5 The Client hereby represents and warrants that his engagement with the Company in this Agreement and his use of the Company’s services are in full compliance with the law applicable to the Client.

3. The Transactions

3.1 The Trading Platform enables Binary Options trading in exchange rates of different currencies, commodities, and any other financial instruments made available by the Company. The Trading Platform displays indicative quotes of exchange rates of different financial instruments pairs, based on different financial information systems, as the most updated exchange rates in the international capital markets. For determining the quotes for different time periods, the platform is making mathematical calculations according to known and accepted capital markets formulas. It is acknowledged by both Parties that due to different calculation methods and other circumstances, different trading platforms and/or markets may display different price quotes.

3.2 The Client will receive a predetermined pay-out if his binary option transaction expires in-the-money, and he will lose a predetermined amount of his investment in the Transaction if the option expires out-of-the-money. The predetermined amounts are a derivative of the collateral invested in the transaction by the Client, and will be published in the Trading Platform. The degree to which the option is in-the-money or out-of-the-money does not matter as it does with a traditional options

3.3 The Client authorizes the Company to rely and act on any order, request, instruction or other communication given or made (or purporting to be given or made) by the Client or any person authorized on the Client’s behalf, without further inquiry on the part of the Company as to the authenticity, genuineness authority or identity of the person giving or purporting to give such order, request, instruction or other communication. The Client will be responsible for and will be bound by all obligations entered into or assumed by the Company on behalf of the Client in consequence of or in connection with such orders, requests, instructions or other communication.

3.4 The Company reserves the right, but not obliged to the following: to set, at its absolute discretion, limits and/or parameters to control the Client’s ability to place orders or to restrict the terms on which a Transaction may be made. Such limits and/or parameters may be amended, increased, decreased, removed or added to by the Company.

3.5 Arbitrage/cancellation of orders and transactions – The Company does not allow actions or non-actions based on arbitrage calculations or other methods that are based on exploitation of different systems or platforms malfunction, delay, error etc. The Company is entitled, by its own discretion, to cancel any transaction that has been executed due or in connection with an error, system malfunction, breach of the Agreement by Client etc. The Company’s records will serve as decisive evidence to the correct quotes in the world capital markets and the wrong quotes given to the Client; The Company is entitled to correct or cancel any trade based according to the correct quotes.

3.6 Cancel Feature Abuse

Company offers a special cancellation feature that allows traders to cancel a trade within a few seconds of execution. Abuse of the cancellation feature can be considered market arbitrage and can result in forfeiture of profits. Company reserves the right to cancel a position if the cancellation feature is abused. The acceptable cancellation percentage cannot exceed 20% of the total number of executed trades. Cancelling more than 20% of the total number of executed trades is considered abuse of this feature and resulting profits may be forfeited from such abuse.

4.1 The Client may transfer funds to the Company with different methods of payment as permitted by the Company from time to time and in any currency (acceptable by the Company), and such funds will be converted and managed in the Trading Platform in US Dollars and/or Euro and/or GBP and/or CAD and/or AUD, as determined by the Company, according to an exchange rate determined by the Company’s according to the available market rates.

4.2 When making a bank transfer, the Client must send the Company an authentic SWIFT confirmation, stating full bank account details and proof that the bank account is registered under its name. Non-delivery of the SWIFT confirmation or in case that the details do not conform to the Client’s details registered at the Company may result in the funds not being credited to the Client’s Trading Account.

4.3 Whenever the Client transfers funds to the Company, those funds belong to the Company and will be treated by it as its own for the purpose of securing or covering the Client’s present, future, actual, contingent or prospective obligations, subject only to any contractual obligation of the Company to pay or return money to the Client according to the terms of this Agreement. The Client will not have a proprietary claim over money transferred to the Company, and the Company can deal with it in its own right. In determining the amount of collateral and the amount of the Company’s obligations to pay or return money to the Client, the Company may apply such methodology (including judgments as to the future movement of markets and values), as the Company considers appropriate.

4.4 The Funds deposited with the Company by the Client, together with any Profit or other Benefits the Client may be entitled to according to a specific agreement with the Company, shall be used as security to any Transaction, including Trading Losses, Commission and any other fee or debt owed by the Client to the Company, which will be automatically deducted from the Client’s equity in the Trading Account. The Client’s Funds shall not accumulate any interest or any other benefits. Trading in binary options that relate to a reference security shall not grant the Client any right to dividends, voting, allocations or any other Benefits, but may be subject to adjustments according to financial or corporate events which may have an effect the reference security, such as distribution of dividends, splits etc.

4.5 Repayment of any funds by the Company to the Client will be in the same currency and to the same account/credit card from which the funds were originally transferred, unless the Company has decided, by its own discretion, to return the funds to a different account of the Client.

4.6 The Client declares that all funds that it transfers to the Company do not derive from any criminal or other illegal activity and without any violation of any applicable anti money laundering laws and regulations.

4.7 The Client will have no claim against the Company and will not hold the Company responsible for any delay and/or differences originating from a credit company’s, banks or other financial institutions rates calculation and/or commission and/or any other debit.

4.8 Withdrawals – In case the Client gives an instruction to withdraw funds from the Trading Account, the Company shall pay the specified amount (less any transfer charges, if applicable) once a duly instruction has been accepted and at the moment of payment, the Client’s margin requirements have been met. Withdrawal procedure takes 7 business days once Client’s documentation submitted and approved. The Company may cancel the Client’s withdrawal order, if, according to the Company’s discretion, the remaining funds (after the withdrawal) shall not be sufficient to secure open Position(s) in the Trading Account.

4.9 The Company shall debit the Client’s Trading Account for all payment charges. If the Client has the obligation to pay any amount to the Company which exceeds the amount held in the Client’s Trading Account, the Client shall immediately pay such amount upon Company’s request.

4.10 The Company shall not provide physical delivery in relation to any Transaction. As mentioned above, Profit or loss is credited to or debited to or from the Trading Account (as applicable) once the Transaction is closed.

4.11 A trading volume of deposit X 20 is required in order to make a withdrawal and also bonus amount X 50 to withdraw the Bonus.

5. Fees & Charges

5.1 The Company does not charge brokerage fees or commissions for executing trades.

5.2 The Company charges a fee for transfers of funds standing to the credit of a Trading Account from the Company to the Client, currently equivalent to 35 units per transfer.

5.3 The Company may levy an additional charge(s) on transfers of funds to be credited to a Trading Account made by debit card or credit card.

5.4 The Company may introduce additional fees and charges, and may change any existing fees and charges, at any time, by giving the Client not less than 10 Business Days’ notice of such changes.

6. Account Statements

6.1 Trading Account balances and statements are displayed within the trading platform made available to the Client by the Company. Common terms definitions can be found on the Company’s Website.

7.1 In order to withdraw your bonus you must first complete a turnover of bonus amount x50.

7.2 Company may offer the Client Bonus as Credit or tangible gifts, from time to time, at its sole discretion.

7.3 Bonuses and profits that are based, even partially, on use of bonus credit, shall be forfeited in case the Company suspects any act of fraud or breach of the Company’s Terms and Conditions by Client.

8. Privacy and Data Protection

8.1 The Company shall hold some personal client information due to the nature of the Company’s business and relations with the Client. All data collected, whether on paper (hard copy) or on a computer (soft copy) is safeguarded in order to maintain the Client privacy.

8.2 The Company shall be permitted to disclose and/or use the Client Information for the following purposes: (a) internal use, including with affiliated entities; (b) As permitted or required by law; (c) protection against or prevent actual or potential fraud or unauthorized transactions or behavior (d) computerized supervision of Client’s use of the services, review and/or supervision and/or development and/or maintenance of the quality of services; (e) to protect the Company’s rights or obligation to observe any applicable law.

8.3 The Client hereby grants his/her permission to the Company to make use of his/her details in order to provide updates and/or information and/or promotion or marketing purposes through the Clients E-mail address or other contact information. Cancellation of this consent shall be done in writing by providing written notice to the Company, and shall apply to new publications that have not been sent.

8.4 The Client agrees and acknowledges that the Company may record all conversations with the Client and monitor (and maintain a record of) all emails sent by or to the Company. All such records are the Company’s property and can be used by the Company, among other things, in the case of a dispute between the Company and the Client.

8.5 Affiliation - the Company may share commissions and charges with its associates, introducing brokers or other third parties (“Affiliates”), or receive remuneration from them in respect of contracts entered into by the Company. Such Affiliates of the Company may be disclosed with Client’s information.

8.6 The Company’s Trading Platform, Website or other services may require the use of ‘Cookies’.

9.1 The Client represents that it has been solely responsible for making its own independent appraisal and investigations into the risks of any Transaction. The Client represents that it has sufficient knowledge, market sophistication and experience to make its own evaluation of the merits and risks of any Transaction. The Company does not advise its Clients in regard to the expected profitability of any Transaction, and any tax or other consequences. The Client acknowledges that he has read and understood the Risk Disclosure Document which sets out the nature and risks of Transactions to which this Agreement relates.

9.2 Where the Company does provide market commentary or other information: (a) this is incidental to the Client’s relationship with the Company. (b) It is provided solely to enable the Client to make its own investment decisions.

9.3 The Company shall not be responsible for the consequences of the Client acting upon such trading recommendations, market commentary or other information.

9.4 The Client acknowledges that the Company shall not, in the absence of its fraud, willful default or gross negligence, be liable for any losses, costs, expenses or damages suffered by the Client arising from any inaccuracy or mistake in any information given to the Client.

9.5 The Company is under no obligation to assess the appropriateness of any Transaction for a Client, to assess whether or not the Client has the necessary knowledge and experience to understand the nature of and risks associated with the Transactions. All risks related to the above are under the sole responsibility of the Client.

9.6 Any tax applying on the Client and/or results from the Client’s trading activity, including trading profits and/or trading losses and/or any charges and/or deductions, shall be under the Client’s full and sole responsibility. The Client shall personally report and pay any personal, federal, state and local tax liability he is obligated to, if applied. The Company serves as a mediator only and does not collect deduct, pay or withhold tax from the Client. The Company reserves the right, if ordered by an official entity, to deduct tax from the Client and deliver it to the proper tax authority as ordered by the official entity.

10. Closing an account and cancellation of the agreement

10.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving 10 (Ten) business days written notice by email to [email protected]. of termination to the other party. Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately in any case of any breach of this Agreement or event of Default by the other Party. Upon terminating notice of this Agreement, Client shall be under the obligation to close all open positions, otherwise, the notice shall become void, or the Company shall have the right to close all open positions without assuming any responsibility. Such closer may result in outcome that would be less favorable for the Client.

10.2 Termination shall not affect any outstanding rights and obligations according to the applicable law and the provisions of this this Agreement.

10.3 Upon termination, all amounts payable by Either Party to the other Party will become immediately due.

11. Limitations of Liability and Indemnities


11.2 Client acknowledges and agrees that the Trading Platform follows the relevant market, whether the Client is in front of his computer or not, and whether the Clients computer is switched on or not, and will exercises the order left by the Client if applicable.

11.3 The Client shall, upon first demand by the Company, compensate the Company from and against all liabilities, damages, losses and costs (including reasonable legal costs), duties, taxes, charges, commissions or other expenses incurred by the Company.

11.4 The Company shall have the right to set-off any amount owed by the Company to the Client, against any debt or other obligation of the Client towards the Company. In any event of Default of Client (voluntary or involuntary insolvency procedures against the Client) all debts, future debts and other obligations of the Client towards the Company shall become immediately due.

12. General Provisions

12.1 Amendments – The Company has the right to amend the Agreement without obtaining any prior consent from the Client. If the Company makes any material change to the Agreement, it will give at least 10 (Ten) Business Days’ notice of such change to the Client. Such amendment will become effective on the date specified in the notice. Unless otherwise agreed, an amendment will not affect any outstanding order or Transaction or any legal rights or obligations which may already have arisen.

12.2 Partial invalidity - If, at any time, any provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law of any jurisdiction, neither the legality, validity or enforce ability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement nor the legality, validity or enforce ability of such provision under the law of any other jurisdiction shall in any way be affected or impaired.

12.3 Joint account - If the Trading Account is a joint account (on the name of more than one entity), then each of the entities in the Trading Account shall be authorized to represent the other entities towards the Company, with no requirement of any prior notice or approval from the other entities. Each of the entities in the Trading Account agrees that any notice or instruction given by the Company to any of the entities shall be considered as given to all the entities. In case of contradiction between instructions given to the Company by different entities, then the last instruction received by the Company will prevail.

12.4 Notices – Unless otherwise agreed, all notices, instructions and other communications to be given by the Company shall be given to the address or fax number provided by the Client, or via e-mail or other electronic means, details of which are provided by the Client to the Company. Any complaint shall be directed to the Company’s client services department, who will investigate the complaint and make every effort to resolve it. Such a complaint should be made to: [email protected]

12.5 Governing Law – These Terms and any relationship between the Company and the Client shall be governed by law applicable in Belize and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Belize courts. The Company shall have the right, in order to collect funds owed to the Company by Client or to protect the Company’s rights such as good-name, intellectual property, privacy etc. to immediately bring legal proceedings against the Client, in the Client’s residency and according to the Client’s residency applicable law.

12.6 No Right to Assign - No rights under this Agreement shall be assignable nor any duties assumed by another party except to/by an affiliate of The Company. Upon assignment to an Affiliate of the Company, the terms of this Agreement may be amended to fit any applicable regulation effective upon the assignee, and Client hereby consent in advance to such regulatory modifications to this Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors heirs of the Client.

12.7 Dormant Trading - If the Client will not perform any trading activity or his trading activity will be in very low volume, for the time period defined by the Company, or if the Client does not hold minimum funds in his Trading Account, defined by the Company, the Company may, charge the Trading Account with Dormant Trading commission, at a rate to be determined by the Company from time to time, close any open trade and/or the Client access to the Trading Account and/or terminate this Agreement.

12.8 Language, Notices and Complaints – All communications between the Company and the Client will be in English or in any Language, suitable both to the Client and the Company.

12.9 Force majeure – The Company shall not bear responsibility to any harm or any form which shall be caused to the Client in the event that such harm is the result of a force majeure and any outside event which is not in the control of the Company which influences Trading. The Company shall not bear any responsibility for any delay in communications and/or failure in the internet, including, without limitation, computer crashes or any other technical failure, whether caused by the telephone companies and various telecommunication lines, the ISP computers, the Company’s computers or the Customer’s Computers.

We wish you successful trading!

Nextoption General Risk Disclosure

Trading in Binary Options is considered a risky and speculative investment venue.

The relevant markets for Trading are characterized as high volatile markets, which inherits high risk in evaluating the outcome of a binary option. The Company is not and will not, in any way, be responsible to the outcome of any transaction executed by the Client.

Client should never fund his trading activities with retirement savings, loans, mortgages, emergency funds, funds set aside for purposes such as education or home ownership, or funds required for current income or present or future medical expenses.

Not following the rules and regulations applicable to Trading or any other applicable regulation may result in forced closure of positions (“Trades”), temporary freezing of the Client’s account, closing the account and/or other actions necessary for the protection of the Company.

The Client must be knowledgeable in the use and functionality of the Trading software provided by the Company, or by any third-party provider, in order to correctly interpret account information and to be able to place orders correctly.

The Company makes no warranty regarding the effectiveness, accuracy or efficiency of the Trading Platforms. From time to time, the Client may have difficulty accessing its account data due to a possible myriad of technical problems. The Company makes no warranty of merchant ability, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, and no other warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding this service, data or information provided thereby, or any aspect regarding the order entry or execution services, except as required by applicable law, regarding possible damages, including, but not limited to, lost profits, trading losses or damages that result from reliance on inaccurate data, or delay or loss of access to customer account execution services.

El cliente debe reconciliar su cuenta con frecuencia. Any suspected discrepancies should be immediately brought to Company’s attention. All trade confirmations and monthly statements will be deemed accepted by you if not complained of upon receipt.

The trading services provided are intended to provide professional and non-professional Traders with a mechanism for execution of trades. The Company is neither registered investment advisers nor broker dealers.

Cease of Trading – Due to the fact that commerce system is based, among others, on networks for the exchange of information and the Internet, the commerce or any part thereof may be ceased and/or disrupted and etc. without prior notice or for reasons which are not under the Company’s control. The Company shall be permitted, inter ilia, to close or adjust Client’s open transactions.

Terms And Conditions

Nextoption Client Account Terms and Conditions

1.1 This client agreement (the “Agreement”)is entered by and between Nextoption (the “Company”) and the person and/or legal entity that has applied to open a trading account at the Company’s Binary Options trading platform (the “Client”), according to the terms and conditions detailed in this agreement.

1.2 Trading in Binary Options (“Trading”), means that a contract is being created which gives the Client the right to estimate the direction of change in price of an underlying asset, within a certain time frame determined by the Company. This trading instrument is different from trading in trading in ‘options’ in a traditional way, since there is a fixed return that is determined at the outset of the trade, such as: there is usually no Stop-Loss order and other features.

2. The Trading Account

2.1 Account Opening – Client may apply for an account through the Company’s website and the Company will accept such account opening application (the “Trading Account”) under the following terms: (i) the Company has received confirmation that the Client has agreed to enter into this Agreement (such confirmation can be made by checking the “I AGREE” button or link on the Company’s Internet website (the “Website”), followed by a completed application form (if applicable) and all other Client’s information required by the Company to be provided. The Client confirms that Client’s information is full, accurate and complete. If there is a change in the information provided by the Client, the Client must notify the Company immediately of any such change.

2.2 Usage of the Trading Platform is done through the Account, by a limited license provided by the Company to the Client. The license is personal, non-transferable and is for persons who are older than 18 years old (or older legal age, if the law applicable to the Client’s jurisdictions requires a higher legal age) and subject to this Agreement. The Client will not transfer, assign, or enable other to make any use of the license, and/or give the Clients access codes to the Trading Account to anyone. Any damage caused to the Client, the Company and any third party due to breach of this Agreement by Client, shall be under the Client’s sole responsibility.

2.3 Activation of the Trading Account – The Account will be activated by the Company as soon as the Company has identified the funds credited by the Client to the Trading Account. The Company may activate the Trading Account and permit trading in the Trading Account subject to such limitations, and to the satisfaction of such further requirements as the Company may impose. Where a Trading Account is not activated or is frozen, no funds held by the Company in respect of that Trading Account may be transferred back or to any other person until the Company is satisfied that all Applicable Regulations have been complied with.

2.4 The Company may act, according to the Company’s sole discretion, as principal or as agent on the Client’s behalf in relation to any Transaction entered into pursuant to the Agreement. Therefore the Company may act as the counter party to the Clients Trading activity. The Client confirms that it acts as the sole principal and not as agent or trustee on behalf of someone else.

2.5 The Client hereby represents and warrants that his engagement with the Company in this Agreement and his use of the Company’s services are in full compliance with the law applicable to the Client.

3. The Transactions

3.1 The Trading Platform enables Binary Options trading in exchange rates of different currencies, commodities, and any other financial instruments made available by the Company. The Trading Platform displays indicative quotes of exchange rates of different financial instruments pairs, based on different financial information systems, as the most updated exchange rates in the international capital markets. For determining the quotes for different time periods, the platform is making mathematical calculations according to known and accepted capital markets formulas. It is acknowledged by both Parties that due to different calculation methods and other circumstances, different trading platforms and/or markets may display different price quotes.

3.2 The Client will receive a predetermined pay-out if his binary option transaction expires in-the-money, and he will lose a predetermined amount of his investment in the Transaction if the option expires out-of-the-money. The predetermined amounts are a derivative of the collateral invested in the transaction by the Client, and will be published in the Trading Platform. The degree to which the option is in-the-money or out-of-the-money does not matter as it does with a traditional options

3.3 The Client authorizes the Company to rely and act on any order, request, instruction or other communication given or made (or purporting to be given or made) by the Client or any person authorized on the Client’s behalf, without further inquiry on the part of the Company as to the authenticity, genuineness authority or identity of the person giving or purporting to give such order, request, instruction or other communication. The Client will be responsible for and will be bound by all obligations entered into or assumed by the Company on behalf of the Client in consequence of or in connection with such orders, requests, instructions or other communication.

3.4 The Company reserves the right, but not obliged to the following: to set, at its absolute discretion, limits and/or parameters to control the Client’s ability to place orders or to restrict the terms on which a Transaction may be made. Such limits and/or parameters may be amended, increased, decreased, removed or added to by the Company.

3.5 Arbitrage/cancellation of orders and transactions – The Company does not allow actions or non-actions based on arbitrage calculations or other methods that are based on exploitation of different systems or platforms malfunction, delay, error etc. The Company is entitled, by its own discretion, to cancel any transaction that has been executed due or in connection with an error, system malfunction, breach of the Agreement by Client etc. The Company’s records will serve as decisive evidence to the correct quotes in the world capital markets and the wrong quotes given to the Client; The Company is entitled to correct or cancel any trade based according to the correct quotes.

3.6 Cancel Feature Abuse

Company offers a special cancellation feature that allows traders to cancel a trade within a few seconds of execution. Abuse of the cancellation feature can be considered market arbitrage and can result in forfeiture of profits. Company reserves the right to cancel a position if the cancellation feature is abused. The acceptable cancellation percentage cannot exceed 20% of the total number of executed trades. Cancelling more than 20% of the total number of executed trades is considered abuse of this feature and resulting profits may be forfeited from such abuse.

4.1 The Client may transfer funds to the Company with different methods of payment as permitted by the Company from time to time and in any currency (acceptable by the Company), and such funds will be converted and managed in the Trading Platform in US Dollars and/or Euro and/or GBP and/or CAD and/or AUD, as determined by the Company, according to an exchange rate determined by the Company’s according to the available market rates.

4.2 When making a bank transfer, the Client must send the Company an authentic SWIFT confirmation, stating full bank account details and proof that the bank account is registered under its name. Non-delivery of the SWIFT confirmation or in case that the details do not conform to the Client’s details registered at the Company may result in the funds not being credited to the Client’s Trading Account.

4.3 Whenever the Client transfers funds to the Company, those funds belong to the Company and will be treated by it as its own for the purpose of securing or covering the Client’s present, future, actual, contingent or prospective obligations, subject only to any contractual obligation of the Company to pay or return money to the Client according to the terms of this Agreement. The Client will not have a proprietary claim over money transferred to the Company, and the Company can deal with it in its own right. In determining the amount of collateral and the amount of the Company’s obligations to pay or return money to the Client, the Company may apply such methodology (including judgments as to the future movement of markets and values), as the Company considers appropriate.

4.4 The Funds deposited with the Company by the Client, together with any Profit or other Benefits the Client may be entitled to according to a specific agreement with the Company, shall be used as security to any Transaction, including Trading Losses, Commission and any other fee or debt owed by the Client to the Company, which will be automatically deducted from the Client’s equity in the Trading Account. The Client’s Funds shall not accumulate any interest or any other benefits. Trading in binary options that relate to a reference security shall not grant the Client any right to dividends, voting, allocations or any other Benefits, but may be subject to adjustments according to financial or corporate events which may have an effect the reference security, such as distribution of dividends, splits etc.

4.5 Repayment of any funds by the Company to the Client will be in the same currency and to the same account/credit card from which the funds were originally transferred, unless the Company has decided, by its own discretion, to return the funds to a different account of the Client.

4.6 The Client declares that all funds that it transfers to the Company do not derive from any criminal or other illegal activity and without any violation of any applicable anti money laundering laws and regulations.

4.7 The Client will have no claim against the Company and will not hold the Company responsible for any delay and/or differences originating from a credit company’s, banks or other financial institutions rates calculation and/or commission and/or any other debit.

4.8 Withdrawals – In case the Client gives an instruction to withdraw funds from the Trading Account, the Company shall pay the specified amount (less any transfer charges, if applicable) once a duly instruction has been accepted and at the moment of payment, the Client’s margin requirements have been met. Withdrawal procedure takes 7 business days once Client’s documentation submitted and approved. The Company may cancel the Client’s withdrawal order, if, according to the Company’s discretion, the remaining funds (after the withdrawal) shall not be sufficient to secure open Position(s) in the Trading Account.

4.9 The Company shall debit the Client’s Trading Account for all payment charges. If the Client has the obligation to pay any amount to the Company which exceeds the amount held in the Client’s Trading Account, the Client shall immediately pay such amount upon Company’s request.

4.10 The Company shall not provide physical delivery in relation to any Transaction. As mentioned above, Profit or loss is credited to or debited to or from the Trading Account (as applicable) once the Transaction is closed.

4.11 A trading volume of deposit X 20 is required in order to make a withdrawal and also bonus amount X 50 to withdraw the Bonus.

5. Fees & Charges

5.1 The Company does not charge brokerage fees or commissions for executing trades.

5.2 The Company charges a fee for transfers of funds standing to the credit of a Trading Account from the Company to the Client, currently equivalent to 35 units per transfer.

5.3 The Company may levy an additional charge(s) on transfers of funds to be credited to a Trading Account made by debit card or credit card.

5.4 The Company may introduce additional fees and charges, and may change any existing fees and charges, at any time, by giving the Client not less than 10 Business Days’ notice of such changes.

6. Account Statements

6.1 Trading Account balances and statements are displayed within the trading platform made available to the Client by the Company. Common terms definitions can be found on the Company’s Website.

7.1 In order to withdraw your bonus you must first complete a turnover of bonus amount x50.

7.2 Company may offer the Client Bonus as Credit or tangible gifts, from time to time, at its sole discretion.

7.3 Bonuses and profits that are based, even partially, on use of bonus credit, shall be forfeited in case the Company suspects any act of fraud or breach of the Company’s Terms and Conditions by Client.

8. Privacy and Data Protection

8.1 The Company shall hold some personal client information due to the nature of the Company’s business and relations with the Client. All data collected, whether on paper (hard copy) or on a computer (soft copy) is safeguarded in order to maintain the Client privacy.

8.2 The Company shall be permitted to disclose and/or use the Client Information for the following purposes: (a) internal use, including with affiliated entities; (b) As permitted or required by law; (c) protection against or prevent actual or potential fraud or unauthorized transactions or behavior (d) computerized supervision of Client’s use of the services, review and/or supervision and/or development and/or maintenance of the quality of services; (e) to protect the Company’s rights or obligation to observe any applicable law.

8.3 The Client hereby grants his/her permission to the Company to make use of his/her details in order to provide updates and/or information and/or promotion or marketing purposes through the Clients E-mail address or other contact information. Cancellation of this consent shall be done in writing by providing written notice to the Company, and shall apply to new publications that have not been sent.

8.4 The Client agrees and acknowledges that the Company may record all conversations with the Client and monitor (and maintain a record of) all emails sent by or to the Company. All such records are the Company’s property and can be used by the Company, among other things, in the case of a dispute between the Company and the Client.

8.5 Affiliation - the Company may share commissions and charges with its associates, introducing brokers or other third parties (“Affiliates”), or receive remuneration from them in respect of contracts entered into by the Company. Such Affiliates of the Company may be disclosed with Client’s information.

8.6 The Company’s Trading Platform, Website or other services may require the use of ‘Cookies’.

9.1 The Client represents that it has been solely responsible for making its own independent appraisal and investigations into the risks of any Transaction. The Client represents that it has sufficient knowledge, market sophistication and experience to make its own evaluation of the merits and risks of any Transaction. The Company does not advise its Clients in regard to the expected profitability of any Transaction, and any tax or other consequences. The Client acknowledges that he has read and understood the Risk Disclosure Document which sets out the nature and risks of Transactions to which this Agreement relates.

9.2 Where the Company does provide market commentary or other information: (a) this is incidental to the Client’s relationship with the Company. (b) It is provided solely to enable the Client to make its own investment decisions.

9.3 The Company shall not be responsible for the consequences of the Client acting upon such trading recommendations, market commentary or other information.

9.4 The Client acknowledges that the Company shall not, in the absence of its fraud, willful default or gross negligence, be liable for any losses, costs, expenses or damages suffered by the Client arising from any inaccuracy or mistake in any information given to the Client.

9.5 The Company is under no obligation to assess the appropriateness of any Transaction for a Client, to assess whether or not the Client has the necessary knowledge and experience to understand the nature of and risks associated with the Transactions. All risks related to the above are under the sole responsibility of the Client.

9.6 Any tax applying on the Client and/or results from the Client’s trading activity, including trading profits and/or trading losses and/or any charges and/or deductions, shall be under the Client’s full and sole responsibility. The Client shall personally report and pay any personal, federal, state and local tax liability he is obligated to, if applied. The Company serves as a mediator only and does not collect deduct, pay or withhold tax from the Client. The Company reserves the right, if ordered by an official entity, to deduct tax from the Client and deliver it to the proper tax authority as ordered by the official entity.

10. Closing an account and cancellation of the agreement

10.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving 10 (Ten) business days written notice by email to [email protected]. of termination to the other party. Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately in any case of any breach of this Agreement or event of Default by the other Party. Upon terminating notice of this Agreement, Client shall be under the obligation to close all open positions, otherwise, the notice shall become void, or the Company shall have the right to close all open positions without assuming any responsibility. Such closer may result in outcome that would be less favorable for the Client.

10.2 Termination shall not affect any outstanding rights and obligations according to the applicable law and the provisions of this this Agreement.

10.3 Upon termination, all amounts payable by Either Party to the other Party will become immediately due.

11. Limitations of Liability and Indemnities


11.2 Client acknowledges and agrees that the Trading Platform follows the relevant market, whether the Client is in front of his computer or not, and whether the Clients computer is switched on or not, and will exercises the order left by the Client if applicable.

11.3 The Client shall, upon first demand by the Company, compensate the Company from and against all liabilities, damages, losses and costs (including reasonable legal costs), duties, taxes, charges, commissions or other expenses incurred by the Company.

11.4 The Company shall have the right to set-off any amount owed by the Company to the Client, against any debt or other obligation of the Client towards the Company. In any event of Default of Client (voluntary or involuntary insolvency procedures against the Client) all debts, future debts and other obligations of the Client towards the Company shall become immediately due.

12. General Provisions

12.1 Amendments – The Company has the right to amend the Agreement without obtaining any prior consent from the Client. If the Company makes any material change to the Agreement, it will give at least 10 (Ten) Business Days’ notice of such change to the Client. Such amendment will become effective on the date specified in the notice. Unless otherwise agreed, an amendment will not affect any outstanding order or Transaction or any legal rights or obligations which may already have arisen.

12.2 Partial invalidity - If, at any time, any provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law of any jurisdiction, neither the legality, validity or enforce ability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement nor the legality, validity or enforce ability of such provision under the law of any other jurisdiction shall in any way be affected or impaired.

12.3 Joint account - If the Trading Account is a joint account (on the name of more than one entity), then each of the entities in the Trading Account shall be authorized to represent the other entities towards the Company, with no requirement of any prior notice or approval from the other entities. Each of the entities in the Trading Account agrees that any notice or instruction given by the Company to any of the entities shall be considered as given to all the entities. In case of contradiction between instructions given to the Company by different entities, then the last instruction received by the Company will prevail.

12.4 Notices – Unless otherwise agreed, all notices, instructions and other communications to be given by the Company shall be given to the address or fax number provided by the Client, or via e-mail or other electronic means, details of which are provided by the Client to the Company. Any complaint shall be directed to the Company’s client services department, who will investigate the complaint and make every effort to resolve it. Such a complaint should be made to: [email protected]

12.5 Governing Law – These Terms and any relationship between the Company and the Client shall be governed by law applicable in Belize and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Belize courts. The Company shall have the right, in order to collect funds owed to the Company by Client or to protect the Company’s rights such as good-name, intellectual property, privacy etc. to immediately bring legal proceedings against the Client, in the Client’s residency and according to the Client’s residency applicable law.

12.6 No Right to Assign - No rights under this Agreement shall be assignable nor any duties assumed by another party except to/by an affiliate of The Company. Upon assignment to an Affiliate of the Company, the terms of this Agreement may be amended to fit any applicable regulation effective upon the assignee, and Client hereby consent in advance to such regulatory modifications to this Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors heirs of the Client.

12.7 Dormant Trading - If the Client will not perform any trading activity or his trading activity will be in very low volume, for the time period defined by the Company, or if the Client does not hold minimum funds in his Trading Account, defined by the Company, the Company may, charge the Trading Account with Dormant Trading commission, at a rate to be determined by the Company from time to time, close any open trade and/or the Client access to the Trading Account and/or terminate this Agreement.

12.8 Language, Notices and Complaints – All communications between the Company and the Client will be in English or in any Language, suitable both to the Client and the Company.

12.9 Force majeure – The Company shall not bear responsibility to any harm or any form which shall be caused to the Client in the event that such harm is the result of a force majeure and any outside event which is not in the control of the Company which influences Trading. The Company shall not bear any responsibility for any delay in communications and/or failure in the internet, including, without limitation, computer crashes or any other technical failure, whether caused by the telephone companies and various telecommunication lines, the ISP computers, the Company’s computers or the Customer’s Computers.

We wish you successful trading!

Nextoption General Risk Disclosure

Trading in Binary Options is considered a risky and speculative investment venue.

The relevant markets for Trading are characterized as high volatile markets, which inherits high risk in evaluating the outcome of a binary option. The Company is not and will not, in any way, be responsible to the outcome of any transaction executed by the Client.

Client should never fund his trading activities with retirement savings, loans, mortgages, emergency funds, funds set aside for purposes such as education or home ownership, or funds required for current income or present or future medical expenses.

Not following the rules and regulations applicable to Trading or any other applicable regulation may result in forced closure of positions (“Trades”), temporary freezing of the Client’s account, closing the account and/or other actions necessary for the protection of the Company.

The Client must be knowledgeable in the use and functionality of the Trading software provided by the Company, or by any third-party provider, in order to correctly interpret account information and to be able to place orders correctly.

The Company makes no warranty regarding the effectiveness, accuracy or efficiency of the Trading Platforms. From time to time, the Client may have difficulty accessing its account data due to a possible myriad of technical problems. The Company makes no warranty of merchant ability, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, and no other warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding this service, data or information provided thereby, or any aspect regarding the order entry or execution services, except as required by applicable law, regarding possible damages, including, but not limited to, lost profits, trading losses or damages that result from reliance on inaccurate data, or delay or loss of access to customer account execution services.

El cliente debe reconciliar su cuenta con frecuencia. Any suspected discrepancies should be immediately brought to Company’s attention. All trade confirmations and monthly statements will be deemed accepted by you if not complained of upon receipt.

The trading services provided are intended to provide professional and non-professional Traders with a mechanism for execution of trades. The Company is neither registered investment advisers nor broker dealers.

Cease of Trading – Due to the fact that commerce system is based, among others, on networks for the exchange of information and the Internet, the commerce or any part thereof may be ceased and/or disrupted and etc. without prior notice or for reasons which are not under the Company’s control. The Company shall be permitted, inter ilia, to close or adjust Client’s open transactions.

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Options Domination Review: Another Binary Scam!

Type: Binary Options Trading

Price: Based On Package

Basic – $49.95 Monthly

Intermediate – $199.95 Monthly

Advanced – $399.95 Monthly

Rank: -10/100 – Total Scam!

In this review, I would like to go over and talk about one of the most current popular ways of how so many individuals are losing money online!

By the end of this review, you will be proposed with an Options Domination alternative that will literally help and allow you to create your own full-time income online… But, before doing so, it is vital I first give you my thorough in-depth perspective and review on Options Domination and the many drawbacks involved in todays binary option trading markets.

Moreover, it has become the growing popular result of binary option marketing schemes thats caused a wide exploitation of this crowd, taking greater advantage everyday of new individuals by proposing something for free only to make commissions off you.

So What Is Options Domination?

The same creators behind this latest launch, Options Domination are the same people who also run the more popular system known as DS Domination ; a product that is focused on a completely different niche entirely and personally have found their DS Domination system to be absolutely irresponsible and immature.

While Options Domination focuses on making profits and income off the binary market, DS Dominations is a product that focuses on teaching how to become successful by using dropshipping methods on Ebay and Amazon.

By the end of the day however, both these products do a great job at failing how to teach any reliable methods, with horrendous support. Last but not least, the manners in which the creators of this product attempt to teach us, are not only unreliable but simply unethical and unprofessional, using a sarcastic tone of voice, and plenty of badmouthing.

How Options Domination Works?

The way this new products works is by the use of a binary option trading service that utilizes binary trading and alleged binary signal services to help you make money by trading.

When signing up with Options Domination, you can expect to be provided with various signal services and some personal brokers to assist you in making your binary calls.

Some of the biggest claims made by Options Domination, are that you can be successful with no previous binary trading experience, and an increasing higher success rate by utilizing Options Domination signals.

Why Options Domination Is a Full-Out Scam?

I know it can be tough at first to fully and entirely believe these binary option trading softwares and systems to be scams, given the never-ending hype, buzz, and (fake) income proofs.

However, it is important to realize and look at this from the RIGHT perspective – Example: why would Options Domination even be in business if the owners/creators knew how to make ‘so much money’ in the binary option trading market. they wouldn’t!

It’s a simple and well-known fact, that if the Options Domination creators literally had the key or the secret to being able to somehow foretell which trades were going to go up, and which trades would be going down, they would have zero reason in the world to share that with us!

The Truth About Options Domination!

So here is the truth about what is going on with Options Domination and other like-minded products – It is a product that has been merely created for the extreme selfish greed and profit of the creators. Regardless of whether this is the news you were trying to avoid or simply didn’t want to read, it is the absolute and complete, 100% truth. Not even the slightest question about it.

More About Binary Scams:

In my time of online marketing, I have witnessed and reviewed close to 50 various and different binary option trading products. All of which, are getting smarter, by targeting such a wide crowd in the audience, and creating new affiliates who have no problem falsely promoting this scam from the top of their lungs simply to make some of your gambled money away!

The large proportion of binary scams have nevertheless, devised a system or software that promises and guarantees to be absolutely free.

While the actual system or software might be, not only have the owners and creators just hit two birds with one stone by…

#1 – Capturing Your E-mail Address For Future Promotions

#2 – Offering You a Downloadable System

But have additionally found a way to increase your very chances of depositing your first $250 to activate your trades, a significant amount of money, that you are more than likely about to lose in your first hour alone.

Regardless, the outcome for the owners of Options Domination, and many other similar products tend to result in the same – Making a significant amount of affiliate commissions off of your binary option trade.

Use Of Fake Binary Signal Service!

Moreover, in my opinion, I have found Options Domination to be much worse than our average binary option product out there. The reason being they tend to offer what they call a “monthly signal service,” which essentially pretends to act as a signaling service for each trade on the market, by telling us which bets are likely to make us money, and which aren’t.

It’s just like, NO different, than gambling itself, and the manner in which these products are being promoted to us is a simple and absolute disgrace!

These products are literally baffling my mind more and more by the day, seeing the masses of people willing to lie to our faces, to try and get into our pockets, by fooling us in some of the most wrongful illegitimate, borderline illegal, methods.

Nevertheless, Options Dominations use of affiliate promotion, has made this product all the more popular, but is quickly losing many of its proponents, by proving to people and everybody out there, how much of a scam they truly are.

Options Domination Pricing

There are three packages included with Options Domination, however, this is only a piece of the cost. Therefore, in order to start and to continue trading with Options Domination, you are required to start with a $250 minimum investment, and from there on out continue depositing money, to begin betting away!

Basic Package (Inheritance Package) – $49.95 Monthly Fee: (Claims to have a 68 to 70% success rate, with payouts as high as 80%)

Intermediate Package (Enterprise Package) – $149.95 Monthly Fee: (Includes all the inheritance package materials along with live weekly webinars on how and why you should be trading… Additionally claims to have a 75 to 85% success rate and ability to make Market Trades)

Advanced Package (Legacy Package) – $399.95 Monthly Fee: (Claims your ability to invest in other interest paying assets and ability to get more exclusive trades with minimized risk)

Minimum Deposit/Investment..

As stated, you will need a minimum of $250 to begin utilizing Options Domination. Just like any binary options trading platform, service or software would. However, as a result of this Options Domination scam, they immediately recommend you deposit $1,000. Not for your individual advantage as they claim, but for them to make immediate profits off you.

Added 7 Risk FREE Trades of $50!

Now why would Options Domination add these seven risk “FREE” vientos alisios. Well, if you correctly did the math, you would see that as a result of adding these ‘free’ trades in would give any individual all the more reason to join this product.

As a result, you would care less about how much you were likely to win, and look at it from a different perspective… Because of the truly bad rep that has grown in the binary option trading market world, it is no wonder, the creators would add this in.

Nevertheless, say you lose these “7 Risk Free Trades,” you will get $200 in cash back. BUT think about it like this, you are already investing $250 in the first place.

Therefore, no matter what, you will have lost $50. Essentially, for your co-operation, Options Domination is saying:

“OK lets look more legit, and offer each one $200 Cash-Back. This way they are all likely to deposit and bet it back on a trade anyway! Either way, win-win for us..”

Options Domination Matrix Plan

Now the very last item I would like to describe, is its Matrix Compensation Plan, using a Tri-Matrix system and works as the follows:

M1 – Matrix 1, a standard 3 by 7 forced matrix, where the individuals who join in earlier are placed higher up within.

M2 – Matrix 2, a reversed matrix, where people who join last, are placed at the top of this forced matrix.

In order to become a member in earn off this matrix, you must be a paying monthly member ( package worth $49.94, $149.95, or $399 ), making this product all the more a scam.

Even if you were to just join Options Domination to begin and try earning off this matrix scheme, you are much, much more likely to lose out than gain anything, given the extremely high package cost! Honestly, who is willing to $399 EVERY month, just to try and earn in this really dumb low-paying matrix.

Options Domination Compensation Plan

Here is a very brief compensation plan of what you could expect. Quick Note: I am honestly at a total and complete loss at this point trying to find and understand what the objective of these guys are…

Apparently, it is nothing more, than their own selfish compensation – As long as you are willing to pay something, or cough up some amount of money, these guys couldn’t give a damn less! That’s a FACT.

$49.95 Package paying members – Paid $1

$149.95 Package paying members – Paid $3

$399.95 Package paying members – Paid $7

Additional Options Domination Affiliate Fee: $9.95 Monthly.

Options Domination Overview

To conclude, I hope this in-depth review has helped and assisted in your ultimate deciding choice. I could go on, but the entire point of this review, is to really help show you how much of a scam Options Domination really is. The entire thing is actually.

The reason I now presently caution you and everyone out there to stay away, is literally to help avoid giving these guys any satisfaction. It is not nice to be fooled out of your own money, especially when we are all looking for a way to create a decent income for ourselves.

To leave you hanging at this point would simply be foolish of me, but I would like to let you in on how I have managed to escape these everyday scams and schemes, by having found such a concrete and wonderful way of making an online income.

I hope this review has helped you as best as possible. If you would like to leave me any comments, questions, or concerns, there is more than enough room to leave them below ;)

Hi I'm Peter. I'm 27 years old and I'm a Uconn graduate who finally found his way through life by becoming a full-time affiliate marketer. I enjoy trying out new things and believe there's no greater satisfaction than being able to make money on your own time!

2 Comments on "Options Domination Review: Another Binary Scam!"

Hey, I’m pretty sure by trading, you’re actually investing. One thing involves trading and the other deals with stock options. I would like to know the difference, if you don’t mind helping me. I’m really looking to start making money online, but would rather not have to deal with customers or anything along the lines. Could this be a good option for me? I do know that I need a good amount of money just to get started, but how much money exactly would I need to sufficiently get myself started with binary trading? Thanks a lot for this Options Domination review btw. Very helpful!

Hi Iris, thanks for the inquiry. Yes many people seem to confuse binary trading with investing, however the two are totally different. While binary deals with short-term, highly volatile trades, Wall Street and stock options, deal with long-term investing.

Binary trading was actually legalized back only in 2008, and should really be considered more of a ‘legalized kind of gambling.’ What you’re doing is risking and putting all your money on the line. If you win, usually you win up to 75% of your trade.

If you lose, you lose all your money in the trade. Therefore, typically your more likely to lose more than you win, statistically speaking. To get started in Binary Trading, you’re usually required to deposit a minimum of $250 to begin trading. When joining a product like Options Domination however, you are looking at spending a monthly membership fee on top of that.

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