Wednesday 8 November 2017

Opciones Binarias Eur Usd

Opciones binarias EUR-USD

Trading EUR-USD

Trading EUR USD par de divisas puede ser muy rentable. Entrar en los mercados a través de Forex ha sido una opción popular en los últimos años. Sólo tienes que encender la televisión para ser bombardeado por anuncios de Forex. Las divisas no tienen un valor sólido propio, en términos de Forex, y están directamente vinculados al desempeño y el sentimiento sobre su economía (o economía zonal con el euro). Las opciones binarias proporcionan una manera interesante de hacer enormes beneficios sobre una base en curso y también se utilizan a veces para cubrir oficios en otras plataformas comerciales.

La zona del euro ha estado en un pedacito de un lío de vez en cuando. La crisis de la deuda soberana infectó a la región. Grecia, España. Portugal e Italia están experimentando dificultades, varios de los cuales han requerido rescates y severas medidas de austeridad a nivel nacional. Los bonos griegos fueron rebajados a & ldquo; el estado de la chatarra & rdquo ;. Sólo la potencia económica Alemania conserva su calificación crediticia triple A (ene. 2017) con las tres principales agencias de calificación. Incluso Alemania ha visto su justa decepción en términos de rendimiento económico a lo largo de los años.

La economía estadounidense no ha funcionado mejor que la zona euro. En 2008, la burbuja del crédito finalmente estalló y desde entonces el crecimiento económico ha estado algo estancado. Estados Unidos sigue siendo la potencia del mundo, oficialmente al menos, y está creciendo de nuevo. Una vez más, la economía se caracteriza por la deuda. Los niveles de deuda estadounidenses son una preocupación real. Los EE. UU. todavía alberga algunas de las empresas más influyentes y rentables en el mundo y es una nación de gran consumo.

EUR USD par de divisas

En los últimos 10 años, el Euro frente al Dólar ha sido tan alto como 1.597 y tan bajo como 1.054. Actualmente se sitúa alrededor del nivel de 1,32 (enero de 2017). La relación entre las dos monedas es bastante volátil con cada región que experimenta su parte justa de problemas. Los operadores de opciones binarias EUR-USD pueden obtener excelentes beneficios si pueden consolidar todo su análisis para identificar la fortaleza relativa de las dos economías. El análisis técnico es una clave vital para una negociación exitosa en un par de divisas de USD.

Corredores de opciones binarias EUR-USD

¿Está buscando dónde negociar opciones binarias EUR-USD?

Hemos hecho el legwork para que usted encuentre los mejores corredores de las opciones binarias EUR-USD. Así que aquí están:

Todos los comentarios de los brokers que usted puede encontrar aquí son probados, varified y aprobados por nuestros expertos. Es por eso que puede estar seguro de que después de haber elegido cualquiera de los corredores de opciones binarias EUR-USD de nuestra lista obtendrá una excelente experiencia comercial. Más sobre, usted puede encontrar fácilmente videos binarios de las opciones junto con otros varios materiales de la educación casi en cada corredor. Esperamos que el comercio de opciones binarias EUR-USD se convierta en una nueva actividad interesante y cautivadora que le traerá grandes pagos.

Tome nuestro simulador de comercio y la calculadora financiera, no pierda su oportunidad de aprender su nivel de conocimientos y habilidades de negociar par de divisas EUR-USD. Después de que usted será capaz de tener la consulta personal del experto del corredor financiero de forma gratuita. También, usted es agradable ensamblar a nuestra calidad de miembro principal donde le proporcionarán más ventajas y recompensas de los especialistas binarios de las opciones. Ahora usted tiene una oportunidad única de aprender el comercio binario desde su lado más atractivo, así que no se detenga y buena suerte!



Menú principal

Opciones binarias Señal EUR / USD 20/03/14

Análisis de señales de opciones binarias

La nueva presidenta de la Fed, Janet Yellens, comenta acerca de la oportunidad de potenciales aumentos futuros de las tasas, estableciendo el mercado por un camino donde las tasas de interés aumentaron. El lenguaje de la Fed se analiza en la medida en que los inversionistas ahora creen que las tasas de interés se elevarán en el segundo trimestre de 2017, en lugar del Q3, lo que permitió que el dólar ganara terreno.

Momentum es negativo como el MACD (media móvil convergencia divergencia) índice generado una señal de venta. Un cierre por debajo de la línea de tendencia de soporte en 1.3820, sería un disparador para una señal para comprar una opción binaria puesta.

Opciones binarias Señales Punto de activación

Comprar una opción binaria diaria pone EUR / USD en un cierre diario por debajo de 1.3820.

Mensaje de navegación

Corredores de opciones binarias recomendadas

Corredor. Stockpair Comerciantes de los EEUU aceptados. NO Haga clic para visitar Stockpair

Corredor. CTOPTION Comerciantes de los EEUU aceptados. SI Haga clic para visitar CToption

Corredor. 24option Comerciantes de los EEUU aceptados. NO Haga clic para visitar 24option

Las últimas señales de las opciones binarias

Opciones binarias EUR / USD

Trading Opciones binarias de EUR / USD

El comercio de pares de divisas es el más líquido de opciones binarias de comercio como el mercado de divisas está activo 24 horas al día 6 días a la semana. El comercio comienza generalmente el lunes por la mañana en Australia y no termina hasta el viernes por la noche en Nueva York.

Los pares de divisas más líquidos son monedas que se negocian contra el dólar estadounidense. El dólar es el punto de referencia para muchos productos básicos, incluyendo materias primas como el oro y el petróleo y por lo tanto es la moneda más importante del mundo. El par de divisas más líquido para el dólar es el euro, ya que la Unión Europea es uno de los socios comerciales más activos de los Estados Unidos.

El par de divisas EUR / USD negocia alrededor del reloj, y generalmente tiene el mayor volumen de todos los pares de divisas activas. Se considera un par de divisas importante, y su liquidez proporciona el diferencial de oferta / oferta más ajustado. La oferta es donde los comerciantes están tratando de comprar un par de divisas y la oferta es donde los comerciantes están tratando de vender un par de divisas. Cuanto más estrecha sea la diferencia entre las dos monedas, más líquido será el par.

El tipo de cambio de un par de divisas refleja el número de unidades de una moneda que un comerciante necesita intercambiar por un número fijo de otra moneda. Por ejemplo, con el tipo de cambio EUR / USD a 1,05, se necesitaría cambiar 1,05 dólares por cada 1 euro comprado.

El tipo de cambio fluctúa basado en una serie de factores. Cuando las tasas de interés son más altas en un país en relación con otro, los inversores tendrán que pagar más para mantener la moneda que tiene las tasas de interés más bajas.

Por ejemplo, si compraba el EUR / USD y la fecha de liquidación no era de 2 años, obtendría casi un 1,2% al mantener dólares estadounidenses, pero perdería -0,20% al poseer euros. La diferencia del 1,4% en un período de dos años es un desincentivo para poseer el par de divisas EUR / USD y un incentivo para cortar el par de divisas EUR / USD.

Otra razón para la fluctuación del par de divisas es los movimientos históricos que forman las tendencias y los períodos de consolidación. Muchos comerciantes analizan los movimientos de precios para determinar si quieren mantener un par de divisas. Para analizar las tendencias muchos inversores utilizan el análisis técnico que ayuda a determinar si una tendencia es en lugar de un mercado se está consolidando. Por ejemplo, una tendencia a largo plazo se considera en su lugar cuando el promedio móvil de 50 días cruza por debajo o por encima de la media móvil de 200 días. En el gráfico siguiente, la media móvil de 50 días cruzó por debajo de la media móvil de 200 días en julio de 2017.

Los pares binarios de la opción binaria son instrumentos excelentes a utilizar para negociar el mercado de la FOREX. El par de divisas EUR / USD está activo dando a los operadores una oportunidad de tomar posiciones que son al final del día o intra-día y convertir estas transacciones en ganancias fuertes.

Nuestro Patrocinador (NO USA traders accepted)

Las Estrategias de Opciones Binarias EUR / USD

EUR / USD es el par más líquido y volátil de monedas que están disponibles en el comercio de opciones binarias. Se basa en las monedas más populares del mundo, y la ventaja de negociar esos pares es el hecho de que siempre tendrá un comprador para su pareja. Es decir, cuando usted quiere vender o comprar el par EUR / USD, usted tendrá siempre a alguien que desearía ser la otra parte de la transacción. Sin embargo, como todas las cosas buenas tienen un aspecto negativo, el par EUR / USD tiene sus desventajas en el comercio de opciones binarias, especialmente para los comerciantes principiantes.

En primer lugar, el par EUR / USD es popular. Esto significa que miles de operadores experimentados aplican sus estrategias de opciones binarias con este par en cada segundo. Como esas personas saben lo que están haciendo, es probablemente para los operadores inexpertos tomar decisiones equivocadas. El mejor consejo para los principiantes es seguir la tendencia. Usted no debe utilizar sus estrategias binarias de negociación de las opciones para encontrar una inversión espectacular de la tendencia. Por el contrario, si el mercado sube, sólo tiene que hacer su pedido y para ir junto con él.

El euro y el dólar estadounidense son las monedas más utilizadas del mundo. Estamos hablando de algunas monedas que no pueden ser afectadas por ningún rumor en el mercado, pero al mismo tiempo, esas monedas son el tema de millones de operaciones todos los días. Esta es la razón por la cual las noticias en el mercado y especialmente los diferentes anuncios hechos por el gobierno de Estados Unidos y por la Unión Europea pueden afectar el precio de este par.

Aplicando las opciones binarias correctas Estrategias para EUR / USD

En caso de que usted está negociando por períodos cortos, no debe preocuparse por esto, ya que es poco probable que el gobierno de EE. UU. para anunciar la bancarrota durante los 15 minutos al aplicar las estrategias de opciones binarias. Por otro lado, si desea invertir en plazos más largos, durante más de un día, su día de negociación debe comenzar con la lectura de las noticias de América del Norte y Europa.

La ventaja de las opciones binarias es el hecho de que sabes desde el principio cuánto ganarías. Los beneficios de las opciones binarias están garantizados, o en caso de que no, usted recibirá algo de dinero. Las opciones binarias son seguras, pero solo mientras sepa cómo usarlas. El par EUR / USD es perfecto para aprender las Estrategias de Opciones Binarias. Así que si usted necesita una educación sólida en opciones binarias, éste es el par que usted necesita buscar.

Broker de opciones binarias estupendas


Usted está aquí: Inicio / Estrategia / Trading Moneda: EUR / USD

Moneda de Negociación: EUR / USD

Las divisas se encuentran entre los mercados más grandes y más activamente negociados por ahí. Esto es importante saber porque esto significa que hay mucha liquidez en el mercado, por lo que es más fácil entrar y salir del comercio. Sin embargo, esto por sí solo no le hará ningún bien a menos que entienda las monedas subyacentes y cómo cambiarlas.

En este artículo, voy a revisar la forma de negociar el par Euro / dólar estadounidense, que es uno de los principales pares negociados en el mercado de divisas. Como usted sabe, las monedas reaccionan sobre todo a los acontecimientos macros dentro de un país. Por eso es importante vigilar las cifras del PIB, el desempleo, la confianza de los consumidores, etc.

Actualmente, Europa sigue afrontando su crisis de deuda y un entorno recesivo. Estos acontecimientos han dado el dólar de EE. UU. la mano superior, ya que se ha fortalecido considerablemente frente al Euro y otros pares en todo el mundo. Dicho esto, las condiciones macroeconómicas de los Estados Unidos continúan siendo suaves a medida que la recuperación económica continúa su lento proceso. Desde un punto de vista a corto plazo, el dólar estadounidense sigue siendo un activo de "refugio seguro", que continuará ejerciendo presión bajista sobre el euro. Sin embargo, una vez que las condiciones muestran signos de mejora fuera de Europa, puede ser hora de cambiar a la parte larga de la pareja. Sin embargo, todavía es demasiado pronto para pensar en ser largo el euro.

Para unirlas, los informes macro y los eventos descritos anteriormente se consideran datos fundamentales que podrían utilizarse para el comercio. Por el contrario, podría negociar el Euro / USD mediante análisis técnico. Si no está familiarizado con el análisis técnico, es el arte de seguir las tablas con poco o ningún respeto por los fundamentos; Aunque, es importante emparejar sus opiniones técnicas con los fundamentos.

Para utilizar el gráfico diario EUR / USD anterior, podemos ver que el par se encuentra actualmente en una tendencia bajista. Eso significa que el euro está perdiendo terreno frente al dólar. Sin embargo, podemos ver visualmente que el par alcanzó un nuevo mínimo justo por encima de $ 1,20 a finales de julio. Desde entonces, el Euro ha recuperado terreno, pero rápidamente enfrenta una resistencia de alrededor de 1,24 dólares o algo así. El euro tendrá que romper esta primera resistencia para ser considerado más como un largo.

A medida que lea más arriba, esta es la conversación inicial que debe tener consigo mismo cuando abra un gráfico del par que desea negociar mediante el análisis técnico. A partir de aquí, se movería a sus indicadores para obtener una mirada más en profundidad a donde el par se dirige.

La conclusión es que el mercado de divisas se mueve rápidamente y es, esencialmente, un 24 horas, 6 días a la semana del mercado. Esto plantea otros riesgos, como su posición moviéndose contra usted mientras duerme! Esta es la razón por la que usted utiliza órdenes de stop que limitan su riesgo a la baja en el caso de que su comercio no funciona. Además, es importante comprobar y ver si la moneda de cualquier país que está comerciando tiene datos económicos importantes mientras duerme.

Te daré un ejemplo. Digamos que usted está viviendo en los EE. UU. y que está negociando el par EUR / USD. Espero que el comerciante conozca el calendario de datos de EE. UU., pero es igualmente importante mantener un ojo en los datos que salen de Europa. Si el comerciante cae para mantener las pestañas en ambas fuentes de datos económicos, podría estar exponiéndose a riesgos extremos.

Dicho esto, los fundamentos y técnicas pueden ser utilizados para el comercio de divisas, pero recuerde comprobar sus resultados técnicos con los fundamentos subyacentes. Monedas de comercio puede ser muy gratificante, pero se necesita la disciplina de hierro y una comprensión completa de lo que está negociando.

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Menú principal

Opciones Binarias Señal EUR / USD 01/06/14

Análisis de señales de opciones binarias

Los sólidos datos económicos de Estados Unidos han empujado al dólar a un nivel más alto, socavando la fortaleza del par de divisas EUR / USD. Los datos de PMI más fuertes de lo esperado publicados el lunes ayudaron al euro a ganar tracción, pero los diferenciales de rendimiento continúan apuntando a un dólar más fuerte.

Técnicamente el impulso está en el favor de los dólares como el MACD generado una señal de la venta. Una línea cerrada por debajo de la línea de tendencia llevaría a una señal para vender el EUR / USD.

Opciones binarias Señales Punto de activación

Compra una opción binaria diaria puesta en EUR / USD en un cierre diario por encima de $ 1.3540

Mensaje de navegación

Corredores de opciones binarias recomendadas

Corredor. Stockpair Comerciantes de los EEUU aceptados. NO Haga clic para visitar Stockpair

Corredor. CTOPTION Comerciantes de los EEUU aceptados. YES Haga clic para visitar CToption

Corredor. 24option Comerciantes de los EEUU aceptados. NO Haga clic para visitar 24option

Las últimas señales de las opciones binarias

El par EUR / USD es uno de los pares de divisas más negociados en el mercado Forex. Así que para los comerciantes que están interesados ​​en el comercio de Forex con opciones binarias, deben ser conscientes de las fuerzas del mercado que afectará a los precios del par de divisas EUR / USD. Al estar familiarizado con estos factores, los comerciantes pueden obtener un & hellip;

Datos del mercado

Por favor espere - cargando datos.

Por favor espere - cargando datos.

Por favor espere - cargando datos.

Por favor espere - cargando datos.

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Corredores recomendados

Anyoption es un corredor galardonado.

El agente de opción binaria más seguro y confiable alrededor.

Obtenga un bono de bienvenida de 100% y 5 operaciones libres de riesgo.

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Divulgación de riesgos. BinaryOptionStrategy no acepta ninguna responsabilidad por pérdidas o daños como resultado de la dependencia de la información contenida en este sitio web; Esto incluye material educativo, cotizaciones de precios, datos de señales, ideas comerciales y análisis. Por favor, tenga en cuenta los riesgos asociados con el comercio de los mercados financieros; Nunca invertir más dinero que usted puede arriesgar perder. Los riesgos implicados en negociar opciones binarias son altos y pueden no ser convenientes para todos los inversionistas La estrategia binaria de la opción no conserva la responsabilidad de ninguna pérdida que comercialmente usted puede hacer frente como resultado de usar los datos recibidos En este sitio. Los datos y las cotizaciones contenidas en este sitio web no son proporcionados por los intercambios, sino más bien por los creadores de mercado. Así que los precios pueden ser diferentes de los precios de intercambio y pueden no ser exactos a los precios de comercio en tiempo real. Se suministran como una guía para el comercio y no para fines comerciales.


Por: Eduardo Castillo 8 de abril 2017 11:40 am GMT, Londres Reino Unido EUR / USD Cuanto más alto, más rápido caerá. Recuerde que todos los comerciantes tiempo mirar el movimiento de los activos y entrar cuando la tasa de activos es baja (precio barato) y comprar buenas posiciones. De acuerdo con la negociación de opciones binarias tenemos 2 posibilidades cuando compramos una posición, o compramos, o compramos abajo. Los activos se están moviendo hacia arriba y hacia abajo durante la sesión de negociación y están haciendo un montón de oportunidades para los comerciantes de la BO. Si nos fijamos en el análisis técnico, observamos que el EUR / USD ha tocado los niveles de resistencia que se fijaron para esta semana; Ahora estamos en 1.38057 esperábamos que el activo saltara de 1.37200 a 1.3800 desde ayer, por lo que estamos de pie el activo está en 1.38073 y sigue subiendo. ¿Hasta cuándo, podemos esperar que el activo continúe su tendencia alcista? Al menos para el final de esta semana, con los altibajos que el activo está haciendo en las sesiones de negociación, observamos algunas oportunidades para posiciones a corto plazo.

Permita el comercio con los límites, establezca el siguiente nivel de soporte y el siguiente nivel de resistencia y el comercio. Si usted ve que el activo está cerca del nivel de resistencia (Up Hill) aún no se ha alcanzado, entonces cambie Opciones de venta para corto plazo 10 min, 15 min o incluso 30 min máx .; Y en la otra mano cuando el activo alcanza el nivel de soporte y lo cruza deberías esperar sólo 2 minutos y no más que eso, para colocar tu comercio hacia la tendencia, si el activo continúa bajando lugar PUT posiciones para turbo comercios, 60 Seg 120 seg máx. Si el activo rebota, el comercio de alta por 30 segundos o 60 segundos máx. Recuerde cerca del lugar PUTS de la resistencia, cerca del lugar de la ayuda LLAMA.

Como COO de GOptions, mi primer y principal objetivo es proporcionar a los comerciantes la información más actualizada de los mercados. He estado negociando los mercados desde 2004 y he estado involucrado con acciones, opciones binarias, y el comercio de divisas desde entonces. No he tenido educación formal del mercado y me enorgullezco de un enfoque autodidacta de todo lo relacionado con el comercio. Trato de centrarse tanto en los aspectos técnicos y fundamentales relacionados con cada día de negociación y presentar los aspectos más importantes de riesgo / recompensa en el mercado.

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La negociación de opciones binarias con GOptions es una experiencia que no se puede comparar con otros corredores. Tenemos una oferta sin igual para los comerciantes de todo tipo con una amplia gama de activos comerciales disponibles las 24 horas del día de domingo a viernes e incluso opciones disponibles los fines de semana.

Como un grupo muy apretado de los comerciantes profesionales de las opciones de la divisa y de la divisa, la compañía tiene un sentido agudo de eso que los clientes encuentran importante; calidad. Hoy no basta tener la mejor plataforma o los retiros más rápidos. Los clientes como ustedes buscan más de la correduría que el aspecto técnico de las cosas. Ahí es donde GOptions verdaderamente brilla como somos todos los comerciantes y como tal, cualquier problema que pueda tener, siempre se le proporcionará respuestas de un comerciante. Así GOptions, en muchos sentidos es una plataforma de comercio por los comerciantes para los comerciantes.

Todo lo que hemos hecho ha sido con el comerciante en mente. Así que cuando revise lo que tenemos disponible, verá una masiva 150 activos disponibles para el comercio de una serie de maneras. Usted puede operar una amplia gama de expiries que van desde 30 segundos a 300 segundos en nuestra plataforma TURBO Options. Esto permite que las necesidades comerciales rápidas se lleven a cabo con la ejecución rápida del relámpago.

Los comerciantes también pueden negociar las opciones tradicionales Alto / Bajo o Llamar / Poner con expiras que van desde 10, 20, 30, 60 minutos hasta las opciones de fin de día. Los pares que negocian y las opciones a largo plazo están hechos disponibles 24 horas al día también.

Opciones de Ladder: opciones binarias con transparencia, sólo en GOptions

Sin embargo, la mayoría de los operadores de opciones binarias seguramente se enamorarán de nuestras opciones de escalera. Qué opciones de escalera proporcionan es un medio de la transparencia ocultado de otra manera por la niebla de la tasación. Lo que queremos decir es que al revisar las opciones binarias de precios en GOptions en las opciones tradicionales de alto / bajo, es casi imposible medir el sesgo direccional real de los mercados basados ​​sólo en el precio. Bueno, eso es sólo cierto si pasas por el increíble uso de opciones de escalera. Usted ve, las opciones de la escala proporcionan la tasación en, por debajo y por encima del precio de mercado. Así que lo que se puede ver es que GOptions ofrece a los operadores de opciones binarias un medio de medir la verdadera proclividad del mercado en cualquier momento.

A medida que el porcentaje de desembolso encabeza más alto para uno de los extremos en la escalera, puede estar seguro de que las fluctuaciones de precios son, por lo tanto, menos probable que la cabeza en esa dirección. En otras palabras, literalmente estamos diciéndole qué hacer a continuación. Al comprender mejor el comportamiento del mercado con métricas y herramientas reales, esperamos crear una mejor raza de comerciante. Para aquellos que no están familiarizados con algunas de las ofertas de GOptions, tenga en cuenta las siguientes opciones binarias de exclusión binaria: opciones binarias de 30 segundos, opciones binarias de 60 segundos, opciones de escalera y comercio de divisas. Estos están exclusivamente disponibles en las opciones binarias GOptions plataforma de comercio y para los comerciantes, esto debería ser simplemente una bendición. Las opciones binarias de 30 segundos, así como las opciones restantes de Turbo, son simplemente el medio más rápido y más impresionante de negociar opciones binarias hoy en día en el mundo. Al mirar los lugares de negociación de opciones binarias disponibles, es fácil ver por qué GOptions es un líder en todas las categorías como un corretaje y esto en general.

GOptions: La puerta de entrada al beneficio:

30 Las segundas opciones, cuando se usan con estrategias apropiadas, son la forma más rápida de rentabilidad actualmente alcanzable. Para aquellos que buscan otros medios de crear operaciones rentables sin el ritmo furioso de las opciones de 30 Segundos, 300 opciones de segundo o cinco minutos podría ser una mejor opción. Una vez más, el único objetivo de Goptions es expandir su oferta hacia y más allá del borde sangrante del mundo comercial sin comprometer nunca los principios sagrados que hacen que el comercio sea verdaderamente rentable.

Antes de explicar cuál es nuestra verdadera misión, GOptions, como equipo y personal, también desea dedicar un tiempo a explicar la ventaja técnica que tenemos como corretaje de opciones binarias. GOptions es la única agencia de corretaje que ofrece opciones binarias totalmente automatizadas operando al más alto nivel utilizando el software integrado de terceros. Con estas conexiones increíbles, GOptions es capaz de proporcionar una gama aún más amplia y atractiva de servicios que pueden ayudar a crear aún más beneficios y oportunidades comerciales para los comerciantes sobre una base diaria. Auto comercio con GOptions es simplemente la forma más suave y más robusto para convertir su comercio en la máquina que tiene que ser.

Tómese su tiempo y lea cuál es la misión de GOptions para su clientela y para usted. GOptions presenta sus opciones binarias

Nuestra misión se basa en proporcionar el más alto nivel de servicio a un comerciante muy exigente. Como se explica, somos comerciantes nosotros mismos y como tal, nuestro objetivo principal es proporcionar el nivel de servicio tanto en un nivel técnico y personal, que es lo que queremos para nosotros.

Esta misión se presta en cada aspecto del negocio que dirigimos en el nombre de GOptions.

Ya sea en lo que respecta a la amplia gama de activos, las expiciones a las que brindamos acceso, un increíble espectro de métodos comerciales y todo el camino hacia el servicio que ofrecemos.

Cuando se trata de servicio, es realmente clave que el personal aquí tiene experiencia real y válida cuando se trata de los problemas del día. Nadie puede estar 100% todo el tiempo. Las cosas pueden y saldrán mal. La plataforma de comercio podría tener un problema o tal vez una llamada importante con uno de nuestros representantes fue de repente cayó. Es el papel de la correduría con un alto nivel de servicio y un compromiso con la excelencia para resolver el problema. Sólo podemos ser tan buenos como nuestra última solución.

Así que cuando usted tiene un problema relacionado con el comercio, ¿quién preferiría tratar con él? Por supuesto que desea probado y probado opciones binarias expertos y somos los únicos capaces de proporcionar esto al más alto nivel.

Se producirán disputas comerciales. La plataforma se bloqueará. La ejecución se ralentizará. La pregunta es: ¿quién está ahí para ti cuando las cosas se rompen? La respuesta: Lo somos. Esa es la misión que hemos decidido emprender y para lograr esto hemos hecho una difícil elección de contratar sólo a los comerciantes de la empresa. Eso significa que incluso la secretaria tiene experiencia comercial y significa que toda la ayuda que usted recibe de nosotros será del más alto nivel de agentes experimentados y representantes de servicio las 24 horas del día.

Hemos invertido en todos los aspectos de este corretaje y sólo podemos esperar que usted venga a encontrar el servicio que proporcionamos de la más alta orden y ajuste a sus necesidades. Como parte de la misión de proporcionar este nivel de servicio continuo, nos hemos comprometido a ofrecer a los operadores de opciones binarias la posibilidad de obtener los pagos más competitivos disponibles en el mercado. Sin embargo, lo hemos llevado aún más lejos con nuestra cuenta VIP de opciones binarias. Con él, los comerciantes binarios tienen acceso a los seguros comerciales que las redes del cliente el 10% de cualquier mes perdidos en efectivo de vuelta. Lo hacemos como parte de un reembolso basado en el volumen, pero eso no es todo. Los operadores de opciones binarias con status VIP también tendrán acceso a un pago mayor en cualquier activo de su elección. Acople esta ofrenda con todo lo demás que se ofrece y te das cuenta de que aquí es donde vive el comercio: GOptions, bienvenido a la máquina mala!


Opciones de opciones binarias tiene algunos riesgos de pérdida de fondos parcial o total. Este hecho debe ser tenido en cuenta por cualquier comerciante que está planeando hacer beneficios por el comercio de opciones. GOptions aconseja a sus clientes leer nuestros términos y condiciones cuidadosamente antes de abrir posiciones en nuestra plataforma. El comercio de opciones binarias se basa en el precio de ejercicio y cómo se relaciona con el precio de vencimiento. Si la dirección elegida por el comerciante es correcta, el pago listado en la pantalla de negociación será el pago proporcionado al cliente como beneficio. Los operadores pueden operar, 30 segundos, 60 segundos, 120 segundos y opciones binarias a largo plazo. Escalera, pares, y el constructor de la opción también están disponibles para el comerciante. Por supuesto, se recomienda que los comerciantes elegir una estrategia adecuada de gestión del dinero que limita el total de operaciones consecutivas o total de la inversión pendiente. Se recomienda operar con los siguientes navegadores: Chrome y Firefox.

Los Servicios están disponibles y sólo pueden ser utilizados por individuos o empresas que puedan formar contratos legalmente vinculantes bajo la ley aplicable a su país de residencia que puede incluir países como Estados Unidos, Canadá, Corea del Norte, Siria, Líbia, Sudán y Cualquier otra jurisdicción en la que una actividad comercial de este tipo pueda considerarse ilegal. Sin limitar lo anterior, nuestros Servicios no están disponibles para menores de 18 años en la mayoría de las jurisdicciones o 21 en otros o de otra manera menores de edad ( "Menores"). Si es Menor o en un país listado, no puede usar este servicio. SI USTED NO CALIFICA, POR FAVOR NO USE NUESTRO SITIO

Sitio web operado por Go Trading Technologies Ltd. domicilio registrado 3er piso C & H Torres, Rincón de las calles Great Marlborough y Great George Roseau, 00152, PO BOX 2320 Dominica Servicios de pago Go Marketing Technologies Ltd. registrada 2 Lyuben Karavelov floor 2 flat 5 Plovdiv, 4002 Bulgaria


• Par de divisas: EUR / USD • Calendario: H4 (gráfico horario) • Opción binaria Recomendación comercial: Buscar opciones de venta binarias en comicios por encima de 1.1190 • Potencial de desventaja: El potencial negativo de esta opción binaria de venta es de 320 pips a 1.0870 • Potencial de subida: El potencial alcista para esta opción de venta binaria es de 70 pips a 1.1260

El EUR / USD se ha retirado de su máximo intra-diario más reciente de 1.1437 que fue alcanzado el 18 de junio de 2017. El avance emergió de su punto bajo intra-día de 1.0876 registrado el 28 de mayo de 2017 y este nivel marcó una ruptura falsa sobre su horizontal Nivel de resistencia. Además, el último día intra-día más alto representó una alta más alta en comparación con su máximo anterior intra-día de 1.1387 alcanzado el 10 de junio de 2017. El mejor sitio para el comercio de opciones ahora está favoreciendo las opciones de venta binarias en el par de divisas EUR / USD como Se espera más desventaja.

La acción del precio se está negociando actualmente dentro de su nivel de resistencia horizontal de donde el momento ascendente está siendo deflactado. Se espera que el EUR / USD descienda por debajo de su nivel de soporte ascendente y entre en una fase correctiva. Los operadores de opciones binarias pueden beneficiarse del movimiento anticipado hacia abajo con opciones binarias de venta. La estrategia de comercio de opciones binarias de hoy sugiere opciones de venta para ser colocadas en comicios por encima de 1,1190 para una relación riesgo / recompensa de 1,0 / 4,57.

El EUR / USD estuvo expuesto a una contracción en la volatilidad que acompañó su movimiento al alza, pero la ruptura falsa por encima de su nivel de resistencia horizontal resultó en un aumento en la volatilidad. Los operadores de opciones binarias necesitan estar preparados para otro aumento en la volatilidad, ya que la acción del precio está atrapada dentro de una formación de triángulo que converge dentro de su nivel de resistencia horizontal. Los compradores pueden intentar mantener la tendencia alcista intacta con una ruptura por encima de su nivel de resistencia descendente, pero los vendedores son favorecidos para poseer suficiente impulso hacia abajo para un desglose por debajo de su nivel de soporte ascendente y un movimiento acelerado hacia abajo.

El primer nivel de soporte, después de un desglose exitoso por debajo de su nivel de soporte ascendente, espera que el EUR / USD en su mínimo intra-día de 1.1135 registrado el 23 de junio de 2017. Este nivel marca la baja de su desviación inicial lejos de su máximo intra-día más reciente que condujo a una ruptura falsa por debajo de su nivel de resistencia horizontal. El siguiente nivel de soporte se establece en su mínimo intra-día de 1.1049 que se alcanzó el 5 de junio de 2017 desde donde un desglose llevará a este par de divisas a su nivel de soporte final ubicado en su mínimo intra-día de 1.0867 registrado el 28 de mayo de 2017 .

Se espera que los siguientes datos económicos de la zona euro afecten a la moneda base, el euro, del par de divisas EUR / USD: Encuesta alemana de confianza del consumidor GfK para el mes de julio: • Expectativas: Se espera un nivel de 10,2 para el mes De julio • Datos del informe anterior: Se informó un nivel de 10,2 en el mes de junio • Impacto en el euro: La esperada falta de crecimiento en la confianza de los consumidores alemanes puede ser suficiente para aplicar la presión a la baja sobre el euro, / USD par de divisas

In addition the following economic report out of the United States is expected to impact the quote currency, the US Dollar, of the EUR/USD currency pair: Personal Income & Personal Spending for the month of May: • Expectations: An increase of 0.5% in personal income is expected for the month of May, an increase of 0.7% in personal spending • Previous Report’s Data: An increase of 0.4% in personal income was reported in the month of April, a level of 0.0% in personal spending • Impact on the US Dollar: The anticipated increase in personal spending is likely to pressure the US Dollar to the upside; this favors binary put options in the EUR/USD currency pair

As COO of GOptions, my first and foremost goal is to provide traders with the most up to date info from the markets. I have been trading the markets since 2004 and have been involved with stocks, binary options, and forex trading since then. I have had no formal market education and pride myself on a self taught approach to everything related to trading. I try to focus though on both the technical and fundamental aspects related to each trading day and bring forward the most important aspects of risk/reward in the market.

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Binary Options trading with GOptions is an experience that cannot be compared with other brokers. We have an unparalleled offering for traders of all types with a wide range of trading assets available 24 hours a day Sunday through Friday and even options available on the weekends.

As a very tight knit group of professional Forex and Binary options traders, the company has a keen sense of that which customers find important; quality. It’s not enough today to just have the best platform or the fastest withdrawals. Customers like your selves seek more from the brokerage than the technical side of things. That’s where GOptions truly shines as we are all traders and as such, any issue you may ever have, you will always be provided answers from a trader. So GOptions, in many ways is a trading platform by traders for traders.

Everything we’ve done has been with the trader in mind. So when you review what we have available you will see a massive 150 assets available to trade in a number of ways. You can trade a wide range of expiries ranging from 30 second to 300 seconds on our TURBO Options platform. This allows fast paced trading needs to be accomplished with lightning quick execution.

Traders are also able to trade the traditional High/Low or Call/Put options with expiries ranging from 10, 20, 30, 60 minute to end of day options. Pairs trading and Long term options are made available 24 hours a day as well.

Ladder Options: Binary Options with Transparency, only at GOptions

But most binary options traders will surely fall in love with our Ladder Options. What ladder options provide is a means of transparency otherwise hidden by the fog of pricing . What we mean is the when reviewing binary options pricing at GOptions on traditional high/low options, it’s nearly impossible to gauge the true directional bias of the markets just based on price. Well, that is only true if you pass over the amazing use of ladder options. You see, ladder options provide pricing at, below and above the market price. So what you can see is that GOptions provides binary options traders a means of gauging the true proclivity of the market at any moment.

As the payout percentage heads higher for one of the extremes on the ladder, you can be certain that the price fluctuations are thus less likely to head in that direction. In other words, we are literally telling you what to do next. By better understanding the behavior of the market with real metrics and tools, we hope to create a better breed of trader. For those unfamiliar with some of what GOptions offers, please be aware of the following. exclusive binary options trading opportunities: 30 second binary options, 60 second binary options, ladder options, and Forex trading . These are exclusively available at GOptions binary options trading platform and for traders, this should simply be a boon. 30 second binary options as well as the remaining Turbo options are simply the fastest and most impressive means of trading binary options today in the world. When looking at the available binary options trading venues, it’s easy to see why GOptions is a frontrunner in every category as a brokerage and this across the board.

GOptions: The gateway to profit:

30 Second options, when used with proper strategies are the quickest way to profitability currently achievable. For those looking for other means of creating profitable trades without the furious pace of 30 Second options, 300 second or five minute options might be a better choice. Again, Goptions’ sole target is to expand its offering on to and beyond the bleeding edge of the trading world without ever compromising those sacred tenets that make trading truly profitable.

Before explaining what our true mission is though, GOptions as a team and staff wish to also dedicate some time to explaining the technical edge we have as a binary options brokerage. GOptions is the only brokerage to offer fully automated binary options trading at the highest level using integrated 3rd party software. With these incredible connections, GOptions is capable of providing an even wider and more enticing array of services that can help create even more profits and trading opportunities for traders on a daily basis. Auto trading with GOptions is simply the smoothest and most robust way to turn your trading in the machine it needs to be.

Take some time and read what GOptions’ mission is to its clientele and to you. GOptions Presents its Binary Options Mission Statement

Our mission is based on providing the highest level of service to a very discerning trader. As explained, we are traders ourselves and as such, our primary goal is to provide the level of service both on a technical and a personal level, which is what we would wish for ourselves.

This mission lends itself into every aspect of the business we run in the name of GOptions.

Whether in regards to the wide range of assets, the expiries we provide access to, an incredible spectrum of trading methods, and all the way to the service we provide.

When it comes to service, it’s really key that the personnel here have real and valid experience when dealing with the issues of the day. No one can be 100% all the time. Things can and will go wrong. The trading platform might have an issue or maybe an important call with one of our reps was suddenly dropped. It is the role of the brokerage with a high level of service and a commitment to excellence to solve the problem. We can only be as good as our last solution.

So when you have a trading related issue, who would, you prefer dealing with it? Of course you want tried and tested binary options experts and we are the only ones capable of providing this at the highest level.

Trade disputes will occur . The platform will crash. Execution will slow. The question is – who’s there for you when things break down? The answer: We are. That is the mission we’ve chosen to undertake and to accomplish this we have made a difficult choice of hiring only traders to the company. That means that even the secretary has trading experience and it means that all help you get from us will be from the highest level of experienced brokers and service representatives 24 hours a day.

We have invested in every aspect of this brokerage and can only hope you come to find the service we provide of the highest order and fit to your needs. As part of the mission to provide this level of continuous service, we’ve undertaken to provide binary options traders with the ability to be provided the most competitive payouts available in the market. However, we’ve taken it even further with our binary options VIP account. With it, binary traders get access to trading insurance which nets the customer 10% of any losing month in cash back. We do this as part of a volume based rebate but that’s not all. Binary options traders with VIP status will also have access to a higher payout on any asset of their choosing. Couple this offering with everything else on offer and you come to realize that this is where trading lives: GOptions, welcome to the mean machine!


Binary Options options has some risks of partial or full funds loss. This fact should be taken into consideration by any trader who is planning to make profits by option trading. GOptions advises its clients to read our terms and conditions carefully before opening positions on our platform. Binary options trading is based on the strike price and how it relates to the expiry price. If the direction chosen by the trader is correct, the payout listed on the trading screen will be the payout provided to the customer as profit. Traders can trade, 30 second, 60 second, 120 second and longer term binary options. Ladder, Pairs, and Option Builder are also available to the trader. It is of course recommended that traders choose a proper money management strategy which limits the total consecutive trades or total outstanding investment. It is recommended to trade using the following browsers: Chrome and Firefox.

The Services are available to and may only be used by individuals or companies who can form legally binding contracts under the law applicable to their country of residence which may include countries like the United States, Canada, North Korea, Syria, Lybia, Sudan, and any other jurisdiction in which trading activity of this kind may be deemed illegal. Without limiting the foregoing, our Services are not available to persons under the age of 18 in most jurisdictions or 21 in other or otherwise under legal age ("Minors"). If you are a Minor or in a country listed, you may not use this service. IF YOU DO NOT QUALIFY, PLEASE DO NOT USE OUR SITE

Website operated by Go Trading Technologies Ltd. registered address 3rd Floor C & H Towers, Corner of Great Marlborough and Great George streets Roseau, 00152, PO BOX 2320 Dominica Payment services by Go Marketing Technologies Ltd. registered address 2 Lyuben Karavelov floor 2 flat 5 Plovdiv, 4002 Bulgaria

Usted está aquí: Inicio & raquo; Corredores binarios & raquo; EUR/USD Binary Options Trading

April 20, 2017 8:15 am

One of the most commonly used assets in binary options trading is the foreign exchange pairs. Good thing here is that many different currency pairs are available and thus, you will be able to choose one that you think you can handle with. Our advice is to take one currency pair which is really well-known such as EUR/USD. If you want to be really good at what you do, you need to understand the way those currencies work and how they trade to other currencies.

As for EUR/USD – it is the world most traded currency pair on all those traditional markets and this is why it is one of the primary currency pairs when it comes to binary options trading. The euro is one of the driving forces in the global economy simply because it is a single currency that representslots of countries. Thanks to this currency, most of the country members of EU terminated their previous currencies and adopted the “new” euro. Since this major change, the global economy has undergone some really enormous movement changes.

The US dollar keeps its position over the ocean. Everyone knows that the American economy rules the world to some extent. For this currency pair – EUR/USD the EUR is called base currency and the dollar – counter currency. So the quoted rate is in relation to EUR. As soon as you start trading EUR/ USD binary options you will see that the value of EUR is compared to the value of USD.

In case you want to trade with such currency pairs it is important to understand the strength of each currency and the relevant economy. Both EU and USA are great contributors to the global economy and this is why this currency pair is so preferred and well-known.


Fundada en 2017, Binary Tribune tiene como objetivo proporcionar a sus lectores información exacta y actual cobertura de noticias financieras. Nuestro sitio web se centra en los principales segmentos de los mercados financieros: acciones, divisas y materias primas, así como una explicación interactiva en profundidad de los principales acontecimientos e indicadores económicos.

Divulgación de riesgos financieros

BinaryTribune. com no será responsable por la pérdida de dinero o cualquier daño causado por confiar en la información en este sitio. Trading de divisas, acciones y materias primas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo.

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Este sitio web utiliza cookies para brindarle la mejor experiencia y conocerte mejor. Al visitar nuestro sitio web con su navegador configurado para permitir cookies, usted acepta nuestro uso de cookies como se describe en nuestra Política de privacidad.

&dupdo; Copyright 2017 & mdash; Tribuna Binaria. Todos los derechos reservados

EUR/USD is the most traded currency pair both in the Forex market, as well as in binary options trading. Due to its popularity, the EUR/USD pair is included in “The Major” group, which represents the most traded currency pairs all over the world. As of April 2017, trading in the EUR/USD pair accounted for 24.1% of the Forex market’s total turnover, implying great liquidity, while the USD/JPY cross had an 18.3% share and GBP/USD stood at 8.8%.

Liquidity is important because it causes prices to change gradually and trends to develop incrementally, as opposed to quickly occurring price changes at times of low liquidity and high volatility. Hedge fund speculators tend to act aggressive during periods of low liquidity, forcing other participants to do the same, thus rapidly moving the price. While this might be in favor of some trading strategies, for others it is not.

The value of the EUR/USD is quoted as 1 EUR per X US dollars. For example, if the exchange rate is estimated at 1.3000, this means that 1 euro is traded for 1.3 US dollars. Thus, you will need to sell 1.3 US dollars to purchase 1 euro. The first currency in the cross is dubbed “base currency” (in our case EUR), while the second pair is the so-called “quote currency” (in our case the US dollar).


When it comes to currencies, the movement in prices of currency pairs is measured in ”pips”. A pip is an acronym for the phrase “percentage in point”. This is the smallest price change, which a given exchange rate can make. Most major currency pairs are priced to four decimal places, so in this case, the smallest change is that of the last decimal point – for most pairs this is the equivalent of 1/100 of 1%, or one basis point. In reference to the example above, if EUR/USD rises to 1.3005, then the cross has gained 5 pips, while an exchange rate of 1.3050 means that the euro strengthened against the US dollar by 50 pips, and so on.

Changes in the EUR/USD cross have a broad effect on the financial markets. All commodities, which are priced in the US dollar, generally receive support when the greenback is pressured, and vice versa. Moreover, currencies which are pegged to the dollar or the euro are also affected by fluctuations in the EUR/USD cross.

Also, due to the sheer size of the economies represented by the two currencies and their role in the international trade markets, a strengthening of each, which comes on the back of the other, tends to have a significant impact on related economies as well.

In order to accurately predict fluctuations in the EUR/USD currency cross using fundamental analysis, you need to be keep a close watch on all the news coming from the Eurozone and the United States. The single currency bloc commonly releases key economic indicators during the European trading session (generally between 06:00 GMT and 12:00 GMT), while data from the world’s biggest economy are typically streamed between 11:00 GMT and 14:00 GMT, apart from the FOMC policy meeting conclusion and the release of Fed minutes which are due at 18:00 GMT, and a few other releases. Unexpectedly upbeat or downbeat key readings from the world’s No1 economy, such as nonfarm payrolls, consumer sentiment etc. tend to ripple through the global financial markets.

Fundada en 2017, Binary Tribune tiene como objetivo proporcionar a sus lectores información exacta y actual cobertura de noticias financieras. Nuestro sitio web se centra en los principales segmentos de los mercados financieros: acciones, divisas y materias primas, así como una explicación interactiva en profundidad de los principales acontecimientos e indicadores económicos.

Divulgación de riesgos financieros

BinaryTribune. com no será responsable por la pérdida de dinero o cualquier daño causado por confiar en la información en este sitio. Trading de divisas, acciones y materias primas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo.

Política de cookies

Este sitio web utiliza cookies para brindarle la mejor experiencia y conocerte mejor. Al visitar nuestro sitio web con su navegador configurado para permitir cookies, usted acepta nuestro uso de cookies como se describe en nuestra Política de privacidad.

&dupdo; Copyright 2017 & mdash; Tribuna Binaria. Todos los derechos reservados

Tagged with Eur/Usd Binary Options Strategy

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2017 by Tim Lanoue

Hey everyone I hope you had a great Turkey Day and are ready to get back to business with trading! I am rather excited today to present you with a high success rate trading strategy that I have been working on lately and I hope you are ready increase your vast knowledge about trading binary options. For those of who you prefer or enjoy trading the Eur/Usd currency pair much like myself then you will want to keep reading because you definitely will want to add this trading strategy to your arsenal. A charting solution, three technical indicators and a kick ass attitude is all you need in order to use this trading strategy. Below I will highlight the main functions of the three technical indicators that we will be using along with discussing the set up and implementation of this binary options strategy.

The TRIX indicator, also known as the triple exponential average indicator, is a oscillator driven indicator whose main function is to determine whether the asset we are watching are showing symptoms of being overbought or oversold. This is exceptionally helpful with our trading strategy here because the main focal point and concept behind this strategy is to trade strong reversals. The TRIX indicator acts as our guide really, if we can determine whether the targeted asset is overbought or oversold you can bet it will change directions soon down the line which is where our reversal trading strategy concept falls perfectly into play.

Simple Moving Average Indicator

Many of you already know that the simple moving average indicator is my favorite technical indicator to use when trading binary options. The main function of the simple moving average indicator is to display past average prices of our targeted asset over a predetermined period of time. For example, if we wanted to see the average price of our asset over the past 14 days we would set the period of our indicator to a period of 14.

Time Series Forecast Indicator

The Time Series Forecast (TSF) indicator, also known as the Moving Linear Regression indicator, is an extremely effective technical indicator that is used to show trends over a predetermined period of time. The TSF indicator is quite similar to the simple moving average indicator due mostly to the fact that you can change the period that the indicator displays and see how it reflects the charting solution.

Set up and Strategy Implementation

Setting up the Reversal Eur/Usd Binary Options Strategy strategy is relatively simple and only requires a few steps. The first step would be set up our charting solution, I prefer to use www. freestockcharts. com due mainly because it has all the indicators that I need and the values reflected in the solution have a better real time value than downloadable charting solutions. The next step would be to adjust our time frame to 15 minutes and select the Eur/Usd currency pair as our asset of choice. The last step would be to add our indicator to the charting solution, this can be done by clicking on Add Indicator. Once our indicators are added to the charting solution then we can begin implementing our trading strategy.

As you can see in the picture above we have a total of 5 investments placed and all but one ended up in-the-money, meaning that we had an 80% success rate. The signal line in this trading strategy would be the TRIX indicator line, not the simple moving average line like in most of my other trading strategies. In order for a signal to be generated we need to wait for a merge or cross to occur between our TRIX indicator and our simple moving average indicator. Whether the cross was conducted in an upward or downward direction will determine the type of investment trade we place. So if our TRIX indicator line crosses our simple moving average indicator in an upward direction and we have a confirmation candle directly above the break then we are good to place a CALL trade. The same can be said for a cross in a downward direction, once the cross has been established and we have a confirmation candle above the cross then we are good to place a PUT trade. Expiry times when using this trading strategy should stay between 5 – 30 minutes, no less and no longer.

This is an extremely effective binary options strategy when used correctly and on average you should have no problem seeing a success rate between 70-75%. Trading reversals is one of the most effective trading strategies in binary options and only continues to grow in popularity in the binary options community. As always guys if you have any questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to leave them below and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

$ 20 a $ 100 Corredores de depósito mínimo!

Tagged with eur/usd strategy for binary options

Wednesday, November 6th, 2017 by Tim Lanoue

The aim of today’s article is to give novice or experienced binary options traders a strategy that I have had some great success with lately. Oftentimes if I run across a strategy like this and have been seeing the success I have I would not share it for free to the public but I figured I may as well help you to the best of my ability. With that being said we are going to discuss my advance binary options trend trading strategy.

How does Trend Trading Strategy Work?

As many of you may know there are three types of trends associated with any asset in the online trading world. We have a bearish trend which simple means a down trend while on the other hand we have a bullish trend which signifies an uptrend. The last type of trend there is would be a neutral trend, where the price of an asset is neither increasing nor decreasing much. Moving forward, we can create a trend line like seen in the picture below. We can create one straight line on the top of the asset and under the belly of the asset. The purpose of these trends lines is to help point out significant support and resistance levels of an asset. These trend lines also make it easier to spot new highs and lows during a short trend allowing more opportunities for trades to be made. Once a trend line is broken or reflected off we can expect a strong reversal in the assets direction therefore creating another trading opportunity for us.

Setting up the trend trading strategy is relatively simple and requires little to no time. First off you will need a charting solution like Meta Trader 4 and you can where you can watch the live feed of an asset. To create a free account with Meta Trader, you must enter your username and password from a Forex Demo Account. From there on we put 3 exponential moving average lines set at a period of 6, 9 and 14. Next we add our Bollinger Bands® indicator to our chart and finish off by adding a straight line over the top of the asset and under the asset like seen above. As seen in the picture above we have four instances where the Eur/Usd asset bounced off or break our trend line and reversed in the opposite direction. However, we need to wait for atleast one confirmation to occur and that is that our reflected or broken candles have to be within or partially within our Bollinger Bands® cloud, if they are then we are good to place our trade. Lastly, if any of our EMA lines are running through our candle it acts as a stronger indicator that the asset is likely to reverse in the other opposite direction.

This strategy is simple and easy to use which is why it is probably one of the better ones I have used. Not much is needed for a good trading signal to be generated and there are many confirmations that the signal you are receiving is likely to happen. Trend trading can be very effective when used wisely so if you are a trend trader then this strategy is for you! If you have any questions or comments go ahead and leave one below or you can email tradingbinaryonline@gmail. com for additional comments or suggestions.

$ 20 a $ 100 Corredores de depósito mínimo!

Бинарные и парные опционы относятся к финансовым инструментам, базирующимся на относительной производительности финансовых активов. Торговля бинарными или цифровыми опционами приносит прибыль посредством прогнозирования направления движения цены актива, при этом результат торговли не зависит от силы данного движения. В свою очередь, торговля парными опционами приносит прибыль в результате правильного прогнозирования того, какой из двух активов увеличится в цене больше по итогам одной торговой сессии, вне зависимости от направлений движения рынка. Stockpair предлагает вам удобный способ торговли бинарными и парными опционами на мировых финансовых рынках и биржах.

Платежи по кредитной карте обрабатываются NXF Services OÜ, Нарва Маантее, 5, Таллинн, Район Харью, 10117, Эстония.

Уведомление о риске: Торговля опционами сопряжена с высоким уровнем риска и может быть неприемлемой для многих инвесторов. Вы рискуете лишиться части или всех инвестированных вами средств. Следовательно, вам не следует проводить сделки с капиталом, который вы не можете себе позволить потерять. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам внимательно прочитать все правила и условия клиентского соглашения до принятия решения о вложении ваших средств.

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Economic data was the main catalyst for further increases in stock value in the US yesterday as indices resumed there upward slope after the preceding day’s corrective move. Binary options traders will be quick to point out that the move was full of broken resistances and profit potential. Earnings reports from some of America’s largest companies were also a major push for stocks as companies like Amazon provided the impetus with a very positive report.

Today, binary options traders will be on the lookout for the release of the Durable Good Orders which will be released at 12:30GMT and markets are expecting a figure around 2.0%. The figure is far higher than the previous result of just 0.1%. Due to this large differential, it’s very possible that figures above or below 2.0% will cause some very large volatility swings in the markets at the time of the release. It’s just such releases that binary options traders wait for. With large swings, it can put the strategies used by binary options towards ladder options.

There’s no other major news expected for the day and such, binary traders will be focusing on the release and then solely on the charts. The EUR/USD will be the primary focus and with the current resistance at 1.3832, binary options traders will look for more local resistances to try and base trades on. A move above 1.3825 will be a short term signal that many traders will be using as a trade pivot today for both break strategies with short term trades as well as reversals with smaller options.

The ability to do both makes this pivot point an important one. Of course, many will wait for a break of 1.3832, the ability to use reversal strategies based on 1.3825 will mean many binary options traders will use the level as the primary resistance. Any test of the level will allow binary options traders to take down options on tests of the level. If the last 24 hours tell us anything is that the 1.3825 level is of significance due to it not being broken for more than 3 minutes any time over this period. As such, binary options traders will use the level to take down options on tests but won’t forget to take up options if and when the level breaks. The resistance just above at 1.3832 is also of importance but as it’s just a high, it will likely require a lot of momentum prior to the break.

For stock traders, Boeing looks very interesting as any break above 130 will allow binary options traders to take up options. The stock has been riding a massive rally since early September and it doesn’t look like it will be stopped today. Look for a strong move and take up options on the break. We don’t recommend using reversal strategies today with this stock.

Boeing with binary options 25-10-2017

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Take some time and read what GOptions’ mission is to its clientele and to you. GOptions Presents its Binary Options Mission Statement

Our mission is based on providing the highest level of service to a very discerning trader. As explained, we are traders ourselves and as such, our primary goal is to provide the level of service both on a technical and a personal level, which is what we would wish for ourselves.

This mission lends itself into every aspect of the business we run in the name of GOptions.

Whether in regards to the wide range of assets, the expiries we provide access to, an incredible spectrum of trading methods, and all the way to the service we provide.

When it comes to service, it’s really key that the personnel here have real and valid experience when dealing with the issues of the day. No one can be 100% all the time. Things can and will go wrong. The trading platform might have an issue or maybe an important call with one of our reps was suddenly dropped. It is the role of the brokerage with a high level of service and a commitment to excellence to solve the problem. We can only be as good as our last solution.

So when you have a trading related issue, who would, you prefer dealing with it? Of course you want tried and tested binary options experts and we are the only ones capable of providing this at the highest level.

Trade disputes will occur . The platform will crash. Execution will slow. The question is – who’s there for you when things break down? The answer: We are. That is the mission we’ve chosen to undertake and to accomplish this we have made a difficult choice of hiring only traders to the company. That means that even the secretary has trading experience and it means that all help you get from us will be from the highest level of experienced brokers and service representatives 24 hours a day.

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Binary Options options has some risks of partial or full funds loss. This fact should be taken into consideration by any trader who is planning to make profits by option trading. GOptions advises its clients to read our terms and conditions carefully before opening positions on our platform. Binary options trading is based on the strike price and how it relates to the expiry price. If the direction chosen by the trader is correct, the payout listed on the trading screen will be the payout provided to the customer as profit. Traders can trade, 30 second, 60 second, 120 second and longer term binary options. Ladder, Pairs, and Option Builder are also available to the trader. It is of course recommended that traders choose a proper money management strategy which limits the total consecutive trades or total outstanding investment. It is recommended to trade using the following browsers: Chrome and Firefox.

The Services are available to and may only be used by individuals or companies who can form legally binding contracts under the law applicable to their country of residence which may include countries like the United States, Canada, North Korea, Syria, Lybia, Sudan, and any other jurisdiction in which trading activity of this kind may be deemed illegal. Without limiting the foregoing, our Services are not available to persons under the age of 18 in most jurisdictions or 21 in other or otherwise under legal age ("Minors"). If you are a Minor or in a country listed, you may not use this service. IF YOU DO NOT QUALIFY, PLEASE DO NOT USE OUR SITE

Website operated by Go Trading Technologies Ltd. registered address 3rd Floor C & H Towers, Corner of Great Marlborough and Great George streets Roseau, 00152, PO BOX 2320 Dominica Payment services by Go Marketing Technologies Ltd. registered address 2 Lyuben Karavelov floor 2 flat 5 Plovdiv, 4002 Bulgaria

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diferente a

swede 25 Mar 2017

Nice move up overnight, and it seems to be continuing. would only consider countertrend short out of the Big Big Round number 1.10000 but will need to see an exhaustion candle before entering. lots of resistance over 1.1000 all the way to 1.10500 area. my take anyway for what it is worth lol

Using this hourly method for trading Euro is very effective. here are some follow up charts and where the trades where taken. exit is always at the next step, or barrier such as pivot or r1, s1 etc.

Today, another test of the very clear upper resistance gave us another 50 pips trade. notice the last 3 days barriers (upper white highlighted with slotted orange lines extensions) made the trades entries very easy and it is kind of like taking candy from a baby lol

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diferente a

Comedian 25 Mar 2017

EUR/USD Simple Strategy Is Simply A Good Strategy

Full Review of the EUR/USD Simple Strategy for Binary Options Trading

When searching the net for free binary options strategies I most often find junk. The best systems are often behind a pay wall and the ones that aren’t are either no good, poorly conceived or just plain bad. It is too easy for just about anyone with any kind of trading idea to make a post. When looking into the EUR/USD Simple System I was not expecting much else. The system is simple, the explanation is one of the shortest I have seen but packs a real punch. Originally intended for forex trading this system is readily applicable to binary options.

What Is The EUR/USD Simple Strategy

This is a simple system that utilizes two well know and well respected indicators. The author leads into the strategy saying something to the effect that it is a specific strategy for this pair but I think it could be applied to any currency pair and probably stock indexes and commodities too. The system is based on Parabolic SAR buy and sell signals that are confirmed by MACD. The author uses the standard settings for both indicators and uses charts of 30 minute bars. The best suggested time frame for the strategy is between 8am-12pm eastern time when the New York and London sessions are overlapping.

How To Use The EUR/USD Simple Strategy

The strategy is very easy to use. The first half of the signal comes from the parabolic sar. When the parabolic sar gives a buy or sell signal get ready to trade in that direction, bullish or bearish. The actual buy or sell signal comes when MACD confirms that signal. When parabolic sar gives a buy signal MACD must cross the zero line from below to confirm, a weaker MACD signal is not to be taken only zero line crossovers. The same is true in reverse, when parabolic sar gives a sell signal wait for MACD zero line cross from above to confirm it. No confirmation no trades.

Another bonus for this system is that it also gives some tips on exits. These tips are not really applicable to binary options but did lead me to some other ideas. The exits signal is either when MACD crosses back under the zero line or “when the market starts trading sideways for a while”. We can’t use these as sell signals with binary options but we can use them in other ways. A sell signal could be a chance to utilize a hedge or even a straddle technique that could result in two winning trades.

Why This Strategy Does Not Suck

This system does not suck because it uses two well respected and trusted indicators. It does not suck because it uses more than indicator and requires confirmation. It does not suck because it can be used on any currency pair and when I checked against the SPX it appeared to be working well there too. It does not suck because it can be used in multiple time frames and it does not suck because it offers signals for hedging and straddling. This strategy does not suck because it embodies the basic characteristics that I consider most important in a great strategy. It can be used in multiple time frames and relies on a convergence of indicators to generate a signal.

Why This Strategy May Suck

There are a couple of reasons why this strategy may suck. The first is that it does not take trend into account. I think that if there were some consideration to trend or at least a convergence of signals in more than one time frame it would alleviate some of the problems I see here. First, MACD is a lagging indicator, waiting for a zero line cross for confirmation may keep you out of some winning trades. If you were trading with the trend then a weaker MACD signal could be taken with relative success. Second, because there is no consideration of trend this strategy will generate signals that are counter to trend. Counter trend trades are sometimes highly profitable but more often than not they result in losses. Because of the lagging nature of these signals I do not think it is a good strategy for counter trend or contrarian trading.

My Last Words On The EUR/USD Simple Strategy

I think this is a good strategy. It provides clear, easy to read and well respected signals. It is easy to use and easy to apply to binary options. For best results I would suggest using it in conjunction with some other trend determining technique to help weed out poor signals and traps. Trading with the trend is one of the most basic rules of trading and one that no strategy should overlook. The EUR/USD Simple strategy would be great for an experienced trader who wanted to try trading a shorter time frame. It could also be good for a beginner who has a working knowledge of trend determination but I would suggest they stick to a longer time frame such as daily bars until you get the hang of it.

Tagged with eur/usd

Monday, April 14th, 2017 by Tim Lanoue

Trading binary options can be difficult and is much harder than what is made out to be. In order to become successful in this field it takes a strong foundation about the fundamentals, experience and a small bit of luck. Today we are going to discuss currency pair trading and how volatility can effect one’s ability to accurately trade currency pairs with binary options.

What are Currency Pairs?

Currency pairs are assets that reflect the value of one currency value directly against it’s matching pair. The first currency pair is known as the base currency while the second pair is known as the quote currency. Currency pairs are continuing to grow in popularity and are among the most popular traded assets aside from popular stocks and commodities. An example of a currency pair would be the Eur/Usd 1.3785, where the Euro dollar is our base currency and the US dollar is our quote currency. The number 1.3785 reflects the value of our pair currencies, where one Euro dollar is equivalent to $1.3785 US dollars.

Correlating pairs can be a great way to take advantage of strong trading signals generated when watching targeted currency pairs. When it comes to trading correlations in binary options it is important to take notice on how the movement of one asset can affect the movement of a different asset. Popular correlating currency pairs would be the Eur/Usd with the Usd/Chf, Gpu/Usd, and Aud/Usd. Other correlating currency pair assets would be the Eur/Jpy, Usd/Jpy, and Aud/Jpy. When watching our targeted currency pair it is important to watch the movement of their correlating pairs, if we see a big movement or change in direction then you can bet that the correlating pairs are most likely moving in the same direction. The benefits of correlating pairs would be that they allow traders to have more trade opportunities allowing them to potentially profit more.

Volatility is the tendency and probability that an asset will change directions due to minor changes in market conditions. Volatility can be an issue when it comes to trading currency pairs because even the smallest changes to market conditions can cause an asset to become unpredictable. So when trading with currency pairs we want to make sure we trade assets that have a low volatility level, meaning that they are less prone to drastically change directions due to changing market conditions. If we trade assets that have high volatility then we are putting ourselves at risk because these assets are much harder to predict. Popular, low volatility currency pairs that we should focus on trading would be the Eur/Usd, Aud/Usd, Gpu/Usd, and Nzd/Usd.

Currency pairs are a great asset to trade when trading binary options. Now that you have a basic understanding on what they are and how volatility can be a significant factor hopefully you can use this to your advantage. Make sure to pay special attention to correlating pairs along with volatility. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below.

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The foreign exchange pairs have been one of the most popularly used assets in binary option trading. An advantage with this asset is that there are a large number of currency pairs available on the market. You have much chance in choosing the pair that suits you most. We advise you to select a very well-known currency pair, such as EUR/USD. If you are working your way up a high position in this field, you need to get the hang of how currencies work and how trading between currencies work.

As for the EUR/USD pair, this is the most commonly used pair of currencies in all traditional markets and also the most basic pair in the field of binary option trading. The euro is considered a very strong economic driving force on a global scale, as for the fact that this currency represents various nations. Ever since the creation of this currency, the majority of EU nations had put an end to their traditional currencies and has taken on the “new” euro. This large-scale change in the currency of these EU nations has brought about many colossal movement changes to the global economy. For more trading strategy, subscribe to our youtube channel !

Over the ocean, USD still holds its superior position, as it is clear that, to some extent, the American economy is the biggest driving force of the global economy engine. In this currency pair of EUR/USD, the EUR is called the base currency and the USD is called the counter currency. Therefore, quoted rates are understood to be in relation to EUR. Right when you make your farther steps into this binary option trading field with the EUR/USD pair, it will be clear to you that the value of EUR is compared to the value of USD.

If you intend to perform trading with currency pairs, it is really essential for you to fully understand the strength of the currencies and of the related economies. Both USA and EU have made the biggest contributions to the world economy, thus it is obvious why the EUR/USD pair is very well-known and favorable.

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EUR/USD Binary Options

EUR/USD rate at lowest point in over 2 years

If you want to trade euro or EUR binary options, you might want to look at the EUR/USD exchange rate. The euro, much like the ruble (see our article on USD/RUB binary options ), isn’t doing too well these days. Today, the euro went down to its lowest point since August 2012. But the big question is: will it go down even further? You might want to read this before placing your next EUR/USD binary options trade.

The euro hasn’t had such a rough time in over 2 years, but can it get any worse? It all seems to come down to what happens tomorrow. On Thursday the European Central Bank (ECB) will have a monetary policy meeting. Until then, it’s the disappointing European economy and the very different US monetary policy that put pressure on the euro, and has EUR/USD binary options traders putting their cash on the US dollar being the stronger currency. Meanwhile, the US is expecting a rise in interest rates (the first in years) in 2017.

The low point today was when the euro briefly touched 1.2302 US dollar (see graph). After that, the rate went up a little to 1.2325 dollar and went back down to 1.2305 dollar. In comparison: this May, the rate peaked at 1.3993 dollar.

Good news on the EUR/USD binary options front?

Analysts have not given up on the euro just yet. There are rumors about the EUR/USD exchange rate going up again tomorrow, although some believe it will be a short revival. So if you want to trade EUR/USD binary options, you will have to watch the movements closely.

Trade EUR/USD Binary Options Now!

If you want to trade EUR/USD binary options, you can go to almost every one of our trusted binary options brokers. For example, you can go to 8Binary. This relatively new broker is known for its high welcome bonus, great return rates, and low minimum deposit amount of only 250 dollar. Be sure to read our 8Binary review before you start trading EUR/USD binary options.


The United States dollar has historically been the base currency of most trading internationally. The American Dollar was always treated as the most powerful currency, even when it was not the most valuable.

Today, over 10 years later, the EUR/USD the the most commonly traded currency pair in spot forex, and binary options. This base currency pair is popular because these two currencies are the international heavy weights. When trading binaries make sure you broker offers this pair, other wise you could be in trouble.

Trading Hours: Mon – Fri 00:00 – 23:59

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Posted in EUR/USD

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2017 by Tim Lanoue

Hey everyone I hope you had a great Turkey Day and are ready to get back to business with trading! I am rather excited today to present you with a high success rate trading strategy that I have been working on lately and I hope you are ready increase your vast knowledge about trading binary options. For those of who you prefer or enjoy trading the Eur/Usd currency pair much like myself then you will want to keep reading because you definitely will want to add this trading strategy to your arsenal. A charting solution, three technical indicators and a kick ass attitude is all you need in order to use this trading strategy. Below I will highlight the main functions of the three technical indicators that we will be using along with discussing the set up and implementation of this binary options strategy.

The TRIX indicator, also known as the triple exponential average indicator, is a oscillator driven indicator whose main function is to determine whether the asset we are watching are showing symptoms of being overbought or oversold. This is exceptionally helpful with our trading strategy here because the main focal point and concept behind this strategy is to trade strong reversals. The TRIX indicator acts as our guide really, if we can determine whether the targeted asset is overbought or oversold you can bet it will change directions soon down the line which is where our reversal trading strategy concept falls perfectly into play.

Simple Moving Average Indicator

Many of you already know that the simple moving average indicator is my favorite technical indicator to use when trading binary options. The main function of the simple moving average indicator is to display past average prices of our targeted asset over a predetermined period of time. For example, if we wanted to see the average price of our asset over the past 14 days we would set the period of our indicator to a period of 14.

Time Series Forecast Indicator

The Time Series Forecast (TSF) indicator, also known as the Moving Linear Regression indicator, is an extremely effective technical indicator that is used to show trends over a predetermined period of time. The TSF indicator is quite similar to the simple moving average indicator due mostly to the fact that you can change the period that the indicator displays and see how it reflects the charting solution.

Set up and Strategy Implementation

Setting up the Reversal Eur/Usd Binary Options Strategy strategy is relatively simple and only requires a few steps. The first step would be set up our charting solution, I prefer to use www. freestockcharts. com due mainly because it has all the indicators that I need and the values reflected in the solution have a better real time value than downloadable charting solutions. The next step would be to adjust our time frame to 15 minutes and select the Eur/Usd currency pair as our asset of choice. The last step would be to add our indicator to the charting solution, this can be done by clicking on Add Indicator. Once our indicators are added to the charting solution then we can begin implementing our trading strategy.

As you can see in the picture above we have a total of 5 investments placed and all but one ended up in-the-money, meaning that we had an 80% success rate. The signal line in this trading strategy would be the TRIX indicator line, not the simple moving average line like in most of my other trading strategies. In order for a signal to be generated we need to wait for a merge or cross to occur between our TRIX indicator and our simple moving average indicator. Whether the cross was conducted in an upward or downward direction will determine the type of investment trade we place. So if our TRIX indicator line crosses our simple moving average indicator in an upward direction and we have a confirmation candle directly above the break then we are good to place a CALL trade. The same can be said for a cross in a downward direction, once the cross has been established and we have a confirmation candle above the cross then we are good to place a PUT trade. Expiry times when using this trading strategy should stay between 5 – 30 minutes, no less and no longer.

This is an extremely effective binary options strategy when used correctly and on average you should have no problem seeing a success rate between 70-75%. Trading reversals is one of the most effective trading strategies in binary options and only continues to grow in popularity in the binary options community. As always guys if you have any questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to leave them below and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

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Trading currencies has been with us for a long time. Binary options trading is a fairly new frontier considering that it has not reached its peak yet; it is still in the growth phase as there are many people all over the world who do not even know it exists. For those in it, it a good way to make money by making trades from their shifting values in relation to one another.

In traditional forex trading, you actually buy the currency when its value has dropped and sell it when it rises and trades of that nature. This is what most people will tell you about forex trading. Binary options trading on the other hand, is making trades on the value of currencies but you do not buy the actual currencies. You trade in binary option pairs.

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Binary Option Pairs

This is also referred to as ‘pairs trading’. In this type of trading, you will make predictions on the relative behavior of one currency as compared to another within a predetermined period of time. To put it simply, you select two currencies and put them in competition. You then predict the changes in value of one of the assets against the other. The value can either rise or fall within the predetermined period. A correct prediction is what makes you a profit while a losing prediction loses you your investment in that particular trade.

Binary trading is considered as one the ‘Market Neutral’ trades because you can make money whichever direction the values go.

EUR/USD is the most popular currency pair

Trading EUR/USD pairs

This is the most traded pair in binary options trading today and trend looks likely to continue for the foreseeable future. It juxtaposes the Us Dollar against the EU Euro. The two are the most liquid currencies today in the global currency markets and this adds to their popularity with binary options traders. The two are also the most traded currencies in the traditional forex markets.

Like in the more widely known currency trading, the economic fortunes of the United States and that of the Eurozone countries play a big part in the value movements off these currencies. That is not to imply that they are immune to the happenings in the economies of the rest of the world. An event in the major indices in Asia is likely to cause more than just ripples in the USD and EUR values.

Considerations prior to trading the EUR/USD

Since you cannot trade blindly or make guesses on which way to trade this pair, there are a few general factors that you should take into consideration. This is before considering the other more specific news and events that can influence price changes. These factors are:

Trading time differences make binary options trading tricky and interesting at the same time. The North Atlantic trading sessions open a good number of hours after the Asian markets open. This means that if you are trading in the American and the European session you need to make short expiry times with this pair while avoiding the Asian currencies or making longer expiry times over short ones with this group.

The Asian session is usually a little slow for the American and European currencies. This means you should take longer expiry times on this pair.

What makes price shifts in the EUR/USD pair?

People always talk about how one currency can sneeze and another thousands of miles away catches a cold. This is true with the EUR/USD pair, but the analogy of sneezes and colds is not something that happens all the time. Economic news out of both Europe and the US will not make big changes in the pair, but there will be changes all the same and traders can make trades with these changes which will change from time to time according to what is happening in both economic zones. The fortunes of those countries’ economies are hardly recognizable from daily news unless there are major events with a significance implication to those two economic zones.

What brings out more pronounced changes is the economic releases or announcements by various bodies in both zones about key economic performance indicators like changes in interest rates, unemployment figures, changes in value of production, consumption and exports.

Best way to make money trading EUR/USD is with binary option robot

Key economic releases to watch in Europe

Among the key releases that you should watch out for in Europe that are likely to cause some changes in the values of the EUR/USD are the following:

Consumer Price Index (CPI): This is the most important performance indicator to come from the Eurozone. It is a report on the situation in Eurozone as regards inflation and what the European Central Bank (ECB) is doing to support positive results or to counter negative results. It is the main determinant of what the ECB will do to shape the short-term and long-term monetary policy.

Purchasing Manager Index (PMI ): This indictor will show the performance of a sector in terms of expansion and contraction. This will influence ECB’s decisions arising from the data.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): This release follows a meeting of top Eurozone economists every month and the data from such meetings shows the relative situation in the Eurozone economies.

Unemployment figures: These too are performance indicators. An increase in new jobs or their retention is a good indicator while loss of jobs and increased unemployment rates is not.

Key economic releases to watch in United States

The US economy is the largest in the world and so it is expected that there will be many releases on the state of the economy and its various sectors each and every month. These releases are also expected to have an effect in global indices as well as the currency markets including the EUR/USD pairings. These are the key releases you should watch out for:

Interest rates: There is always excitement and consternation in equal measure every time an announcement on the raising or reducing interest rates is imminent. The announcement usually causes movements in price as traders shift positions on the likely outcomes.

Jobs data: Unemployment rates, job losses and creation of new jobs are key indicators of the state of the economy and this will influences the dollar value in relation to the Euro and other currencies as well. This is especially so for the Non-Farm Payrolls data.

Consumer Price Index: As in Europe, this release is important too as an indicator of the state of the economy.

Others: Other important releases to watch are: Retail Sales, Institute for Supply Management, GDP, Producer Price Index, Durable Goods Orders, and other releases.

All these releases assist traders to make informed choices when they are trading the EUR/USD pairs. Of importance is any release by the ECB and the Federal Reserve.

The behavior of the EUR/USD in relation to releases, news and events

Market volatility is to be expected at all times. It is only the level that changes between high and low. There many factors that determine how the EUR/USD pair behaves and this will include the time the release, news or event happens, the reasons for their happening and the financial implications of such factors. These are what you will need to collate, synthesize and analyze to enable you to come up with more winning trades than losing ones on this pair, and this is essence of all binary options trading.

Trading with brokers and robots

Trades and robots will promise to give you winning signals so that you can make profits with your trades. They use the same indicators noted above but they have the added advantage of having created algorithms to help them with all the analyzing and synthesizing. This is where they will always have one on you when it comes to binary options trading. The signals they promise will give winning trades in most cases if you are trading with the right brokers and platforms. Issues of scams abound and a careful selection process is demanded of you if you do not want your investment to fall into the wrong hands.

Trading with the EUR/USD pair is preferred by most traders in the binary options market because it is always rising and falling. During the NorthAmerican and European trading sessions, traders who prefer short expiry periods for their trades have a busy time. The volatility makes it an interesting place to be as the values change rapidly, sometimes in periods as short as 60 seconds. In the Asian trading sessions, traders in the EUR/USD will be experiencing a lull of some sort. At this time they will mostly be making longer term expiry periods because the movement in values is not as rapid as it is during the North American sessions.

With the expected growth and expansion of binary options trading in both the players (traders, brokers and trading platforms) and in the traded volumes, the EUR/USD pair will continue to dominate proceedings in the currency markets. The best thing is to ride with it and always keep watch of the main indicators as well as the releases from both economic zones.

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EUR/USD Simple Strategy

It is so hard to find a reliable strategy these days. When you look for great systems you will often find them at very expensive prices. Other systems on the other hand may be good, badly made, or just simply bad. When it comes to looking for an ideal system you may rely on the EUR/USD simple system. This system is simple and it also comes with easy to understand explanations. This system was originally made for Forex trading and be readily used for Binary Trading.


This simple strategy makes use of two popular indicators. The strategy’s author stated that it can be used for specific pairs but it can also be used to just commodities, stock indexes, and currency pairs. This system relies on Parabolic SAR’s signals for buy and sell that are MACD confirmed. The author makes use of basic settings for the two indicators. It also makes use of thirty minute chart bars. If you use it, it is best to use it at eight in the morning to twelve noon time once London and New York sessions overlap.


This strategy is so simple to use. The signal’s first half is generated from Parabolic SAR. When the Parabolic SAR provides a signal for buy and sell you have to prepare for trading in that direction, be it bearish or bullish. Once the MACD verifies that signal, that’s when the real buy or sell signal enters. Once the parabolic SAR shows buy signals the MACD has to cross zero line from a lower level in order to verify. Weaker MACD signals should not be taken. Zero line crossovers are the ones that need to be taken. This goes true in revere. Once a sell signal is provided by the parabolic SAR you have to wait for the MACD zero line to cross from the top in order to verify it. If there are no confirmations, then there are no trades.

Another great addition to the strategy is that it also offers some exit tips. These may not be fully useful for binary options but it can bring you to other ideas. You can see exit signals when the MACD crosses again below zero line. However, you cannot use such sell signals along with binary options but you can use it in some other ways. With a sell signal, you can have a chance to use a straddle technique that can lead to winning trades.


The fact that it makes use of trusted and reputable indicators makes it a reliable system. It is quite good because it needs confirmation and makes use of more than just indicators. It is good because you can use it on different currency pairs. The SPX also seems to work too. It is also good because it uses different times frames. It brings signals for straddling and hedging. Moreover, this strategy exemplifies the essential characteristics that you may consider very important in a good strategy it relies on the meeting of indicators for signal generation.


There are many reasons why this is a not so good strategy. The first thing why it’s bad is that it does not fully consider trend. If there were some contemplation towards trend or even signal convergence in one or time frames it will lessen some problems. MACD here is an indicator that allows lagging. When you wait for the zero line to cross for verification, you may be kept out of successful trade. If you trade with trend, a weak MACD signal may be handles but with lesser success rate. The second reason why this strategy is bad is that the fact that it has no regard for trend, the system will produce signals that may counter the trend. These counter trend trade may be quite profitable but in most cases it may lead to losses. Because of its lags, it may not be a very advisable strategy for contrarian trading.


Generally, this is a great strategy. It offers user friendly signals. These signals are easy to read and area very clear. You can also easily apply it to binary options. If you want better results you may use in together with other techniques that determine trends. This way you can filter traps and poor signals. Among the most fundamental rules of trading is trading with trend. No strategy must overlook this. This strategy is ideal for an amateur trader who likes to trade in shorter time frames. It may also be ideal for novice traders who have knowledge on trend identification.

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EUR/USA Dollar

Currency is significantly different from other markets, in the sense that the monetary unit of a country is traded against another country’s unit. Unlike with stock or commodities, you invest stock or commodity of its own value.

A wide range of currency pairs are offered by binary options platform, from countries across the globe. Every pair in the market has its own distinctiveness and suffers from impact of different factors. Traders should recognize this distinctiveness that’s why most are paying great attention to it.

As most part of the world pays US dollar for international transactions, the USD can also be called the intermediary as far as trading in currencies is concerned. Before jumping in ahead the fast-paced world of buying and selling currency in the market, you have to know the pairs that are used in the market the most. Traders can barter on the major pairs like EUR/USD, USD/JPY. GBP/USD, USD/CAD, USD/CHF and AUD/USD. Major pairs always include USD as one of the pair, others that are not traded against USD falls into minor pair. They are always kept together due to the fact that the pair’s rate is based on the evaluation of those two specified monetary units.

The world’s most popular pair

Looking at the most common pairs that are traded more frequently in the market than the others, Euro-US Dollar pair has been the most traded and popular in the international market. The pair deals between the Euro and the American Dollar. It is the most active pair in the market today because of its insignificant volatility which attracts investors with different experience. The volume of traders buying and selling this currency makes them the most profitable and the most volatile.

The pair is highly volatile meaning it is good for real time and in the short run. One can trade the currencies several times a day, owing to the constantly changing values. Those traders who opt for this pair should be always aware of the market movements in Eurozone and USA. This pair is taken up by the major brokers and conventional investors.

EUR/USD pair is also known as the “Euro”. The value of the Euro pair is quoted as 1 EUR x USD. If this pair is affected by some factors that will influence the value of the both in relation to each other, then the interest rate differential will affect the value of both when compared to each other. How the Euro pair works? If the European Economy is doing better than the US economy then EUR gains in value against USD. And if the US economy is doing better than European economy then USD gains value against EUR.

When to purchase a call or put option on the Euro pair?

Now that we know what a pair is, let’s look how it was traded. In Euro pair, the first unit is referred as the “base” and the second is referred as the “quote” or sometimes “counter”.

The stronger the base, the higher the number of the quote is. Trading this in binary options is much more simplified and beneficial compared to the conventional one. You’ll have to choose what currencies you’re going to trade, in this case EUR/USD and you will have to decide if it will end above or below its current price at the end of the hour. If you think that it will end up above the current price, choose the “CALL”. And if you decide that it will end up below the current price, choose “PUT”.

If you take a conventional EUR/USD long position combined with a Stop/Loss and simultaneously buy a “PUT”, you can cover your losses or even be profitable in the event that your long position fails.

The EUR/USD inclines to have a negative correlation with the USD/CHF and a positive correlation to the GBP/USD pairs. This is a result of the positive correlation of the euro, the Swiss franc and the British pound.

Traders may choose EUR/USD pair or try other pair, start trading with us now.

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Tagged with eur/usd strategy

Friday, November 22nd, 2017 by Tim Lanoue

Perhaps one of the most reliable but not traded assets would be the GBP/USD currency asset. Oftentimes when it comes to trading a currency pair the EUR/USD asset takes the spotlight but if you notice that the EUR/USD is wild someday then maybe you could give the GBP/USD asset a shot. This is just another one of those cases for when the markets aren’t in your favor and why you would want a variety of strategies to utilize to keep a consistent income. The foundation of the strategy is based around the use of fundamental analysis which we will cover below.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the fundamental analysis technique it is simply the analysis of an assets financial health, new releases and competitive rivals. When using fundamental analysis it is essential that we have access to a financial portal like Google Finance.

GBP/USD Strategy – How to Trade GBP/USD?

One of the ways that we use this strategy is to access our financial portal and keep an eye out for the UK Inflation Letter. The UK Inflation Letter is a letter composed by the Bank of England’s Chairman to the House of Lords about the status of inflation present in the country. This letter will affect the UK economy for many months so if you watch out for it you can place very large trades accordingly that will more than likely work out in your favor.

The second way to trade the GBP/USD would be to wait for the release of UK manufacturing data that is publicized monthly. Now keep in mind that this report is not nearly as significant as the inflation report so the affect it will have on the markets will not be as severe. Now when preparing to trade with these two fundamental analysis tools it is important to realize that we kind of want a trend to develop first to act as a confirmation. So for example, after the press release we see a rapid drop in the price of the GBP/USD asset so we wait a moment or two longer before placing a put trade just to confirm to us that the asset is still heading in that direction. The opposite goes for if the price of the asset is affected positively and the asset’s price presents a strong bullish trend, in this case one must wait a little longer and then place a call trade.

This is a simple to use GBP/USD strategy that does not require the use of technical analysis which is great because we don’t have to watch charts for a prolonged period of time. This is a great strategy to the use if you are interested in trading the GBP/USD currency asset on a binary options platform. If you have any questions or would like to leave a comment and for suggestions, comments and all other questions, email me directly at tradingbinaryonline@gmail. com .

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Tuesday, October 22nd, 2017 by Tim Lanoue

As many of you may know trading online is no easy task and to trade profitable is even more difficult. For this reason many trading experts and gurus have come up with an array of strategies and guidelines to help prove the success rate of traders. One easy, applicable strategy would be reversal and breakout trading. Reversal and breakout is one that is not often practiced today because it mostly goes with trend trading however when used correctly it can yield a large amount of winning trades.

So what are reversals and breakouts?

Reversals and breakouts are drastic changes in trend directions over a short period of time. More often than not reversals and breakouts occur after a press release is announced or during the end of a trading session. These are often easy to predict which allows traders the ability to go big on some trades and come out with a nice profit. The picture below is a good example of reversal and breakouts that could have been traded.

One of the great advantages with reversals and breakouts is that you can use it on nearly any time frame. That means you can use it from the one minute time frame to the daily time frame. However, ideally this binary options strategy is used more often with a time frame of 30 minutes or less. Spotting potential trend reversals or breakouts can be relatively easy if you know some basic terminology and have a rough idea on what you are looking for.

Below is a picture of the Eur/Usd asset. In the picture you can see the overall trend of the asset which is known as order flow, order flow is simply the summation of all buy and sell orders of an asset at any given moment of time. In this particular example the trend of the asset is mostly bearish until it becomes neutral at the end. When it comes to trading reversals or breakouts we need to identify three characteristics of the asset.

The first characteristic we need to spot would be the trend of the asset. Is the graph displaying a strong uptrend, downtrend or neutral trend? If you are working with a shorter time frame ideally you want to use a more volatile asset because reversals and breakouts are more prone to happen. The second factor we look for would be if the direction of the asset is slowing down or not, is it peaking or bottoming out? Next, when we think the reversal is going to take place we need to wait for our indicating candle to close and wait for a candle of the opposite color to appear then we place our trade. We wait for the candle of the opposite color to appear as a confirmation that the trend of the asset is more than likely changing directions.

Trading reversals and breakouts is a relatively easy strategy and is easy to use. This is a great strategy to use and can be helpful in your trading arsenal. This strategy is good by itself but can be bettered if combined with other indicators like Fibonacci arcs, EMAs, or true volume.

Sunday, September 29th, 2017 by Tim Lanoue

The intention of this article is to provide traders with an advance Eur/Usd binary options trading strategy that may allow you to profit more from trading online down the road. One reason why we choose to trade the Eur/Usd asset would be because it is perhaps the most traded currency pair today. Due to the assets high liquidity and good track record this asset is the most reliable providing us with the best chance to profit more in the long run. The Eur/Usd asset became popularized by Forex trading, which is a form of trading that deals solely with currency pairs and pip spreads. Luckily for us Forex trading is slowly degrading while binary options trading are reigning supreme. When it comes to trading binary options one does not have to worry about beating a pip spread or using advance leverage techniques. One must merely predict whether the price of an assets value will go up or down by the end of the expiry time. This strategy falls under two steps requiring the use of a couple trading indicators along with two other sentiments relating to the trend of the asset.

If you are unfamiliar with charting solutions you can visit Freestockcharts. com and use their charting interface for free. When you are looking at our graph make sure your asset is on the Eur/Usd asset and go to indicators and add the Parabolic SAR indicator. Next go to your indicator tab again and add the MACD indicator, this simple is the momentum indicator. The settings for these indicators are default at the Free Stock Charts website so you don’t have to change their settings.

There are two ways to apply this strategy and that would be if there is a bullish or bearish trend. First we will go over the rules for the bearish trend. As you can see in the picture below we have the Eur/Usd asset and it is showing a bullish (upward) trend. Since the Eur/Usd is showing signs of a bullish trend we wait until the Parabolic SAR indicates a good buy zone like it has in the picture below. The last thing we check is the MACD, if the MACD is positive or crosses from negative to positive then you are good to place your buy trade.

Lastly we have the bearish trend. Below you will see a picture of the Eur/Usd asset displaying a down trend. The first thing we have to do is wait for a good sell zone to show up like it has, next we wait for the MACD to present itself from going in a positive to negative direction or in a continuous downward direction. Lastly, we wait for our Parabolic SAR indicator to indicate a good sell zone, once all the above are met then you can place your trade accordingly.

If you have any questions please feel free to post a comment below. If you are new to binary options and are unfamiliar with trading indicators please feel free to visit the tab labeled All Binary Options Indicators.

$ 20 a $ 100 Corredores de depósito mínimo!

Best EUR USD Strategy by Snir

Snir Yamin’s Best EUR USD strategy is one of the most effective and consistent strategies to date within the binary options trading industry. Snir Yamin is among the top three performing trading admins for Michael Freeman’s manual signals group on Facebook who has shared and generated over 600 in-the-money trading signals for this elite Facebook group. Not only has he helped thousands of members profit with his signals but he has also shared many trading strategies, such as his best EUR USD strategy that generates a success rate on average of 76% or higher.

EUR USD strategy demonstration

Now this is a technical analysis based trading strategy so the use of a charting solution such as Free Stock Charts as seen and used by Snir Yamin in the video is highly encouraged. One of the best advantages of this binary option trading strategy would be that only one technical indicator is needed, opposed to many, which oftentimes clouds the charting solution, making it more difficult to see signals. The only technical indicator we use would be the exponential moving average set to a period of 60 and the required time frames can vary between 15, 30 and 60 minutes.

In order for a trading signal to be generated, we wait for the formation of a candlestick formation known as the engulfing candlestick . where a candlesticks “engulfs” the entire body and wick of the candle previous to it. If the engulfing candle is bullish then we look into placing a CALL investment that correlates relatively near the same time value that our time frame is set on. If the engulfing candle is bearish though, we then look towards placing a PUT investment near the same expiry time of our time frame. To see this EUR USD strategy live in action, please feel free to watch the video above.

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General Risk Warning

Trading binary options carries a high level of risk and can result in the loss of your investment. As such, binary options may not be appropriate for you. You should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Before deciding to trade, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and risk tolerance. Under no circumstances shall we have any liability to any person or entity for (a) any loss or damage in whole or part caused by, resulting from, or relating to any transactions related to binary options or (b) any direct, indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages whatsoever.

In accordance with FTC guidelines: ObjectiveBinaryOptions. com has financial relationships with some of the products and services mentioned on this website and we may be compensated if consumers choose to click these links in our content and ultimately sign up for them.

In accordance to the CFTC rules ("It is against the law to solicit U. S. persons to buy and sell commodity options, even if they are called ‘prediction’ contracts, unless they are listed for trading and traded on a CFTC-registered exchange or unless legally exempt,") ObjectiveBinaryOptions. com does NOT recommend that US traders sign up with brokers that are not regulated in the United States by the CFTC.

Are you looking for the best binary options brokers where to trade EUR/USD currency pair? Find here a comparison table designed to make it easy for you to find the best binary option broker for trading EUR/USD. It contains the payout, the return to loss, contract types and expiration times for every trusted broker listed in the table.

Binary Options EUR/USD Trading

Trading currency pairs is one of the most simple and dynamic ways that binary options traders can be involved in the trading market. The reason is that the value of currencies continuosly changes, allowing both experienced and beginner traders alike to capitalize on potential profit in this specific area.

One of the most popular trading pairs for binary options traders is the EUR/USD (Euro and US Dollar). Everyday, every hour, someone is either buying or selling the EUR/USD. And because of the high trading volume of this currency pair, there are a lot of opportunities to profit from any price movement. Liquidity is very important because it causes prices to change gradually and trends to develop incrementally, so there is low volatility.

The Australian dollar gained on Thursday after a release in jobs data showed employment rate in the latest monthly to be nearly four times the expected level.

Australia added 42,000 jobs in May, taking the unemployment rate down to 6.0%, which was the lowest rate in a year and well below the expected 6.2% though the participation rate fell slightly from 64.8% to 64.7%.

Australian dollar gains after jobs data announced

The Melbourne Institute showed inflation expectation in June to be at 3.0% compared to May at 3.6%.

AUD/USD changed hands at 0.7758, up 0.26%, after the jobs data released. In Japan, USD/JPY was quoted at 123.15, up 0.42%. EUR/USD traded at 1.1285, down 0.34%

The Kiwi fell sharply on Thursday after the Reserve Bank of New Zealand surprised markets by cutting the benchmark rate, indicating the Reserve Bank ready to act like other central banks in the hope to boost growth while the country’s inflation is well in check.

NZD/USD traded at 0.7015, down 1.44% after the decision.

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand on Thursday cut its official cash rate by 25 basis points to 3.25%, which considered as the latest movement in Asia in the view of easing monetary policy.

The decision came as a surprise to most of economists who expected the governor Graeme Wheeler would hold on the official cash rate at this quarterly meeting, but to signal rate cuts later in the year. Market was pricing around 60% probability of a 25 basis points cut.

Instead the New Zealand central bank signaled growing concern about the effect of falling prices in commodity on the country’s economy, particularly dairy products, as well as minimal consumer price index (CPI) inflation levels.

Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras ended talks with European key leaders in Brussels on Wednesday without much progress towards an agreement.

The meeting involved Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, France’s President Francois Hollande and Mr. Tsipras in an effort to reach a political solution, which then they could present to the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank.

After the Summit, Tsipras told journalists that all parties agreed to intensify the efforts in order to bridge the gaps and proceed to a solution. Mr. Tsipras thinks the EU leadership will realize that they must agree to a viable solution to open the possibility for Greece to return to social cohesion with security and growth but also with a sustainable debt.

Earlier on Wednesday, S&P downgraded Greece’s debt rating from CCC+ to CCC and warned that, if there is no deal reached with its creditors, Greece could default on its commercial debt within the next 12 months.

On Thursday, a bilateral meeting will happen in Brussels between Tsipras and Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission President.

The U. S. dollar index was up 0.32%, reaching to 94.88.

On Wednesday, the dollar remained low the third week against a basket of major currencies. Investor continued to lock-in profits from the dollar last week and trading remained quiet as no major U. S. data was released throughout the day.

A selloff in European government bonds continued, with 10-year German bonds yielding to the highest level ever since September 2017 on earlier Wednesday.

German-bond yield acts as a benchmark for European financial markets and higher yields will push the euro higher against the dollar. Yields rise as prices fall.

Yen nearly flat in Asia The yen and the Australian dollar were flat on Wednesday in Asia and central bank executives from both countries were going to give remarks to business groups. USD/JPY traded at 124.38, up 0.02%, while AUD/USD changed hands at 0.7691, up 0.01%. EUR/USD rose 0.04% to. [Read More. ]

The Australian dollar held early gains on Thursday in Asia, while minutes from the Federal Reserve showed a rate hike to be unlikely next month. AUD/USD traded at 0.7880, up 0.08%, while USD/JPY traded at 121.18, down 0.14%. EUR/USD traded at 1.1115, up 0.19%. In China, HSBC in May flash the. [Read More. ]

Did you see some action today in the financial markets? What opportunity did you take this time? Well, if you really looked at the EUR/USD you got it right!

The most traded currency pair, EUR/USD went down today almost 1% as currency traders digested relatively hawkish comments on the increased possibility of a 2017 interest rate hike from several members of the Federal Open Market Committee. By the way, when do you think the Fed will raise the Interes Rates? Feel free to share your opinion with us.

How to trade EUR/USD in Binary Options?

EUR/USD Market Trading Signals

The euro has now fallen on three consecutive sessions against the US Dollar, consolidating my recommendation for binary options traders to open PUT operations with this currency pair for long term, even during the day was fine. Yes, day trading I meant.

Investors are preparing for the release of economic indicators later this week that could provide further signals on the direction of the global economy. Tomorrow Tuesday there will be some economic data from the EuroZone and at week’s end, the U. S. Bureau of Economic Analysis will release its third estimate of U. S. GDP in the second quarter. So you better be watching the Economic Calendar for clues about how to trade binary options.

Are you waiting for that EUR/USD Binary Options Market Signal. Ok, so the final decision in my opinion is to open PUT trades with the EUR/USD for long term picking a 15 days expiration time.

If you want to do day trading with the EUR/USD I recommend you to first check that there’s no activity in the Economic Calendar . Then you can go and check the Technical Indicators to see what they say for the timeframe you’ve chosen.

Wish you a successful binary trading!

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Opciones binarias

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Binary Strategies for Riding the EUR/USD to Parity

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Publicaciones recientes de Christian Landmark: Christian Landmark

Opciones binarias

The Euro falls down and the Yen strengthens

The first trading day of a New Year was marked by massive sales of the main currency pairs. Overall the data were moderately revised to better figures, but the EUR/USD pair ignored the indices.

Against such background the EUR/USD and the main European stocks plummeted. In Britain we’ve seen a report on Manufacturing PMI as well. The numbers came out worse than forecasted, and traders decided to fix profits on long positions.

The Yen on Thursday appreciated against the Dollar. Bulls continue to fix profits on long positions, what contributes to Japanese currency appreciation.

The Euro is declining and approaching resistance at 1.3620. If it doesn’t hold the rate perhaps is going to fall further to test 1.3535. Otherwise a limited rebound will be possible.

On Thanksgiving-day markets moved with Euros and Pounds buying, and the Yen selling. Important celebrations are generally followed by recess. In this case, nothing special is expected for the American market today.

In general markets are very quiet and volatility is relatively low. Although German retail sales are expected today, and also it will be revealed a report about unemployment rate in Europe.

The pair remains in uptrend. However, there are some backward movement signs. The main resistance is around 101.20. If this line does not cross we may see the rebound and the resumption of the previous trend.

The meeting of FRS had been putting pressure on the EUR / USD price. Reduction of the QE3 program could be discussed at the next meeting, and rumors of the introduction of negative interest rate in the euro area exacerbated the negative trend of the euro, which has supported the U. S. dollar, placing the pair in the 1.3399 zone.

The meeting of the Bank of Japan brought no surprises. The reduction of GDP in the third quarter was described by the bank as a temporary slowdown. It was said, as well, that is too early to discuss the cessation policy of the stimulant program. Positive investor feelings in Japan and in the U. S. encourage the USD / JPY pair. The yen has taken new heights and closed at 101.27.

This week will be shorter for U. S. participants because of Thanksgiving Day. As usually happens, it is expected liquidity to fall and it´s the volatility is more likely to increase.

The pair continues to appreciate quite well. It has left far behind from the symbolic and psychological level of. Now the upward target will be the area between 104 and 105.

El miércoles se publicaron los protocolos de la última reunión de la FRS, donde el regulador nuevamente no dio ninguna información clara cuando se espera el inicio de la reducción de los volúmenes de QE3.

En esta reunión se dejó en claro la disposición a rebajar la tasa de depósito, a fin de permitir a los bancos acreditar de manera más activa en vez de poner los fondos libres a causa de los reguladores. La disminución del volumen de las emisiones, despertará la entrada de fondos en el sector real, lo que sólo puede acelerar el crecimiento y aumentar la brecha entre las economías europeas y estadounidense.

El euro viene creciendo de manera constante en un intento de recuperar posiciones tras la reciente caída. El panorama general para el euro sigue siendo alcista y se acerca a 1.3500. En caso de superarse este nivel, es problable que se fortalezca la tendencia.

Today’s session is marked by a significant fall of the Ibex 35 index, losing 9.700 points and struggling to maintain the 9.600 position now, with a loss of 0,24%. The rest of European stock markets showed decreases as well, being Milan the only one that is avoiding this situation.

During the last years of European crisis a high number of complaints to the BCE due to its inaction were issued, taking into account that the most important European Central Banks: NIF, Bank of England, and the Bank of Japan continued their policy of acquiring assets. Meanwhile Frankfurt considers the pros and cons; inflation in Europe is reaching red levels almost touching deflation. In this situation authorities do not have any particular option, being this to accumulate spendings and increase the deficit, or to increase currency printing and pour money into the economy to lower credit rates.

Wall Street closed with a lower number yesterday. Its three indexes lost points in the session, especially Dow Jones with a 0,06% loss, and waiting for the FED’s intervention tonight.

The pair keeps on the low. The support is moving around 99,50 and to regain the boost it will need to reach the 100 point mark. The following goal being 100,25.

Last week was marked by growth of rates of major currency pairs: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY. As for the Euro, the main even for the pair was release of GDP. for the 3rd quarter, published on Thursday November 14. As we expected, the numbers came out worse than forecasted. GDP figures for the 3d quarter were also issued in the leading economies Europe: Germany, France, and Italy. All countries showed decline in comparison to the 2nd quarter. Italian data should be mentioned in particular.

Japanese currency ignored that release, and investors focused on the aforementioned statement of Yellen about necessity to leave current monetary and credit policy intact. Nikkei appreciation also contributed to major optimism, so the pair ended trading at 100.19.

The Euro continues trading weak. Still there are chances for it to appreciate. But bullish momentum is not too potent. So there is a probability of breaching support at 1.3460. In such case, the target on the downside will be 1.33oo and lower region.

There is no big statistics planned for today. Though last Friday there was quite interesting report on the labor market. Unemployment as expected grew by 0.1% and constituted 7.3% by results of October. These numbers are relative and depend on amount of workforce, which US statistic institutions tends to either underestimate or overestimate, and that is why based on such insignificant dynamics it is hard to make any conclusions.

Ambiguity of the last report on the market will most likely make the FRS officials wait for November data in order to make a final decision about QE3 fate. If next month statistics is also positive, then the head of the FRS will have a serious argument in favor of downgrading of stimulating program volume. It is not necessary, that we are going to see a big contraction, but it is important to have a start.

Though there are a lot of other figures, which reflect the process of economic recovery, regardless of all conflicts in the Congress. Industrial PMI on September and October constituted 56.2 and 56.4 respectively and for services 54.4 and 55.4. In other words the FRS can generalize all this data, concluding about the emerging acceleration of economy in 2017. At that one shouldn’t forget that final decision will depend on whether solution on budget is found.

The Euro didn’t manage to breach major resistance at 1.3455. If below 1.3300, it can fall to 1.3150-1.32. In case it is able to hold above this level, it will have a chance for a rally again up to 1.3390 and 1.3450.

According to official figures, European inflation reached 0,7% in September. Last year, Mario Draghi had already declared he would do everything possible in order to make the Eurozone more stable. As of now, European inflation keeps going down and is now reaching critical figures. The ECB could therefore intervene in order to modify the situation. Even though the rate will not be downgraded, the EUR/USD pair could fall.

Today, everybody’s attention is on Twitter (TWTR) and its New York Stock Market (NYSE) debut. The price for each share was set at 26 Dollars, meaning the company was valued in 18.000 million Dollars, based on extraordinary shares, options and restricted shares. The price of each share could reach 28 Dollars.

The Euro recovered from its Support on 1.3440, at 50. It if manages to overcome this level, it will be capable to move towards 1.3550. Resistance is on 1.3525, at 30. Markets are expecting the ECB and BOE meetings, since their decisions regarding interest rates will affect the pair.

In Asia, Tokyo’s Stock received a strong impact from Toyota. According to experts, the Japanese giant is hoping to increase its profits previsions for the fiscal year ending on March 2017. These facts were very helpful for the main indices during today’s session: the Nikkei grew by 0,79% while the Topix grew by 0,81%.

The latest negative statistics coming from Europe pushed the Euro Commission to revise its next year previsions. The growth forecast for the European economy, first at 1,4%, is now on 1,1%. The Euro’s current value is in correction after a strong increase.

The Euro has a key Support on 1.3450. Key Resistance is on 1.3520. It’s very likely the upward trend will resume in the short term.

Les dernières statistiques publiées aux États Unis ont révélé une fois de plus las obstacles auxquels fait face l’économie. Lors de la paralysie du gouvernement, les attitudes des individus ont viré vers l’épargne. Par conséquent, les ventes se sont réduites de 0,1% et l’indice de confiance du consommateur a atteint des chiffres rouges.

À l’Est, le Nikkei a chuté après que la Banque du Japon a choisi de maintenir la flexibilité monétaire en gardant son programme de stimulation économique. Le Nikkei a chuté de 1,20% jusqu’à atteindre les 14.502,35 points.

L’euro continue à corriger son patron. Les analystes assument que la paire va continuer à fluctuer entre 1,3650 et 1,3850 dans le long terme.


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Using Nadex Binary Options to Trade EUR/USD

Let’s look at the Euro US Dollar (EUR/USD). Currently pricing has an intraday downside bias, however, price is also testing a bullish PRZ, this a a harmonic pattern terminology for a harmonic pattern that has a completion zone (PRZ - Potential Reversal Zone) which offers a place to take profit if already in a short position, or to stalk a long position for a low risk retracement attempt.

Using Nadex Binary Options to Trade EUR/USD

This intraday chart, in this case I’m using anSTRenko 20 bar chart, shows price has confluence, aka an area where different Fibonacci rotations merge to form an area of similar targets. An aggressive harmonic pattern trader will enter a long position at 1.3395 with the risk below 1.3379 or 1.3344, depending on the trader’s risk tolerance. A conservative harmonic pattern trader will wait for price to hold above the top of the PRZ which is 1.3415 before entering a long trade because as long as price is inside the PRZ, there’s a probability of testing all levels inside the zone and / or a potential breach of the zone to test a nearby target, in this case 1.3344. If a long trade is entered above 1.3415, the risk can be below 1.3415, below 1.3388 or below 1.3379, depending on how much a trader is willing to risk to see if they’re right or wrong in their directional trade

The ideal minimum retracement target, with a hold above 1.3415 is currently 1.3517 and point of interest, or scaling point at 1.3479. Harmonic patterns ideally retrace 100%, this would give us a target of 1.3699, so how much retracement occurs offers finetuning a trade. A bounce into 1.3517 and rejection, or a failure to get there is a sign of weakness and decreases the probability of going into retracement mode scenario and offers a caution to long positions to take smaller profits or tighten the risk. But if price is able to push above 1.3517, this increases the probability of testing 1.3586 or higher, remember the ideal target is 1.3699.

Given this view how can we apply it using Binary Options? Binary Options are an ideal tool for trading one’s market vision due to the easily quantifiable risk vs reward. Keep in mind, when we talk about binaries we do not mean any of the over the counter binary options you may see peddled out there. We mean exchange traded binary options due to their lack of counter party risk, ease of entry and exit and complete transparency. These criteria can best be met by trading binary options on the North American Derivatives Exchange, or Nadex (www. nadex. com). Nadex is a Designated Contract Market and Derivatives Clearing Organization, subject to regulatory oversight by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

One of the many liquid products that trade daily on Nadex is the US dollar, Euro pairing (EUR/USD). We will use the weekly binary which expires on August 1st at 3PM EDT.

Currently (July 30, 12:30 EDT) the Euro has weakened and is trading at 1.3383. The above analysis suggests getting long at this level to trade an upside bounce. The Nadex binary that comes closest and has the best price is the binary option with a settlement price of 1.3375. The market in this option is 48 bid 50 offered. That means that the market as a whole thinks that there is between a 48 and 50 percent chance that the Euro will be above this level at settlement. We purchase this option at 50, meaning that we risk $50 to make $50 (binary options settle at either zero or 100).

At the same time we will hedge this trade by selling the binary option closest to our scaling point of 1.3479. The binary option closest to this has a settlement price of 1.3475 and the current market in this option is 15 bid 18 offered. We sell this binary at 15, leaving us in a long/short binary option spread.

What are the possible results? Let’s break it down.

A settlement price in the EUR/EUD below 1.3375 costs the position $35. Both options settle at zero so the position loses its 35 point debit.

A settlement price above 1.3475 also costs the position $35 as both options settle at 100 and the long option makes 50 points while the short side loses 85 points.

On the other hand, a settlement price in two days’ time anywhere between 1.3375 and 1.3475 makes the position $65 as the long side settles at 100, making $50 while short side settles at zero, making $15.

Therefore, this two day binary strategy risks $35 to make $65.

By Kathy Garber and Randall Liss

Nothing written here should be construed as a recommendation or advisement to do any particular strategy or to sell or purchase any securities or derivative(s). All the content provided is for educational purposes alone. The strategies discussed are meant to teach a way of thinking about the market and using derivatives. The strategies are often time and price specific and cannot be replicated exactly in any case.

Signal VS Social Trading – A Strategic Analysis for Forex Binary Options

Tag Archives: Binary options EUR/USD

Woke up the other day at Monday morning at 5 AM to get a feel for the markets and try to identify a few potential entry signals on the EUR/USD. I decided to give Optimarkets a try since they were the only ones kind enough to answer my continuously badgering questions without slamming the phone in my face. The coffee was fresh and so were the formations on the candlesticks on my MT4 account, so here we go. Chart A represents a Bear Trap formation on today’s EUR/USD signals, or is it the beginning of a cup & handle pattern? & Hellip;

EasyXP is a relatively new binary options broker, but it has a very promising future. The simplicity and ease of use coupled with a superb trading platform accepting traders from the United States as well as the rest of the world, make it a particularly attractive choice for traders just starting out as well as seasoned Wall Street veterans looking to profit and make winning trades. EasyXp is a no-download platform. Meaning you simply register a real money trading account, make your initial investment, and start trading. It’s a hassle-free, no-nonsense trading environment that simply puts you in the “money …

What is The NFP? The non-farm payroll report is a monthly “bill of health” provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics which provides a numerical snapshot with regards to a rise or decline in the amount of payrolls issued to around 80-85% of the US work force not employed in the farming industry and excluding government employees. The report is used by the government as well as leading economists, and in turn Forex binary options traders to evaluate the economic state of affairs and of course derive insights while engaging in predictive modeling formulas. Why do binary options traders wait for …

A lot of technical traders use Fibonacci Levels to trade Forex binary options (a. k.a currency pairs). However, most don’t really understand how it works and how to select the best trading software and platform. Needless to say, the strategies that can be utilized in order to identify the correct entry and reversal signals are all dependent on your understanding of the markets and the tools you are using. If you have any doubts, it’s best to inquire because it can get really dicey out there if you don’t know exactly what you are doing. The Limitations of Using Fibonacci Using …

If you have traded forex binary options before, you should already know that EUR/USD currency pairs can be an extremely fickle and unpredictable financial instrument. Still, the profit margins on contracts expiring in the money are immensely high, and that is what makes pair trading so attractive to investors. Let’s assume for all intents and purposes that you have formulated an effective trading strategy using an effective Fibonacci-based resistance line signaling model and you have your finger on the pulse of the financial news. Now, if you are an experienced trader you should know that if you start losing trades …

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Tips For Trading the EUR/USD Currency Pair

Currency pairs are one of four major asset classes found within binary options platforms. While every trade is going to offer risk and the potential for a substantial reward, currency trading can increase both of these. It should be stated upfront that those who have some previous experience with Forex trading will find it easier to trade currencies in binary format initially. However, the learning curve is not substantial and anyone can learn to profit from price movements.

Some of the strategies used in standard Forex trading can be used to trade binary options with just slight modifications. Even so, it is important to remember that these two forms of trading are inherently different. When trading binaries, there will be no buying and selling of assets, as profits are instead based on accurate price movement direction predictions. There will also be no standard stop loss, although the ability to sell an open position is now presented within some platforms.

The EUR/USD pairing experiences a large daily trade volume, which means that traders can expect to see plenty of price movement. When investor sentiment is strong, expect to see the highest volumes. Either currency can easily begin to trend when country-specific economic data is released. Favorable or unfavorable reports will make a difference, as will reports which a better or worse than what market analysts were expecting.

Millions of dollars are changing hands at any given time within the Forex market. Many of these transactions are directly related to the euro and dollar. In standard FX trading, traders will be hoping to lock in profits when one of the two gains on the other. For the binary options trader, there exists the chance to profit from both upward and downward price movement. This presents additional profit opportunities, as trades can be entered into for both the EUR and USD, simultaneously even, based solely on the direction of price movement.

All major markets are connected in some manner. Big events which impact one major market can certainly impact other markets. At times, the impact with be the same, with both market climbing or falling in value. However, there will also be times in which the impact is the opposite. When trading the EUR/USD pair, it pays to know how each data release will alter trading conditions, and by how much. In addition to the release of economic data, pay close attention to Federal Reserve meetings in the United States, and meeting of the European Central Bank in Europe.

Preparation is a must when trading with this popular currency pair. Price movements may take place quickly, and be short-lived. The expiry time selection should be directly linked to not only the type of price action, but also the anticipation of how long the dominant action may last. Long-term trades can be opted for when the overall trend is sustainable. However, short-term expiry times will be the better choice when movement seems likely to be brief.

As volatile as the euro and dollar may be at times, the pair also provides plenty of opportunities for trend trading. Be sure to refer to an economic calendar when searching for excellent entry points. Many times, currency pair trades can be planned in advance by simply knowing the dates and times of data releases. Current events can also point out opportunities. Some type of technical analysis is needed, but those who trade currency pairs in binary options format can depend on market reports to highlight the prime entry points of the day.

Helping Client Trade Binary Options: USD/JPY and EUR/USD

Well, I have started to help clients trade binary options now and today was very interesting. After accidentally going into a $100 trade that was just supposed to be a $30. The first trade was a USD/JPY call as it appeared to be bottoming out. This was all prior to the FOMC member speaking, which ended up giving the USD a boost going on into the afternoon.

Anyway, the $100 usd/jpy call went well in the money for most of the expiry period and he had a net profit of around $70. Then, greed kicked in.

We were both looking to make him some more money so we traded a couple EUR/USD and USD/JPY positions as the FOMC speakers were talking at $30 and $75 that went out of the money. The Dollar/Yen trade was so close to being in the money until the last 30 seconds so that was tough. The reason for this signal of downward over 15 minutes was that the price had made 1 bullish 10m bar followed by 2 very small bull bars and then broke back down over 20 minutes. This showed that it didn't have much momentum to surge much higher and we did the put options.

Sadly, it dropped down, but came up just a little bit and took away the $75 of profit.

This was where risk management would have saved some profits. So to get back on top for the day, we did a EUR/USD high/low (trade 4 below) put binary option and ended up in the money to come out on the day with about a $35 net profit . This was just a trend continuation based traded that turned out profitable.

Given his account balance, this % return is good.

Here are each of the trades:

Okane’s HomeGrown Price Action Strategy for EUR/USD

HomeGrown Trading: Okane’s EUR/USD Binary Options Price Action Strategy

Okane’s home grown EUR/USD price action strategy for experienced traders! Use support and resistance lines and time pattern to trade EUR/USD profitably.

Finally the time has come for me to share the strategy that I have been using on my live account for the past 6 months or so. I named it; ‘ Okane’s Price Action strategy for EUR/USD’ because everyone uses Price Action in a different way and I don’t want to start a war on whether this is a PA or not…it’s my strategy and this is how I trade. This is far from a mechanical strategy and it’s absolutely no good for beginners, you’re gonna need some experience to make this one work, there aren’t any magical blinking arrows and there’s only one indicator… unless you want to call the clock an indicator. If you are familiar with using support and resistance lines, can recognize trends and understand candlesticks then keep reading and you might be able to use my strategy. Those who enjoy trading short expiries such as 10-20 minutes on EUR/USD can benefit from reading this review whether they choose to use my strategy or not.

What Is Okane’s Home Grown EUR/USD Price Action Strategy?

This strategy uses Stochastic Oscillator, price action and the clock to predict possible trend retracements. I use stochastic with standard settings, (5, 3, 3) with signal levels marked at 20 and 80 to confirm signals that occur near or on my lines. Start by drawing horizontal trend lines, also known as support and resistance lines on your charts. Higher time frames are preferred, such as H1, H4 and even the daily or above because they are more reliable. You should be confident at drawing lines, tell which lines are significant and why they are stronger than others. In my experience, the strong support and resistance lines are the ones drawn on higher time frames, areas that have the most “candle bounces” or thickest price action. Personally, I prefer to have two charts open simultaneously, one M5 and the other illustrating H1. The chart set on a higher time frame is practical to have because you can clearly see if price is heading towards a major support or resistance line. When price is trending and gets near a S/R level I watch the clock and Stochastic to get my signal.

The super-secret Guru part of the strategy that takes experience to master is timing the signals. This is where the clock comes into play. To help make it clear just look at a EUR/USD 15 minute chart, choose the cross hair (on MT4) and hover over full hours and half-hours. It should become clear that retracements in this pair occur at nearly every hour and half hour of the trading day. What I do is look for a potential retracement each time the clock approaches one of these times. This can presents up to 48 possible trading entries every day but we don’t want to trade all of them because sometimes price ignores this time pattern. The Oscillator’s purpose is to provide additional confirmation by identifying overbought and oversold levels as well as highlight potential support and resistance, ie the actual signals. Sometimes the signal is trend following and sometimes it isn’t. Obviously, we want to trade the retracements where one of our support or resistance lines are touched and confirmed with the Stochastic Oscillator. The best signals are catching the trend following entries after the retracement but the retracements can be traded too.

On the left: Put taken at almost 1.24842 at 17:59 and expired 18:10. Notice how it is moving back up after 18:10. Also, Stochastic indicated overbought on most timeframes. On the right, this was actually a touch option because price was moving up and trying to break the dotted red line repeatedly and I figured it wanted to reach to or near 1.15420 which it did! Stochastic on the M5 would get oversold very quickly each time price dropped.

Why Does My Strategy Suck?

My strategy sucks if you haven’t spent a lot of time watching and trading EUR/USD. Generally speaking; my strategy sucks for anyone who is not fully confident in drawing trend lines and S/R lines and is not in touch with this market. Furthermore, the time patterns are sometimes totally neglected and our expiry is so short that a small mistake can result in a few pip disadvantage which in turn could mean a losing trade. Getting a good entry and expiry can be crucial and time is not an indicator on its own.

Why Doesn’t My Strategy Suck?

This strategy doesn’t suck because after testing my strategy live during six months it gave me roughly 62% ITM on >200 trades. The two first testing months obviously lowered the win rate because it was new to me as well but once I got the hang of reading the chart according to the time my success improved. It also doesn’t suck because it does not rely much on any indicators, even though I use Stochastic it is merely for extra confirmation. I take patterns and trends into consideration and base my signals accordingly.

Conclusion – Will it Work?

My strategy works for me and it can work for you, but is an advanced technique. I have only tested it on the EUR/USD, if you want to use it on a different pair you will have to test it like I did for a few months and see for yourself! That’s why I call it ‘Okane’s EUR/USD strategy’ and not Okane’s “Every asset you wish strategy”. This review might leave some of you confused but strategies based on experience can’t be taught so easily. Luckily, we can discuss as much as you want in the forums and I can help you understand how to apply it and share more super hidden secrets =). You will also find some trades with more information in my trading diary here .

Binary Options Analysis – Trade of the Week: EUR/USD – August 10, 2017

Germany – ZEW Economic Sentiment

Tomorrow, at GMT 9:00 a. m. the Zentrum fur Europaische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW ) will release its German economic sentiment index, which measures the level of a diffusion index based on surveying 275 German institutional investors and market analysts.

Since the professional investment community, investors and analysts have the latest data; their reflection about the economy tends to be the most accurate. Therefore, binary options investors consider the ZEW’s German economic sentiment index to be a leading indicator of the entire Eurozone economy. This is because the German economy is one the most important driving forces behind the Euro currency.

Last July, the ZEW German economic sentiment came out at 29.7, and this month the forecast is set at a modest increase to 31.1.

United States – Prelim Unit Labor Costs

Later, at GMT 12:30 p. m. the US Bureau of Labor Statistics will release the quarter-over-quarter preliminary unit labor costs, which measures the change in the price that businesses in the United States pay for labor. However, this data excludes the farming industry, where labors are hired mostly on a temporary basis. Although it is quarterly data, it is represented in an annualized format.

Since businesses usually pass the extra cost of labor to consumers, binary options traders consider the preliminary unit labor costs to be an important leading indicator of the consumer inflation.

In May, the US preliminary unit labor costs increased by 6.7% and the forecast for this quarter is expected to come at a decrease of -0.1%.

Trade Recommendation for the EUR/USD

On July 27, the EUR/USD price broke and closed above the intermediate downtrend line. But, the price soon started a retracement move, and went down towards the 1.0850 level.

Last week, on Friday, the EUR/USD price formed a bullish outside bar (BUOB), which closed above the resistance around the 1.0950 level.

As the German ZEW economic sentiment index is expected to rise to 31.1 this week, binary options traders are being optimistic about the Euro. As a result, today, the EUR/USD penetrated above Friday’s high, signal additional bullishness in the next few days. The EUR/USD price so far climbed around 110 pips since the market opened.

Under the circumstances, it is recommended that traders consider placing a CALL order for the EUR/USD with their US binary options brokers at the current market price, as it may take a few days for the price to reach near the next resistance level around 1.1130.

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Dr. EUR and Mr. USD: When Strategy Faces Reality in Binary Options Trading

Tag Archives: EUR/USD binary options

If you have traded forex binary options before, you should already know that EUR/USD currency pairs can be an extremely fickle and unpredictable financial instrument. Still, the profit margins on contracts expiring in the money are immensely high, and that is what makes pair trading so attractive to investors. Let’s assume for all intents and purposes that you have formulated an effective trading strategy using an effective Fibonacci-based resistance line signaling model and you have your finger on the pulse of the financial news. Now, if you are an experienced trader you should know that if you start losing trades …

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Binary Options: Tackling the EUR/USD Pair

Binary Options: Tackling the EUR/USD Pair

Submitted by adil on Thu, 05/08/2017 - 06:28

Tagged as: Binary Options Trading. Opciones binarias

It is very common for a binary options trader to trade in a wide range of foreign exchange pairs. But if a trader wants to make a successful trade, it is important for him to have a clear understanding of how paired currencies are traded in relation to each other. The first currency of the traded currency pair is known as a base currency and the other one is known as a quote currency. Therefore, when investors purchase a currency pair, they actually buy the base currency and later on sell the quote currency. So, bid of a trader determines how much of the quote currency is required to get one unit of the base currency.

One of the most traded currency pair in the binary options market is EUR/USD pair. Traders must possess strong knowledge about the strength of these particular currencies and their related economies, because every investment carries a certain amount of risk. When you are trading in Forex binary options, you have a chance of making 80 percent or more money with these trades, but you are also exposed to the risk of losing 100 percent of your investment if it closes out of the money. However, with Forex binary options, you don’t have to be as accurate as you should be with the standard Forex trading, where a trader hesitates to trade because he or she is never sure whether the trade would shift as predicted.

Being the most popular traded pair, trade of millions is executed in EUR/USD every day. This makes it difficult for traders to predict the movements that are worthy of trading. Therefore, you should be well prepared before entering into a EUR / USD trade. A very important term used in EUR/USD trade is called вЂ˜space’. Investors and traders should be aware of it as it represents the price variance between how much money you would make if your forecast is correct, and the amount of money you lose if your forecast is incorrect. It is associated with Forex binary options, which is not as clear as the вЂ˜spread’, but it is crucial and should be considered.

Moreover, technical and fundamental analysis is very helpful for traders who are trading in forex binary options trading. Almost every trader performs some sort of analysis before buying options, even if he had designed a strategy for trading. Technical binary options trader will observe technical indicators and certain patterns so as to find out the potential investment opportunities. On the other hand, from a fundamental perspective, traders follow news releases to buy options in EUR/USD currency pair. However, there are other factors that need to be considered when trading in this currency pair, including the political happenings, economic data and decisions regarding the rate of interest. If the binary options trader understands how to trade in the market after considering these factors and how they affect the value of EUR/USD currency pair, it will create a profitable trading opportunity for them.

Binary options traders, who trade in EUR/USD currency pair, should be able to assess the strength of these currencies and their economies. The US region and EU are two of the major contributors to the worldwide economy and hence, make the EUR/USD pair a crucial foreign exchange asset for investors in the binary options market.

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Basic analysis of USD and EUR correlation

Euro is the official currency used in the European Zone and it consists of 18 member states of the European Union. USD stands for United States Dollar (USD). The pair of currencies has long prevailed in Forex and other foreign and local stock exchange platforms. It takes time to predict the value of the two currencies in the future. The pair has so far been rated as the best currencies that can perform pretty well in the future of the global economy. The euro has out – smarted the Sterling Pound that faced the challenges of the war that saw many countries in an economic floss.

According to the research done on the markets, the Euro accounts for averagely 30 percent of world output and contributes 20% to the existing world trade. On the other hand, United States of America contributes an average of 27% to global contribution and 17% of the World trade. The interpretation of the currency pair is that if the pair is trading at 1,3, it clearly translates that you need 1,3 dollars to purchase 1 Euro.


The currencies are affected by those factors that may face both. On that note, the difference in the rates between the two core banks i. e. European Central Bank and Federal Reserve will lead to a great impact when the two currencies are compared. When the latter bank invests more in the prevailing market, the dollar will surely grow stronger compared to its counterpart.

The prediction on the two currencies is on and you may be anticipating knowing the value of the two currencies in the future. Due to the current economic sanctions faced in the United States of America, it is evident that the Euro will outsmart the Dollar. This will greatly affect the market in most Stock exchange platforms, Forex not excluded. The best interpretation is that the dollar may face more challenges in keeping its pace in the market or rather the dollar will continue declining in its value with time.

To continue, those who are eager to invest in the dollar may face a big surprise and economic downfall. Firstly, the Euro was less affected by any economic floss compared to the Dollar. The economic stability of European Union is way far better than that of the super power. Apart from that, the interest rates of all European Central Banks are higher compared to those of the Federal Reserve in the United States of America. Another major threat to the value of dollar is the fact that there are fewer jobs which directly leads to lower purchase of goods and services by customers.

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Binary Options Analysis – Trade of the Week: EUR/USD – June 2, 2017

Eurozone – Minimum Bid Rate

On Wednesday, at GMT 11:45 a. m. the European Central Bank (ECB) will release the minimum bid rate, which is the interest rate of the refinancing program that is providing the majority of the liquidity in the European banking system.

Binary options investors pay close attention to the minimum bid rate, as short term interest rates have a major impact on the valuation of any currency. Furthermore, many binary options analysts consider all other fundamental economic indicators and data just to forecast the future minimum bid rate set by the ECB.

On April 15, the ECB set the minimum bid rate to 0.05% and the forecast is that they would leave it unchanged at 0.05% for the time being.

United States – ADP Non-Farm Employment Change

Later on Wednesday, at GMT 12:15 p. m. the US based Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (ADP) will release its non-farm employment change figure, which measures the estimated changes in the number of employed people during the last month. However, the ADP excludes the farming industry and the government sector in their estimation.

ADP is a major payroll service provider to US based companies. Because of their large operation, they have access to payroll information and employment change figure from the US corporate sector. Binary options traders consider to the ADP non-farm employment change figure to be an important leading indicator of the US economy because job creation is one of the main factors behind consumer confidence and consumer spending. Therefore, correctly forecasting the labor market situation can help predict the overall economic activity in the country.

In May, the ADP non-farm employment change figure came out at 169,000 and the forecast for June is currently set at 200,000.

Trade Recommendation for the EUR/USD

The EUR/USD has been trending downwards since the second quarter of 2017. However, the bearish momentum accelerated at the end of the year, when the EUR/USD price fell from around 1.2500 to as low as 1.0460 between December 16, 2017 and March 13, 2017.

However, as soon as the price reached near the 1.0460 area, the EUR/USD price bounced and formed two upward sloping trend lines since then.

After closing below the psychological support around 1.1150 on May 19, the EUR/USD formed a bearish outside bar on May 22, which also closed below the intermediate uptrend line. The subsequent bearish move pushed the EUR/USD price towards the 161.8% Fibonacci extension level of the last upward swing, at 1.0924.

Currently, the EUR/USD price is trading near the 161.8% extension level for last one week.

Given that the ECB is likely to keep its minimum bid rate unchanged and the ADP employment change figure is expected to increase to 200,000; the fundamental outlook for the EUR/USD would be bearish for the coming few days.

Under the circumstances, it is recommended that traders consider placing a PUT order with their binary options brokers for the EUR/USD, as the price is likely to remain below the 1.1150 level this week.

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Put options in the EUR/USD pair

There is a lot more demand for the U. S. dollar today due to growing fears over the U. S. fiscal cliff. In some senses, this should shift the dollar lower. However, the risk aversion in the market has helped increase the value of the greenback. One of the main reasons for the strong dollar is due to the economic woes hitting the Eurozone. For example, the European Commission recently downgraded the growth forecast for the region.

The EUR/USD forex binary option has plummeted today by 0.16% to $1.2752. The GBP/USD is trading lower by 0.05% at $1.5977. The USD/JPY pair slipped 0.12% at 79.90 yen. The greenback has also made inroads into a number of its other peers in the latest round of trading.

It seemed at first that the Obama reelection could help the markets, which was the case at the beginning. However, since then the global stock market has plummeted. This is really what traders did not want, because the effect has been less demand for risky currencies.

There are a number of economic news events from the U. S. and the Eurozone. Investors should look out for important US and Eurozone events taking place in the coming hours. Therefore, you may want to open Put options in the EUR/USD pair .

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NZD/USD pair

This pair is considered by a few brokers and traders to be part of the Majors, though it is not always the case. the NZD/USD is cross between the currency of New Zealand (New Zealand Dollar) and the currency of USA (U. S Dollar). Forex and binary options traders also call this pair the 'Kiwi'.

NZD/USD pair

When carrying out currency trading activities in binary options . a trader will look at the market price of the pair that he/she wishes to trade, after compiling a relevant NZD/USD forecast . A market rate for the NZD/USD pair of 0.8682 means that it takes 0.8682 U. S Dollars to buy 1 New Zealand Dollar.

Much like any other currency pairs which are affected by external factors, NZD/USD is influenced by the interest rate disparity between the U. S federal reserve and the Bank of New Zealand. The U. S Federal Reserve can take a decision to move in a particular way and alter the open market with the intention of bolstering the U. S dollar – thus making the pair’s market value decrease. Alternatively, the Bank of New Zealand could take necessary measures to bolster the NZD, which would make the currency pair rise in value. It is important to remember this when carrying out currency trading activities on this pair.

The NZD/USD pair tends to be positively correlated to currency pairs which have the USD as a quote currency, such as AUD/USD, EUR/USD, and GBP/USD.

Gathering data by conducting analysis is extremely important when performing currency trading on live markets, which is why this page offers you all the resources necessary to compile a comprehensive NZD/USD forecast .

Sometimes good things come to those who wait and even though the recent numbers surfacing on the old continent are hardly encouraging, the EUR is on a roll. At least when it comes to the USD . the European currency is improving constantly and binary options traders are now talking about a rate of 1.38. The US political crisis has only amplified the imbalance and the number of bears has reduced dramatically, while those who count on the Euro to set new records is on the rise. Savvy traders shouldn’t ride the wave of enthusiasm, but do the exact opposite this week if they are to finish on the right side of profit.

The EUR/USD rally about to end

The current values recorded by the currency pair are higher than expected and the EUR/USD trades at a higher level than any time during the last eight months. It is obvious that the main catalyst for this trend has been the debt ceiling debacle and the fact that the US government was shut down for almost 3 weeks didn’t help either. The question is whether the European markets are actually improving or if the currency pair is on a surge simply because the circumstances are favorable.

To make this distinction, we have to look at the upcoming events that have the potential of turning into market movers. The German market is most likely to provide such numbers and the Producer prices and Ifo Business Climate rank high on that list. Equally interesting for binary options traders are the services PMIs and manufacturing numbers, with both of them to be released this week.

In this context, it is highly unlikely for the Federal Reserve Bank to decide quantitative easing tapering, which would only increase the pressure on the US dollar. On the other hand, this is a process that has been going on for almost a year and its effect is expected to be minimal on the currency pair. More worrisome is the prospect that the US housing data will be disappointing as well as the US Non-Farm Employment Change. Given the fact that the US non-farm payrolls were not stellar either, it is hard to believe that these particular numbers will be any different.

On the good news, financial markets are posting strong numbers in the wake of the agreement regarding the debt ceiling. At least for the time being, there should be few if any shock waves reverberating and affecting the EUR/USD pair. Even though the American numbers are not encouraging, binary options traders should play more on the consumer sentiment. There are plenty who expect the USD to recuperate some of the ground lost to the euro over the last couple of weeks and now that the looming default is no longer on the table, we can start putting the theories to the test.

Check out the EUR/USD technical analysis for starting the week of October 2012 as well.

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The EUR/USD strategy is one of Snir Yamin’s most powerful binary options tools and using it he generates over 76% ITM for our group and on a daily basis. This is a solid pair and combined with a great trader, it’s a powerful source of income! Tech Analysis on short-term for binary options is not for everyone but it’s great to learn as much as you can and know what you’re doing & even if you plan to rely on signals generated by others. Snir is one of our top admins at Mike FB Signals Group and he trades daily, in fact he never misses a day. All of our admins are very dedicated and our binary options group is the fastest growing in the industry!

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I invite you to learn and follow some of the leaders of this industry and get the most out of binary options in a transparent, and most of all, a profitable community of amazing people from all over the world, with one purpose in mind = to ITM all the way to the bank!

Thank you for watching Snir’s EUR/USD strategy and if you have any questions you may post a comment below or email me directly at [email protected]

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Trading EUR/USD

Binary options enable trading on all the financial markets without any specific knowledge and allow the possibility of generating major profits in only a few minutes. Among the most popular assets currently traded, the EUR/USD currency pair is highly appreciated by binary options traders because of the great range of opportunities for speculating on a rise as well as a fall.

Therefore, here you will find information which will explain its advantages and help you to speculate on this asset at the right time.

What is the EUR/USD currency pair?

The EUR/USD is the market name for the Euro/Dollar currency pair. In fact, it indicates the value in dollars of one euro.

This exchange rate given by the EUR/USD corresponds to the world’s most traded currency pair; this guarantees very strong movements and a high volatility due to the fact that numerous investors trade it throughout the world.

It is in fact the difference between the purchase volume and the sale volume of this parity that determines the price. This quotation is realized on the Forex otherwise known as the foreign exchange market.

The advantages of trading the EUR/USD currency pair with binary options

Although it is possible to trade this currency pair directly on the foreign exchange market, the use of binary options offers many advantages. here follow the major ones:

Firstly, with binary options, EUR/USD trading is much less risky since you know in advance the possible amount of your profits and possible losses.

In addition, the benefits are higher than if one trades the EUR/USD in the traditional manner. It is in fact possible to gain 85% on an investment in only a few minutes whereas this same profit percentage would take months on the traditional Forex.

Finally, as the announcement effects are very strongly influential on binary options, this currency pair is ideal as each week the publication of major news and events make it possible to speculate on the rise or fall of the value.

How to trade EUR/USD with binary options

When trading any asset using binary options, it is first necessary to spot the best moments, that is to say, the moments when the volatility is strongest, which increases the chances of seeing your prediction come to fruition. However, generally, these moments are those following important economic publications. With regard to the EUR/USD, the impacting publications are many and frequent. These can include:

An announcement from the FDE or ECB concerning an economic policy change or a possible intervention of these central banks on the Forex which often have the objective of artificially decreasing the currency value to make it more competitive.

The rating agencies announcements are also closely monitored by Forex investors who have more confidence in the currencies considered as safe for their investments. A lowering in the rating will therefore cause a drop in the currency value concerned.

The economic results of the United States and the Euro zone also influence the EUR/USD value. Here, the data relative to the industry or the general production is favoured, but also the GDP of each of these zones has an influence.

Lastly, the bond issues and more generally the interest rates on these bonds are a way of sensing the traders’ feelings of security concerning each issuing country or zone. In this way, the higher the interest rate, the more the currency concerned will lose its value and the opposite is true when this rate falls.


Reviews Binary Options Exchange EUR/USD

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Binary Options are the newest and simplest financial trading product to be made available to both new and experienced traders. Binary Options are a form of an option that provides a fixed deadline for expiration with a fixed payout. Binary Options trading only has two outcomes for traders… Lee mas

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Binary Option Example

Trading binary options just takes 3 simple steps:

EUR/USD is trading at 1.37665 and you predict the currency pair will be lower in the next 30 minutes and you want to invest $25? Sencillo. Find EUR/USD in the brokers asset list, select the time period of 30 minutes, enter $25 as your investment amount, click on the PUT (sell) button and execute the trade. The return on the trade is 87%.

You’ve now predicted that the currency pair EUR/USD will be lower than the current level of 1.37665 in 30 minutes time.

After 30 minutes EUR/USD is trading at 1.37450, lower than the price 30 minutes earlier, and your trade has been closed automatically by the broker. Since EUR/USD was trading lower as you predicted your trade is settled for a profit. The profit for a $25 investment with a return of 87% is $21.75 ($25 x 87% = $21.75) which is credited to your broker account almost immediately. If your investment amount had have been $100 you would have made a profit of $87 on just this single trade.


Binary Options, also known as Digital Options, all-or-nothing options, or Fixed Return Options (FROs), have been available since the middle of 2008 and are simple for any trader – beginner or professional.

Binary Option is a prediction on which direction the price of a stock, commodity, index or foreign currency will move by a several amount of time.

You need to predict whether the price will go up or down.

To start trading, you simply:

1. Choose the asset you want to trade (forex, stocks, commodities, indices). 2. Click on “ CALL ” if you predict the asset price will rise by the expiry time, or “ PUT ” if you predict that the price will fall by the expiry time. 3. Wait for the results.

4. If the prediction is right, you get up to 85% benefit。

Binary Options in Global Financial Markets Binary options falls under the definition of exotic options but within financial markets they are often referred to as digital options. While digital options are very simple to understand and easily traded, the calculations behind the price is sophisticated and so they are considered exotic options. Digital options are usually traded OTC (over the counter) across all assets in financial markets but more commonly used within the Forex and Interest markets. Recently numerous stock exchanges have produced listed digital options on selected stocks, commonly known as FRO (fixed return options). Today the CBOE offers fixed return options on S&P500 and VIX, also 20 stocks were listed on the AMEX in 2008.

Advantages of Trading Binary Options

Controlled Risk – The percentage reward is known from the beginning, as is what you stand to lose

Simplicity – You only need a sense of direction, for example: ‘Will Google stock price increase/decrease by expiry?’

Attractiveness – For a profitable trade to take place there is only a need for the price to close on the money and the winning trader will receive the entire payoff, even if he was ‘right’ by a small amount.

Hedging opportunities – A safer option to take if a trader has an open position elsewhere in currency, stocks etc. Utilizing a binary option can eliminate a further loss elsewhere.

Punctuality – Binary contracts are being issued around the clock, allowing traders to trade on multiple time frames. There is always an expiration time arriving, which constantly yields new opportunities for binary traders.

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