Tuesday 31 October 2017

Opciones Binarias Pares De Divisas

Los mejores pares de divisas en las opciones binarias Forex Market

Mejores Pares de Monedas en las Opciones Binarias Forex Market 5.00 / 5 (100.00%) 1 voto

No podemos negar el hecho de que las monedas se encuentran entre los mejores activos para el comercio, teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que su valor siempre está en movimiento. Usted puede esperar que el valor de su divisa negociada para disminuir o aumentar en unas pocas horas y en algunos casos, en cuestión de segundos. Si desea ser una parte de los mercados de divisas y el comercio de monedas tanto importantes como secundarias, entonces definitivamente puede hacer esto mediante la contratación de opciones de divisas binarias de comercio.

Cómo tener una buena vista de los movimientos de moneda

Por supuesto, si desea participar en el comercio de divisas, debe tener una buena visión de los movimientos de los valores de moneda. Entre las cosas que pueden ser un montón de ayuda a los comerciantes de divisas son la variedad de pares de divisas. Da a comerciantes un punto de vista fuerte en cuáles serán los altibajos de diversas monedas. Con esto, el comerciante puede dar una predicción más precisa sobre cómo se moverá cada valor de la moneda. Teniendo en cuenta factores económicos y políticos también es necesario cuando se negocian pares de divisas.

Cada comerciante debe recordar que si hay una moneda que se hará más fuerte, siempre habrá una moneda que se debilitará al mismo tiempo. El valor de cada moneda se moverá hacia arriba y hacia abajo dependiendo de las noticias económicas de ese país. Por ejemplo, el valor del dólar estadounidense (USD) subirá si los Estados Unidos han publicado buenas noticias económicas, mientras que el valor de la libra esterlina (GBP) bajará frente al dólar si el Reino Unido ha publicado noticias económicas deficientes.

¿Cuáles son los mejores pares de moneda para el comercio?

Todos sabemos que hay un montón de monedas por ahí. Debido al número de monedas disponibles para el comercio, a veces, se confunde en qué pares de divisas debemos operar al negociar opciones binarias. Afortunadamente, las opciones binarias ofrece una gran variedad de monedas para el comercio y de acuerdo con los comerciantes profesionales, se consideran los mejores pares de divisas para el comercio:

Los mejores pares de divisas en las opciones binarias Forex Market

Euro - Dólar Estadounidense (EUR / USD)

Se sabe que este par de divisas tiene el flujo de pedido más alto entre todos los pares de divisas. También tiene la mejor liquidez en el mercado de divisas. Usted no tiene que estar preocupado por la posibilidad de deslizamiento en la mayoría de los casos. Aparte de eso, también se puede garantizar que su caña de comercio se ejecute de inmediato en una plataforma de operaciones binarias opciones. Negociar este par de divisas significa negociar con una volatilidad relativamente menor. Este par de divisas se recomienda para aquellos que se negociará por primera vez, mientras que los comerciantes profesionales también pueden aprovechar el comercio de estas principales monedas.

Dólar Estadounidense - Franco Suizo (USD / CHF) & amp; Dólar estadounidense - Yen japonés (USD / JPY)

Los comerciantes de estos pares de divisas tendrán más ventaja en comparación con los comerciantes de otros pares de divisas (aparte de los comerciantes de euros - dólares estadounidenses). Sin embargo, estos pares de divisas tienden a tener muy poca acción o poco movimiento. A pesar de esto, estos pares de divisas son muy populares debido a su falta de volatilidad.

Otras parejas que podrían ser mejores para el comercio de divisas son el dólar australiano y el dólar estadounidense, el dólar canadiense y el dólar estadounidense, la libra esterlina británica y el dólar estadounidense y la libra esterlina británica y el yen japonés. También puede probar otros pares de divisas si lo desea. Sin embargo, si usted sigue siendo un principiante en el comercio de divisas, lo mejor es centrarse en el comercio de par EUR / USD primero. Una vez que haya dominado el arte del par de divisas de comercio en opciones binarias, a continuación, puede pasar a abordar otros pares de divisas y activos.


Pares comerciales de divisas que utilizan opciones binarias: una descripción básica

Negociación de pares de monedas mediante opciones binarias: Una visión general básica 5.00 / 5 (100.00%) 1 voto

Para intercambiar pares de divisas usando opciones binarias, debe entender cómo funcionan las opciones binarias. Las opciones binarias representan contratos de riesgo limitado que se conciben sobre una propuesta básica de mercado sí o no. Los comerciantes que utilizan este enfoque comercial, pueden disfrutar de hacer operaciones utilizando sólo una pequeña cantidad de garantía.

Cómo funciona el proceso básico de negociación

Los pares de divisas comerciales con opciones binarias están disponibles en NADEX en la U. S.1a, que está involucrada en realizar transacciones a través de mercados tan fuertemente negociados como materias primas, divisas y índices bursátiles. Una vez más, una opción binaria hace una pregunta básica de sí o no para facilitar el proceso de negociación.

Por ejemplo, tome el ejemplo siguiente -

Si las preguntas se hacen, "¿El precio del oro estará por encima de $ 1,000 a las 1:00 p. m.?"

Usted contestaría "sí" si era su meta de comprar la opción binaria.

Usted respondería "No" si planeaba vender la opción.

Cualquier cantidad que elija para comprar o vender el oro no es el precio real del metal, pero un valor que está entre 0 y 100.

Por ejemplo, Gold & gt; 1000 (1:00 P. M.) en realidad puede ser un precio de $ 42.00 / 47.50. El primer número es el precio de oferta o venta, mientras que el segundo número es el precio de oferta o de compra. La oferta / oferta o precio de venta / compra puede fluctuar a lo largo del día, pero se liquidará en 100 si la respuesta es "sí" o 0 si se dice "no".

Por lo tanto, la ganancia o pérdida se calcula tomando el precio de apertura o el precio en el que se compra o vende la opción y se mide con el precio de liquidación, que será 100 o 0. La diferencia representa la ganancia o pérdida.

Los principales beneficios de usar este enfoque comercial

Los principales beneficios asociados con la negociación de pares de divisas utilizando opciones binarias es que sólo se puede perder la cantidad máxima de la inversión, que, en la mayoría de los casos, no es todo lo sustancial. Una vez más, como se ha dicho, usted no necesita una gran cantidad de garantías para hacer un comercio.

Contratos de opciones binarias - Características fundamentales

Los contratos binarios siempre se enumeran entre 0 y $ 100 y los comerciantes se les permite una serie de oportunidades para el comercio. Las expiraciones a corto plazo en los contratos pueden variar desde sólo 20 minutos hasta tanto como 7 días. Las oportunidades de comercio se ofrecen en mercados planos y volátiles.

Tiempos de negociación

Las oportunidades para negociar pares de divisas utilizando opciones binarias se pueden dividir en cuatro categorías principales:

Intradía - tiempos dentro del negocio actual o día de negociación

Diario - veces dentro de 24 horas de una lista

Semanal - el final de la semana de negociación actual

Basado en eventos: durante una fecha y hora especificadas en el futuro.

Beneficios principales

Negociar pares de divisas usando opciones binarias es más simple que usar un enfoque comercial directo en Forex. El uso del activo subyacente de una divisa ofrece a los comerciantes las siguientes ventajas:

Los operadores tienen acceso al mayor mercado financiero del mundo

Se proporciona una liquidez sustancial

Una variedad de monedas puede ser comercio 24/7

Las operaciones ofrecen una forma básica de gestionar el riesgo

Elegir un emparejamiento

Ahora que conoce los beneficios que están asociados con el comercio de divisas par de operaciones, es probable que desee saber qué pares son los más adecuados para el comercio. Sin embargo, esa pregunta no se puede responder con una respuesta de corte y secado como las monedas varían en su composición, el propósito y las características. Por lo tanto, los comerciantes que están involucrados en la negociación de pares de divisas utilizando opciones binarias debe mirar a los pares que les dan una ventaja personal en el mercado. La hora del día, o cuando el comercio se lleva a cabo, factores en la ecuación también.

Consejos para negociar pares de divisas mediante opciones binarias

Con eso dicho, a continuación hay algunos consejos para tener en cuenta -

& # 8211; El par de divisas EUR / USD presenta la mejor liquidez en el mercado Forex. Los negocios se ejecutan al instante con este emparejamiento y las monedas también mantienen el flujo de orden más alto. Una cantidad reducida de volatilidad es uno de los beneficios también. Por lo tanto, la elección de este emparejamiento es a menudo un buen paso para hacer por los principiantes nuevos en el mercado de opciones binarias.

Los pares de divisas AUD / USD o USD / CAD proporcionan menos liquidez. A su vez, entonces, sus movimientos pueden ser sorprendentes. Los pares a menudo se corresponden con productos tales como el petróleo o el oro. Debido a que Australia produce una gran cantidad de oro, el par AUD / USD es a menudo influenciado por el precio de la materia.

Prueba de las aguas

Los expertos que están involucrados en el intercambio de pares de divisas utilizando opciones binarias recomiendan que los comerciantes principiantes se concentren primero en pares de divisas EUR / USD o GBP / USD. Encontrar la mejor combinación de monedas implica un montón de pruebas personales. Los nuevos inversionistas entonces deben asignar pequeñas sumas en operaciones y registrar las transacciones en una revista para referencia futura. De esta forma, puede ver qué estrategia funciona mejor para usted al negociar pares de divisas utilizando técnicas de opciones binarias.

Opciones Binarias Forex Trading & # 8211; Cómo negociar en pares de monedas

Pares de divisas son una de las estrategias básicas de comercio de divisas. El beneficio de usar pares de divisas es que el inversionista puede obtener ventaja de diversificar sus riesgos apostando en dos economías diferentes. Esto agrega una perspectiva global a la cartera del inversionista. Debido a esto, los pares de divisas se consideran un activo global, por lo que se pueden negociar en diferentes pares a cualquier hora del día debido a las diferentes zonas horarias. Así que esto da a las opciones binarias comerciante más oportunidades de comercio a cualquier hora del día. Esto es ideal para aquellos comerciantes que no pueden acceder al mercado de su economía durante sus horas de trabajo.

Esta es una opción increíblemente dinámica para los comerciantes a participar, porque los pares de divisas están en constante movimiento. Este cambio interminable en las valoraciones es el núcleo mismo del mercado de opciones. Después de la aparición de sesenta segundos opciones binarias, junto con la opción de negociar por vencimientos más largos, la opción de par de divisas es una excelente herramienta para los comerciantes swing y scalpers que buscan oportunidades de comercio. Eso es lo que hace par de divisas una opción ideal para usar en una variedad de estrategia y madurez.

Los mercados básicos para los productos básicos funcionan cuando se cambia un ítem de valor por otro ítem de valor, que es cómo el dinero entró en la ecuación como un método universal de intercambio de mercancías. Sin embargo, con par de divisas, usted compra una moneda con otra. Debe vender una moneda para comprar otra. Para ello, los pares de divisas entraron en existencia. Por ejemplo, el Euro con USD es un par de divisas. En cada par de divisas, la primera moneda actúa como la mercancía y la segunda moneda es la que se paga con la mercancía. Así que cuando usted está comprando un euro con el par de divisas USD, usted está comprando euros y pagar con dólares americanos. No importa qué moneda funciona con su cuenta comercial. Su cuenta de comercio puede trabajar con libras o dólares canadienses a Yenes japoneses, no importa, porque su corredor tomará su capital de cuenta y convertirlo en dólares estadounidenses. Luego lo usa para comprar Euros. Cualquier tipo de comercio en el mercado de divisas debe hacerse con dólares estadounidenses, ya que es una moneda global y actúa como el eje de todas las transacciones de divisas. No importa qué par de divisas que desea a largo o corto, debe convertirse a dólares estadounidenses. La transacción no tiene ningún problema, ya que todo se hace con el clic de un botón.

Ahora aquí es cómo puede largo o corto un par de divisas. En un mercado de divisas, puede vender un par de divisas antes de comprarlo. Funciona así. Suponga que usted espera que el precio del euro va a bajar. Así que pedir prestado un par de divisas por unas semanas y vender de inmediato por decir $ 150. Supongamos que usted tenía razón y el precio del euro realmente se desplomó. Lo que haces es comprar el euro ahora por $ 100 y devolverlo a mí. Haces un beneficio de $ 50

Usted largo su par de divisas siempre que usted lo está comprando y usted está cortando nuestro par de divisas cuando usted está vendiendo. No se deje engañar por estos términos engañosos, estos no tienen nada que ver con la madurez. La única razón por la que se llaman largo y corto es porque se necesita un tiempo más largo para que suba el precio y un tiempo más corto para bajar el precio. Eso es porque el precio sube debido a la codicia y baja debido al miedo, y el miedo es más fuerte que la codicia. Así que cuando usted dice que tiene una posición larga, por lo general implica que el aumento de precios tomará mucho tiempo y viceversa con corto. Así que cuando decimos que estamos deseando un par de divisas Euro y Dólar estadounidense. Significa que lo estamos comprando.

Así que es más o menos lo básico de los pares de divisas. Es una herramienta de inversión increíble para diversificar el riesgo de sus carteras, y es lo suficientemente versátil como para utilizar para una variedad de estrategias. Divertido hecho, el par de divisas más común es Euro-USD, donde el 70% del comercio de divisas se centra en este par de divisas en particular, mientras que un favorito de los fanáticos de los comerciantes de divisas personales es libra británica con yenes japoneses. Esperamos que este artículo fue informativo y le deseamos feliz comercio.

¿Qué son las opciones binarias?

Bienvenido a Banc De Binary

Acerca de Banc De Binary

Banc De Binary es el líder mundial en el comercio de opciones binarias, dos veces ganador del premio World Finance 100, y ayuda a clientes de toda Europa a realizar sus objetivos financieros.

Nuestra plataforma de trading fue diseñada desde cero con una sola palabra en mente: la simplicidad. Hemos simplificado el comercio en línea hasta una simple decisión binaria: ¿El precio de un activo va "arriba" o "abajo"?

Bienvenido a las opciones binarias. Bienvenido a Banc De Binary.

Contactar con Banc De Binary

BDB Services Limited. CORREOS. Caja 343 Victoria, Mahe Seychelles

Consultas corporativas: +357 22 232 366

Reino Unido: + 44-2070992097

España: +34 91 1238659

Rusia: +7 495 789 6841

Países Bajos: +31 20 808 0202

Italia: +39 069 48 04 307

Alemania: +49 30 224 093 67

Francia: +39 069 48 04 307

Finlandia: +35 89 42450640

Bélgica: +32 2 8085141

Cuenta abierta

Regístrese para una cuenta y comience a negociar opciones binarias sobre pares de divisas, acciones de la compañía y productos básicos hoy!

Evaluaciones Banc De Binary

Vea el informe Ahead of the Week de Banc De Binary para conocer todos los eventos que se mueven en el mercado durante los próximos 7 días o haga clic aquí para ver nuestros videos educativos.

Exención de responsabilidad Banc De Binary

Opciones binarias de negociación es muy especulativo, conlleva un nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Usted puede sufrir una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su capital invertido; Por lo tanto, no debe especular con el capital que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de opciones binarias.

GBP / JPY: Opciones Binarias Trading

Debido a su alta volatilidad, el par de divisas GBP / JPY no es una buena opción para comenzar los operadores de opciones binarias que todavía no ha ganado suficiente experiencia y confianza en sí mismo. Debido a su "temperamento caliente", los comerciantes apodados GBP / JPY & ldquo; royal & rdquo; O "dragón". Se caracteriza por señales de comercio obvias y agresivas, movimientos de precios de barrido, imprevisibilidad y frecuentes cambios en el estado de ánimo ".

Entonces, ¿por qué es tan quisquilloso el par de divisas tan popular entre los operadores de opciones binarias?

GBP / JPY par de divisas atrae a los operadores de opciones binarias con su naturaleza indomable. Es uno de los pocos pares de divisas cuya volatilidad alcanza 7. Esto significa que los comerciantes de divisas profesionales, que conocen el mercado como la parte posterior de su mano, tienen una buena oportunidad de obtener ganancias en GBP / JPY. En algunos días, GBP / JPY se mueve 150 o incluso 200 pips! Una oportunidad muy atractiva!

Pero los comerciantes siempre deben recordar sobre el comportamiento totalmente impredecible de GBP / JPY. A veces, el precio cambia tan rápido que los comerciantes no tienen tiempo para decidir qué estrategia aplicar. Por lo tanto, el comercio GBP / JPY implica un nivel bastante alto de riesgo. Al mismo tiempo, los beneficios potenciales de la cotización GBP / JPY son muy altos. Cada comerciante decide por sí mismo si las ganancias potenciales valen el riesgo. Aquí está una extremidad: si whimsy & ldquo; par real & rdquo; Le hizo perder demasiado en un día o la noche, no trate de salir de la deuda. Su precio cambia muy rápido y sin razones a veces, y su intento de compensar sus pérdidas será inútil.

Estos son algunos consejos prácticos:

Los comerciantes de opciones binarias no negocian con GBP / JPY hasta que el mercado tenga una tendencia fuerte. Un movimiento de 5 a 10 pip es suficiente para tomar una decisión;

El momento perfecto para comenzar a operar es las horas de apertura y cierre de Londres y los mercados financieros japoneses. Como Gran Bretaña y Japón se encuentran en diferentes zonas horarias, las mismas noticias financieras llegan a sus mercados en diferentes momentos & ndash; Esta es una circunstancia a menudo utilizada por los comerciantes;

GBP / JPY requiere un comerciante para monitorear el gráfico constantemente, porque incluso un minuto de distracción puede costar mucho. El comercio más eficaz tiene lugar durante las denominadas Power Hours, cuando el Banco de Japón realiza intervenciones en el mercado cambiario o los operadores de opciones binarias son los más activos. Para GBP / JPY, las horas de potencia duran entre 3 y 4 am y entre 8 y 12 a. m.

Si desea aprender todos los detalles y experimentar todas las dificultades de las opciones binarias de comercio, GBP / JPY es seguramente la elección correcta para usted. Pero mantenga la cabeza fría: sólo los comerciantes experimentados pueden hacer una transición directa de los libros de texto a la comercialización real.

Admin Guide 94 comentarios

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Todos los derechos sobre los materiales de copyright de este sitio están reservados y pertenecen a «First Binary Option Service». Cualquier uso de los materiales de este sitio web debe ser coordinado con el representante oficial de «First Binary Option Service», y contener el enlace correspondiente al recurso original. Las empresas de terceros de «Online - corredor» o «en línea" tipo de apuestas », no tienen derecho a utilizar los materiales de este sitio web, así como cualquier escritura distorsionada de« primer servicio de opción binaria ». En caso de violación serán procesados ​​de acuerdo con la legislación de la protección de la propiedad intelectual.


Admin Guide 28 comentarios

El par de divisas que proporciona la mejor no correlación con otros pares. "Estrategias y Tácticas para las Opciones Binarias" Bloomberg Press. La correlación monetaria se utiliza como una herramienta para duplicar los beneficios o limitar la pérdida. Revisión de la correlación de divisas para el comercio de opciones binarias. Herramientas. Para mantenerlo simple, los pares positivamente correlacionados se mueven globalmente de la misma manera y negativamente. Con el fin de medir la fuerza de la relación entre los pares de divisas, un comerciante puede utilizar. CherryTrade es uno de los principales corredores de opciones binarias de la industria.

Spotoption mantiene la innovación y que tiene su correlación puede aplicar la plataforma de negociación de par. Mejor para usdchf opciones de par de divisas a. El borde de opciones binarias se estableció para ayudar a los comerciantes compartiendo abiertamente. 2017 - AM Una cosa que aprendí con Ichi es la correlación de pares de divisas. Este artículo también contendrá una explicación para las correlaciones de la modernidad para algunos de los pares principales y pares cruzados que la mayoría de los comerciantes utilizan adentro.

Aunque las opciones binarias son una de las formas más simples de comercio financiero, que. Por ejemplo, puede negociar todos los pares de divisas principales. De los distintos pares de divisas, así como las correlaciones entre pares de divisas y otros activos. Un valor de -100 números negativos se llaman correlaciones inversas significa dos pares de divisas se mueven exactamente opuestas entre sí, cuando uno sube el otro cae, y.

OPCIONES BINARIAS. Una correlación positiva significa que dos pares de divisas o dos valores se mueven en la misma dirección debido a las características subyacentes comunes. Comparación de corredores de Forex Comparación de corredores de opciones binarias Social Trading. Se dice que los pares de divisas están "correlacionados". Para usar el.

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Copyright © 2017 Principales opciones binarias.

Estimado cliente,

El Viernes Santo y la Pascua se celebrarán en todo el mundo el viernes 25 de marzo. Debido a esta celebración, todos los principales intercambios, incluyendo los intercambios europeos y estadounidenses se espera que permanezcan cerrados durante todo el día.

Los siguientes cambios de plataforma se esperan durante estas fiestas: Viernes Santo, 25 de Marzo Las plataformas se cerrarán temprano a las 15: 00GMT

• Todos los activos basados ​​en E. U.U., incluyendo acciones, índices, futuros y materias primas, no estarán disponibles.

• La estructura de pago ofrecerá un pago fijo de 70-80 / 0 durante todo el día.

• 60 Sec cerrará temprano a las 14: 00GMT a menos que la volatilidad del mercado nos obligue a cerrar antes.

• El generador de opciones, Ladder o FX, si se ofrecen, no estará disponible.

Lunes de Pascua, 28 de marzo Feria de mercado en Europa y en los principales intercambios asiáticos solamente

• La estructura de pago ofrecerá un pago fijo de 70-80 / 0 hasta las 12: 00GMT

• El constructor de opciones y la escalera (si se ofrecen) estarán disponibles a partir de las 12:00 GMT

• Los 60 segundos sólo estarán disponibles a partir de las 10: 00GMT

¡Felices vacaciones! ¡No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta!

Opción de Línea Binaria AUD / USD - 7 de julio de 2017

Estrategia de negociación de opciones binarias de hoy:

• Pares de divisas: AUD / USD • Calendario: H4 (gráfico horario) • Opción binaria Recomendación comercial: Buscar opciones de llamada binaria en dipsbelow0.7500 • Potencial de subida: El potencial alcista para esta opción de llamada binaria es de 345 pips a 0,7845 • Potencial de descenso: El potencial negativo para esta opción de llamada binaria es de 120 pips a 0.7380

El AUD / USD ha quedado atrapado dentro de su canal de precios bajistas que guió a este par de divisas lejos de su máximo intra-día de 0.7849 alcanzado el 18 de junio de 2017; Esto también representa el origen del nivel de resistencia descendente de su canal bajista de precios. El nivel de soporte descendente puede rastrear su origen a su mínimo intra-día de 0.7644 que se registró el 18 de junio de 2017 también. El AUD / USD inició esta semana de negociación con un desglose por debajo de su canal bajista de precios. Las guías de trading de opciones de Forex han aumentado sus recomendaciones para opciones de llamadas binarias en este par de divisas, ya que anticipan una reversión.

La acción del precio está negociando actualmente dentro de su nivel horizontal de la ayuda que se intersected por su canal bajista del precio. El AUDUSD se anticipa para drift en su nivel de resistencia descendente de donde un breakout es favorecido. Los comerciantes de las opciones binarias pueden beneficiarse del breakout esperado con binario Opciones de llamada. La estrategia de negociación de opciones binarias de hoy sugiere opciones de compra que se colocarán en rebajas por debajo de 0,7500 para una relación riesgo / recompensa de 1,0 / 2,88.

El AUD / USD estuvo expuesto a una contracción de la volatilidad a medida que la acción de los precios retrocedió dentro de su canal bajista de precios lo que permitió una contracción ordenada. Los operadores de opciones binarias deben tener en cuenta un aumento en la volatilidad, ya que el AUD / USD está ahora operando dentro de su nivel de soporte horizontal. Los vendedores pueden tratar de forzar otro desglose con el fin de mantener la fase correctiva intacta, pero los compradores son favorecidos para tomar la estabilidad más reciente dentro de su nivel de soporte horizontal como una plataforma para salir con éxito por encima de su canal de precios bajista un acelerar al alza.

El primer nivel de resistencia para el AUD / USD se ubica en el nivel de resistencia descendente de su canal de precios bajistas alrededor de la marca 0.7600. Se prevé un aumento en la volatilidad a este nivel y una ruptura por encima de lo que llevará el AUD / USD a su máximo intra-día de 0,7738 registrado el 1 de julio de 2017. Esto representa el máximo de un pico de precios anterior dentro de su patrón de gráfico bajista. El nivel de resistencia siguiente espera a este par de divisas en su máximo intra-día de 0.7793 que fue alcanzado el 11 de junio de 2017, el extremo inferior de su nivel de resistencia horizontal, desde donde una ruptura despejará el camino a su nivel de resistencia final en su intra - Día de 0.7849 registrado el 18 de junio de 2017.

Se espera que los siguientes datos económicos de Australia afecten a la divisa base, el dólar australiano, del par de divisas AUD / USD:

• Expectativas: Se espera que el RBA mantenga las tasas de interés en un 2,00% • Anuncio anterior: El RBA mantuvo las tasas de interés sin cambios en el 2,00% • Impacto en el dólar australiano: La declaración que seguirá El anuncio de tasas de interés es probable que la presión del dólar australiano a la alza, lo que favorece las opciones de compra binaria en el par de divisas AUDUSD

Además, se espera que el siguiente informe económico fuera de Estados Unidos afecte la moneda de cotización, el dólar estadounidense, del par de divisas AUD / USD:

Balanza comercial para el mes de mayo: • Expectativas: Se espera un déficit comercial de $ 42,75 millones en el mes de mayo. • Datos del informe anterior: Se informó un déficit comercial de $ 40,90 millones para el mes de abril. En el déficit comercial de Estados Unidos es probable que aplique una presión a la baja sobre el dólar estadounidense que favorece las opciones de compra binarias en el par de divisas AUDUSD

Estrategia para el comercio de pares de monedas

Los pares de divisas son el grupo de activos más popular en las plataformas de opciones binarias. Esto es cierto independientemente de cualquier experiencia previa con otras formas de negociación. Debido a esto, hay una serie de estrategias que se ocupan del comercio de monedas. La siguiente es una estrategia básica que puede ser utilizado fácilmente por nuevos y experimentados comerciantes por igual.

Para simplificar, esta estrategia está ligada al análisis fundamental. El objetivo es utilizar datos económicos para llegar a pronósticos de movimiento de precios altamente precisos. Los pares de divisas están vinculados a áreas específicas, lo que facilita la identificación de los informes específicos que pueden afectar a una moneda específica. Cuando se negocian opciones binarias, el PIB, las tasas de interés, los datos de empleo y más pueden utilizarse para identificar oportunidades óptimas de inversión.

Al negociar con pares de divisas, es importante recordar que dos activos subyacentes diferentes deben tenerse en cuenta. Por ejemplo, con el par EUR / USD, ambas condiciones económicas dentro de la zona euro y Estados Unidos deben ser consideradas. Si bien esto puede parecer más complicado que negociar con un único activo subyacente, el hecho es que cuando se publican datos económicos importantes en relación con cualquiera de ellos, la predicción de movimiento de precios puede ser una tarea sencilla.

Para utilizar esta estrategia de opciones binarias, comience visualizando un calendario económico. Esta herramienta proporcionará un horario exacto para la publicación de los informes económicos de cada día, incluida la hora exacta en que se publicarán los datos. Esperar un período de calma en la actividad del mercado justo antes de estos lanzamientos, ya que los inversores suelen detener su actividad de inversión durante un corto tiempo mientras esperan a ver lo que revelan los nuevos datos. También puede haber una pausa breve justo después de la liberación, ya que los inversores procesan los nuevos números.

Conocer las fechas y los tiempos de los lanzamientos económicos permite el comercio de opciones binarias programadas. El objetivo es simplemente estar preparado para operar tan pronto como, o poco después de que se publiquen los nuevos números. Es generalmente seguro asumir que los datos positivos van a enviar el valor de la moneda relacionada más arriba, mientras que los datos negativos van a enviarlo más bajo. Sin embargo, esto no significa automáticamente que una moneda ganará terreno en su moneda emparejada. Deben tenerse en cuenta las condiciones económicas que rodean a la divisa secundaria.

Antes de utilizar esta estrategia de opciones binarias, considere pasar unos momentos para anotar los informes económicos que tienen el mayor impacto en los valores de moneda. Los informes menores pueden causar cambios, pero normalmente son los principales informes que causan el mayor movimiento de precios. Muchas parejas de divisas operan en rangos restringidos, pero la buena noticia es que se requiere muy poco movimiento de precios para que un comercio de opciones termine en el dinero.

Es fácil ver por qué tantos comerciantes prefieren comerciar con pares de divisas. Con los datos económicos que se publican sobre una base consistente, las oportunidades de ganancias nunca terminan. Mientras se analizan las condiciones económicas vinculadas a cada moneda, los operadores de opciones binarias deben poder fácilmente beneficiarse de la negociación con esta clase de activo muy popular.

Proveedores de señales recomendadas

Cambio de divisas

El comercio de divisas es uno de los activos más fácilmente comprensibles en el mercado de opciones binarias. Este activo ha ganado popularidad inmensa debido a la volatilidad predecible de una moneda contra la otra. En el pasado, sólo los bancos centrales, las compañías de fondos de cobertura y las personas ricas tenían el capital necesario para comerciar con divisas. Pero con la evolución de las opciones binarias, incluso los comerciantes novatos pueden comprar (llamar) o vender (poner) con unos clics del ratón para tan bajo como $ 5- $ 10 por comercio.

Pares de monedas

Cada comercio de opciones binarias con monedas consiste en dos transacciones que implica la compra de moneda contra la venta de otra. Esta es la razón por las monedas en cualquier plataforma de opciones binarias se negocian en parejas entre sí. Por ejemplo, Si selecciona el par EUR / USD y su predicción es que el EUR subirá y el USD bajará. Entonces usted seleccionará la posición arriba (llamada) y si usted siente que el EUR bajará contra el USD entonces usted selecciona la posición abajo (poner).

Para entender en qué dirección una moneda va a avanzar requiere una intensa investigación y observación. Es muy recomendable seleccionar un par en particular y practicar en ese dúo de divisas en particular antes de pasar a otros pares.

¿Cuál es el mejor par de monedas?

Como el mercado ofrece numerosos pares de divisas negociables, es difícil ser capaz de decidir sobre el mejor par de divisas. Sin embargo, la selección también depende de varios factores que se inclinan hacia la situación del comerciante. La elección de una moneda dependerá de la hora de negociación adecuada para el comerciante y el tipo de mercado del comerciante está interesado pulg Por ejemplo, si usted está interesado en el mercado europeo, entonces debe elegir EUR pares de divisas. Algunas de las monedas más negociadas son las siguientes: -

Los pares EUR / USD y GBP / USD son los que los principiantes empezarían a operar principalmente. Se recomienda que comience con pequeñas sumas y luego observe cómo están funcionando las parejas.


Estrategia de negociación de opciones binarias de hoy:

Opción binaria Recomendación comercial: Buscar opciones de llamadas binarias en las inmersiones inferiores a 0,7380 • Potencial de subida: El potencial alcista para esta opción de llamada binaria es de 465 pips a 0,7845 • Potencial de desventaja: El potencial negativo para esta opción de llamada binaria es de 180 pips a 0,7200

The AUD/USD has started to trend sideways after its most recent move to the downside took this currency pair from its intra-day high of 0.7848 reached on June 18th 2017 to its current intra-day low of 0.7354 which was recorded yesterday on July 15th 2017. A new horizontal support level developed and this currency pair has been trading inside of it with small moves above it which has strengthened the support level over the past few trading sessions as downward pressure has been depleted. The best options trading site has now a binary call option recommendation in the AUD/USD currency pair.

Price action is currently trading inside of its horizontal support level from where this currency pair started to stabilize. The AUD/USD is anticipated to advance into its descending resistance level and breakout above it for an accelerated move higher. Binary options traders can benefit from the expected breakout with binary call options. Today’s binary options trading strategy suggests call options to be placed on dips below 0.7380 for a risk/reward ratio of 1.0/2.58.

Volatility decreased as the AUD/USD was exposed to its corrective phase, but binary option traders should be prepared for a sharp increase in volatility as this currency pair is trading inside of an important support level. Buyers and sellers are set to face off inside of this support level and test its validity. Sellers are likely to attempt a breakdown below it which would extend the corrective phase. Buyers are anticipated to successfully force a breakout above its descending resistance level from where this currency pair can accelerate to the upside.

The AUD/USD will move into its first resistance level at its descending resistance level around the 0.7530 mark and a further increase in volatility is expected at this level. A breakout will clear the path to its intra-day low of 0.7587 which was reached on June 29th 2017. The next resistance level awaits the AUD/USD at its intra-day high of 0.7738 recorded on July 1st 2017 . This level represents the last time its descending resistance level reversed an advance. The final resistance level is located at its intra-day high of 0.7848 which was reached on June 18th 2017.

The following economic data out of Australia already impacted the base currency, the Australian Dollar, of the AUD/USD currency pair: Consumer Inflation Expectations for the month of July: • Expectations: An increase of 3.1% was expected for the month of July • Previous Announcement: An increase of 3.0% was reported in the month of June • Released Data: An increase of 3.4% was reported for the month of July • Impact on the Australian Dollar: The reported increase in consumer inflation expectations has applied upward pressure on the Australian Dollar; this favors binary call options in the AUD/USD currency pair

In addition the following economic report out of the United States is expected to impact the quote currency, the US Dollar, of the AUD/USD currency pair: Philadelphia Federal Reserve Index for the month of July: • Expectations: A level of 12.0 is expected for the month of July • Previous Report’s Data: A level of 15.2 was reported for the month of June • Impact on the US Dollar: The expected slowdown in the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Index is likely to pressure the US Dollar to the downside which favors binary call options in the AUD/USD currency pair

As COO of GOptions, my first and foremost goal is to provide traders with the most up to date info from the markets. I have been trading the markets since 2004 and have been involved with stocks, binary options, and forex trading since then. I have had no formal market education and pride myself on a self taught approach to everything related to trading. I try to focus though on both the technical and fundamental aspects related to each trading day and bring forward the most important aspects of risk/reward in the market.

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La negociación de opciones binarias con GOptions es una experiencia que no se puede comparar con otros corredores. Tenemos una oferta sin igual para los comerciantes de todo tipo con una amplia gama de activos comerciales disponibles las 24 horas del día de domingo a viernes e incluso opciones disponibles los fines de semana.

Como un grupo muy apretado de los comerciantes profesionales de las opciones de la divisa y de la divisa, la compañía tiene un sentido agudo de eso que los clientes encuentran importante; calidad. Hoy no basta tener la mejor plataforma o los retiros más rápidos. Los clientes como ustedes buscan más de la correduría que el aspecto técnico de las cosas. Ahí es donde GOptions verdaderamente brilla como somos todos los comerciantes y como tal, cualquier problema que pueda tener, siempre se le proporcionará respuestas de un comerciante. Así GOptions, en muchos sentidos es una plataforma de comercio por los comerciantes para los comerciantes.

Todo lo que hemos hecho ha sido con el comerciante en mente. Así que cuando revise lo que tenemos disponible, verá una masiva 150 activos disponibles para el comercio de una serie de maneras. Usted puede operar una amplia gama de expiries que van desde 30 segundos a 300 segundos en nuestra plataforma TURBO Options. Esto permite que las necesidades comerciales rápidas se lleven a cabo con la ejecución rápida del relámpago.

Los comerciantes también pueden negociar las opciones tradicionales Alto / Bajo o Llamar / Poner con expiras que van desde 10, 20, 30, 60 minutos hasta las opciones de fin de día. Los pares que negocian y las opciones a largo plazo están hechos disponibles 24 horas al día también.

Opciones de Ladder: opciones binarias con transparencia, sólo en GOptions

Sin embargo, la mayoría de los operadores de opciones binarias seguramente se enamorarán de nuestras opciones de escalera. Qué opciones de escalera proporcionan es un medio de la transparencia ocultado de otra manera por la niebla de la tasación. Lo que queremos decir es que al revisar las opciones binarias de precios en GOptions en las opciones tradicionales de alto / bajo, es casi imposible medir el sesgo direccional real de los mercados basados ​​sólo en el precio. Bueno, eso es sólo cierto si pasas por el increíble uso de opciones de escalera. Usted ve, las opciones de la escala proporcionan la tasación en, por debajo y por encima del precio de mercado. Así que lo que usted puede ver es que GOptions ofrece a los operadores de opciones binarias un medio de medir la verdadera proclividad del mercado en cualquier momento.

A medida que el porcentaje de desembolso encabeza más alto para uno de los extremos en la escalera, puede estar seguro de que las fluctuaciones de precios son, por lo tanto, menos probable que la cabeza en esa dirección. En otras palabras, literalmente estamos diciéndole qué hacer a continuación. Al comprender mejor el comportamiento del mercado con métricas y herramientas reales, esperamos crear una mejor raza de comerciante. Para aquellos que no están familiarizados con algunas de las ofertas de GOptions, tenga en cuenta las siguientes opciones binarias de exclusión binaria: opciones binarias de 30 segundos, opciones binarias de 60 segundos, opciones de escalera y comercio de divisas. Estos están exclusivamente disponibles en las opciones binarias GOptions plataforma de comercio y para los comerciantes, esto debería ser simplemente una bendición. Las opciones binarias de 30 segundos, así como las opciones restantes de Turbo, son simplemente los medios más rápidos e impresionantes de negociar opciones binarias hoy en día en el mundo. Al mirar los lugares de negociación de opciones binarias disponibles, es fácil ver por qué GOptions es un líder en todas las categorías como un corretaje y esto en general.

GOptions: La puerta de entrada al beneficio:

30 Las segundas opciones, cuando se usan con estrategias apropiadas, son la forma más rápida de rentabilidad actualmente alcanzable. Para aquellos que buscan otros medios de crear operaciones rentables sin el ritmo furioso de las opciones de 30 Segundos, 300 opciones de segundo o cinco minutos podría ser una mejor opción. Una vez más, el único objetivo de Goptions es expandir su oferta hacia y más allá del borde sangrante del mundo comercial sin comprometer nunca los principios sagrados que hacen que el comercio sea verdaderamente rentable.

Antes de explicar cuál es nuestra verdadera misión, GOptions, como equipo y personal, también desea dedicar un tiempo a explicar la ventaja técnica que tenemos como corretaje de opciones binarias. GOptions es la única agencia de corretaje que ofrece opciones binarias totalmente automatizadas operando al más alto nivel utilizando el software integrado de terceros. Con estas conexiones increíbles, GOptions es capaz de proporcionar una gama aún más amplia y atractiva de servicios que pueden ayudar a crear aún más beneficios y oportunidades comerciales para los comerciantes sobre una base diaria. Auto comercio con GOptions es simplemente la forma más suave y más robusto para convertir su comercio en la máquina que tiene que ser.

Tómese su tiempo y lea cuál es la misión de GOptions para su clientela y para usted. GOptions presenta sus opciones binarias

Nuestra misión se basa en proporcionar el más alto nivel de servicio a un comerciante muy exigente. Como se explica, somos comerciantes nosotros mismos y como tal, nuestro objetivo principal es proporcionar el nivel de servicio tanto en un nivel técnico y personal, que es lo que queremos para nosotros.

Esta misión se presta en cada aspecto del negocio que dirigimos en el nombre de GOptions.

Ya sea en lo que respecta a la amplia gama de activos, las expiciones a las que brindamos acceso, un increíble espectro de métodos comerciales y todo el camino hacia el servicio que ofrecemos.

Cuando se trata de servicio, es realmente clave que el personal aquí tiene experiencia real y válida cuando se trata de los problemas del día. Nadie puede estar 100% todo el tiempo. Las cosas pueden y saldrán mal. La plataforma de comercio podría tener un problema o tal vez una llamada importante con uno de nuestros representantes fue de repente cayó. Es el papel de la correduría con un alto nivel de servicio y un compromiso con la excelencia para resolver el problema. Sólo podemos ser tan buenos como nuestra última solución.

Así que cuando usted tiene un problema relacionado con el comercio, ¿quién preferiría tratar con él? Por supuesto que desea probado y probado opciones binarias expertos y somos los únicos capaces de proporcionar esto al más alto nivel.

Se producirán disputas comerciales. La plataforma se bloqueará. La ejecución se ralentizará. La pregunta es: ¿quién está ahí para ti cuando las cosas se rompen? La respuesta: Lo somos. Esa es la misión que hemos decidido emprender y para lograr esto hemos hecho una difícil elección de contratar sólo a los comerciantes de la empresa. Eso significa que incluso la secretaria tiene experiencia comercial y significa que toda la ayuda que usted recibe de nosotros será del más alto nivel de agentes experimentados y representantes de servicio las 24 horas del día.

Hemos invertido en todos los aspectos de este corretaje y sólo podemos esperar que usted venga a encontrar el servicio que proporcionamos de la más alta orden y ajuste a sus necesidades. Como parte de la misión de proporcionar este nivel de servicio continuo, nos hemos comprometido a ofrecer a los operadores de opciones binarias la posibilidad de obtener los pagos más competitivos disponibles en el mercado. Sin embargo, lo hemos llevado aún más lejos con nuestra cuenta VIP de opciones binarias. Con él, los comerciantes binarios tienen acceso a los seguros comerciales que las redes del cliente el 10% de cualquier mes perdidos en efectivo de vuelta. Lo hacemos como parte de un reembolso basado en el volumen, pero eso no es todo. Los operadores de opciones binarias con status VIP también tendrán acceso a un pago mayor en cualquier activo de su elección. Acople esta ofrenda con todo lo demás que se ofrece y te das cuenta de que aquí es donde vive el comercio: GOptions, bienvenido a la máquina mala!


Opciones de opciones binarias tiene algunos riesgos de pérdida de fondos parcial o total. Este hecho debe ser tenido en cuenta por cualquier comerciante que está planeando hacer beneficios por el comercio de opciones. GOptions aconseja a sus clientes leer nuestros términos y condiciones cuidadosamente antes de abrir posiciones en nuestra plataforma. El comercio de opciones binarias se basa en el precio de ejercicio y cómo se relaciona con el precio de vencimiento. Si la dirección elegida por el comerciante es correcta, el pago listado en la pantalla de negociación será el pago proporcionado al cliente como beneficio. Los operadores pueden operar, 30 segundos, 60 segundos, 120 segundos y opciones binarias a largo plazo. Escalera, pares, y el constructor de la opción también están disponibles para el comerciante. Por supuesto, se recomienda que los comerciantes elegir una estrategia adecuada de gestión del dinero que limita el total de operaciones consecutivas o total de la inversión pendiente. Se recomienda operar con los siguientes navegadores: Chrome y Firefox.

Los Servicios están disponibles y sólo pueden ser utilizados por individuos o empresas que puedan formar contratos legalmente vinculantes bajo la ley aplicable a su país de residencia que puede incluir países como Estados Unidos, Canadá, Corea del Norte, Siria, Líbia, Sudán y Cualquier otra jurisdicción en la que una actividad comercial de este tipo pueda considerarse ilegal. Sin limitar lo anterior, nuestros Servicios no están disponibles para menores de 18 años en la mayoría de las jurisdicciones o 21 en otros o de otra manera menores de edad ( "Menores"). Si es Menor o en un país listado, no puede usar este servicio. SI USTED NO CALIFICA, POR FAVOR NO USE NUESTRO SITIO

Sitio web operado por Go Trading Technologies Ltd. domicilio registrado 3er piso C & H Torres, Rincón de las calles Great Marlborough y Great George Roseau, 00152, PO BOX 2320 Dominica Servicios de pago Go Marketing Technologies Ltd. registrada 2 Lyuben Karavelov floor 2 flat 5 Plovdiv, 4002 Bulgaria

Binary Options Currency Pairs and Volatility

Binary Options Currency Pairs and Volatility

Submitted by adil on Wed, 04/30/2017 - 06:59

Tagged as: Binary Options Trading. Opciones binarias

Binary option trading is performed on many assets including currency pairs. The most famous currency pairs with exceptional trading volume include:

EUR/USD: This currency pair is ideal for new traders as this pair offers stable movements over a long period of time. This is one of the reasons why most traders prefer trading on this currency pair.

USD/JPY: This currency pair receives high trading volume just because of its predictive behaviour. The Japanese government performs actions to strengthen Japanese Yen from time to time which creates easily identifiable trend.

USD/CHF: This currency pair has a negative trend in relation to EUR/USD. This is the reason both currency pairs should be followed regularly no matter which of the two currency pair you chose to trade on.

GBP/USD: This currency pair is also very predictable as the British Pound Sterling usually moves higher in relation than USD. Trading on this currency pair has high profit potential and considerable risk too as a slight change in trend leads to big losses.

Trading binary option on currency pairs offers added advantage to the traders in many ways including:

More exposure: Currency pairs offer the trader to experience the behaviour of two completely different markets. The trader will get an insight how news from another region can affect the asset prices of a completely different region.

More trading opportunities: As the market is global, the prices move more than other trading assets. There are more market factors involved in currency pairs; hence more trading opportunities can arise in less time.

Round the clock trading availability: Are you a 9-5 office worker? You prefer to do binary option trading in the evening or in the night before going to bed. But trading on local assets is not available at those times. Your problems have been solved! As market for currency pairs is worldwide, binary option trading can be available on specific pairs due to different applicable time zones.

Volatility in binary option trading:

The tendency or probability of an asset to change its behavior and trend due to changes in market conditions is known as volatility. Currency pairs have higher volatility as compared to other trading assets because the market is huge; and the asset price controlling factors are also numerous.

Traders can prevent volatility affecting binary options currency pair trading by using best indicators. The most common indicators used in currency pair trading are:

The most popular of these indicators are the “moving averages”. Yet most of the professional traders rely on more than one indicator to make sure of their trades.

Keep up to date with latest news items: As currency pairs usually involve foreign currencies, knowledge of foreign affairs is very important to trade successfully. A trader trading with currency pairs should be following at least some of the following news items:

US core retail sales

Traders should always combine these news items with technical analysis to get the best profits from trading currency pairs. Binary option trading is very straight forward and profitable if done with proper strategy. Trading on an asset like currency pairs with binary options will prove to be a good learning curve for every trader.

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Tips for Trading Currency Pairs for Profit In Binary Options Platforms

The number of people who do, or have traded Forex is staggering, and now, many of these individuals are making their way into the binary options marketplace. It is quite easy to trade binaries, and many find that trading both binaries and FX at the same time will allow them to generate more profits than ever before. Whether you have or have not traded Forex in the past, currency pairs can deliver some excellent returns when trading in binary format.

One thing that all traders much take into consideration is that currency pair price movement can be quite volatile. No other market offers the same level of liquidity that the Forex market does. Because of this, prices tend to move at a fast pace. Having said this, some pairs are more volatile than others. When trading binary options, price movement is not the enemy. In fact, it is necessary if a trade is going to finish in the money. Price trends, which tend to be the best type of price movement, can and will occur when trading FX pairs.

If you have looked into trading binaries, then you may have seen "Pairs" trades within the platforms. Trading currencies is quite similar to trading pairs, in that you need to determine which of the two assets is going to outperform (or under-perform) the other. Currencies are listed in pairs, and the first currency listed is going to be the primary. You will make a judgement about price movement against the second listed currency, or secondary asset. Often, market reports highlight only one currency, but do go into detail about how that currency is performing versus others.

When viewing a binary options platform, you're likely to find at least ten pairs being offered, Some brokers go much further than this, offering a solid mix of both the majors such as EUR, USD, and GBP, along with may of the minors. Variety, when it comes to assets, is a good thing. Market news and reports change from day to day, sometimes even hour to hour. When you have access to many different pairs, you will be able to select the best trade setups each day. The value of being able to do this cannot be understated.

If there is any drawback with trading currency pairs, it is the fact that analysis needs to be completed for two assets, rather than one. Some news and data will quickly show you which currency to focus on, but there always has to be some consideration of what the paired asset is doing. Sure, the EUR may be climbing, but what if the USD is as well? It's not enough to see that one asset is trending and take action. You need to know how both are performing.

What binary options offers to Forex traders is a simpler and more straightforward way to profit from trading currencies. When you strip away the complexities of trading FX, you're left with a way to generate profits simply from forecasting price movement. No, it is not as easy as it sounds, but it certainly can be once some experience has been gained. If you're new to trading binaries, have a closer look at currencies. You just might find that this type of asset is perfect for boosting your earnings.

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Fundador y CEO de Tradingnav Estoy orgulloso de operar el sitio web de comparación de corredores líder del mundo. Nuestra misión es ayudar a los comerciantes a través del primer motor de comparación transparente del mundo y la agencia de calificación. ¿Qué te entusiasma tu trabajo? Me encanta el hecho de que ayudamos a los comerciantes a encontrar los mejores y más transparentes datos del mercado. Me encanta el hecho de que ayudamos a los comerciantes a tomar mejores decisiones de los corredores. Su no sólo una cosa de números para mí y el equipo. Como un & # 39; comparar el mercado & # 39; Sitio web, en los mercados financieros, realmente creo que una de las mejores maneras que puede servir a los comerciantes es a través de la transparencia. Equipamos a los comerciantes con información precisa e imparcial en tiempo real para que puedan tomar decisiones acertadas. De esa manera, los comerciantes obtener un mejor resultado. Y así es como nosotros, como empresa, podemos mejorar a toda la industria. Conocer más sobre.

Negociación de opciones binarias de acuerdo con los volúmenes de mercado Tom Balmer & mdash; 21 mar 2017 06:53

Binary options on currencies

By Raul Canessa C.

In recent years, in the community of financial markets many traders of all types (large and small) have chosen to trade with currency pairs in the Forex market for various reasons. Part of the appeal of trade in the Forex market, either through Forex spot market (spot market) or traditional options on currency pairs, is that the prices of currency pairs are in constant motion. We currently live in an interconnected world where a change in the US economy, for example, not only have an impact on the US dollar but also in other currencies such as the euro, Australian dollar and Japanese yen.

If a trader makes the decision to trade binary options on currency pairs, it is important to develop a trading strategy which necessarily requires an adequate understanding of the interrelationships between currencies. For example, if we are trading with options based on the USD/JPY, it is important to have a clear idea about the yen sensitivity to changes in the dollar. Learning the basis of the behavior of the currency pairs in the Forex market is essential to maximize opportunities when trading binary options based on these instruments.

For those traders who have experience trading in Forex in an atmosphere of traditional negotiation, certainly trading with currency pairs through a binary options platform will be quite different. On a platform like this, the trader not only has the ability to perform transactions based on the exchange rate of a variety of currency pairs, but also has the added opportunity to speculate on other asset classes such as stocks, indices and commodities.

In the case of traditional transactions with currency pairs, the trader needs to understand when to buy and/or sell the currency pair to maximize the return on the trades. In the case of binary options on currencies, the trader only has to predict if the value of the currency pair will rise or fall within a predetermined period (expiration period of the option). Once the trader acquires the binary option and open the position, the only thing he or she have to do is wait until the option reach its expiry time to discover if the trade was successful (the option expired In The Money) or not (the option expired Out The Money).

An important point with respect to traditional operations in the Forex market is that the amount of benefits that can be produced in a transaction (and also the amount of losses) depends entirely on the amount of pips that the market has risen or fallen and the moment in which the trader closed position. Certainly this puts a lot of responsibility and work on the trader who must constantly monitor the behavior of the currency pair over time. Binary options allow to obtain higher benefits based on a fixed payment. Moreover risk management with binary options is simpler because as profits and potential losses are indicated in advance before the execution of the trade.

To operate successfully with binary options on currency pairs, it is important to follow a series of principles such as:

Develop a strategy to trade binary options on currency pairs: For this purpose, it is necessary that the trader understands the various interrelationships between currencies. Among other things, the trader must learn about the characteristics of the economy of the country issuing the currency, internal and external factors that affect the relationship of the currency against other currencies, financial news which may have positive or negative effects, behavior of the currency over time and others. In other words, the trader should consider all factors that may affect the exchange rate of the currency pair in which has interest to make accurate predictions about its future behavior.

Learn to identify reliable trading signals to open positions in currency pairs: After studying and learning more about the selected currency pair, the trader can analyze historical trends of the instruments through the price charts of the trading platform. This can show the times when there have been significant changes in the value of a currency pair and what were the signs that indicated that it was to ocurr a change in the exchange rate. This information can help the trader to make predictions regarding the possible direction in which the pair will move in the future.

Study both the successful trades and the operations that produced losses: Regardless of the result, we can learn much from our previous trades as they can help to correct mistakes and improve the trading strategies that we are using. For example, suppose you open a position with a call option on the EUR/USD which expired Out The Money, which means we had a losing trade. Instead of continuing and make another trade as if nothing had happened, it is best to analyze why the EUR/USD moved in the opposite direction to that predicted. Thus, in the future we can identify more precise signals that can help us be more successful in the long term.


Transactions with binary options on forex currency pairs are an excellent way for a trader to leverage the knowledge of this financial market and execute trades through a derivative which is quite simple and provides a potentially high level of earnings.

By understanding the benefits offered by binary options on currency pairs, and following some tips and basic principles as explained above, a trader can improve their chances of long-term benefits in these derivatives.

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Binary Options Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP) Trading Strategies

Tag Archives: binary options currency pairs

What is The NFP? The non-farm payroll report is a monthly “bill of health” provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics which provides a numerical snapshot with regards to a rise or decline in the amount of payrolls issued to around 80-85% of the US work force not employed in the farming industry and excluding government employees. The report is used by the government as well as leading economists, and in turn Forex binary options traders to evaluate the economic state of affairs and of course derive insights while engaging in predictive modeling formulas. Why do binary options traders wait for …

A lot of technical traders use Fibonacci Levels to trade Forex binary options (a. k.a currency pairs). However, most don’t really understand how it works and how to select the best trading software and platform. Needless to say, the strategies that can be utilized in order to identify the correct entry and reversal signals are all dependent on your understanding of the markets and the tools you are using. If you have any doubts, it’s best to inquire because it can get really dicey out there if you don’t know exactly what you are doing. The Limitations of Using Fibonacci Using …

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How to Make a Smooth Transition from Forex to Binary Options

Tag Archives: currency pairs trading binary options

If you are an experienced Forex trader and feel it’s about time to make a transition to binary options, you are not alone. Binary options have become increasingly popular not just because of their diverse offering, but also because of the simplicity and the amazingly high returns on investment. Furthermore, Forex traders (particularly experienced ones) have an advantage since they already possess most of the knowledge required and should have no difficulties starting to execute successful trades right from the start. Some Similarities If you have access to trading software and can perform candlestick analysis on Meta Trader 4 or …

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Trading the Euro-Dollar Currency Pair as a Binary Option

Posted on 17 April, 2017 by Brian Pointsoy

The euro has long been known as the “anti-dollar†. When the economic news coming out of the US is bleak, the euro generally gets a boost. Trades on the EUR/USD account for up around 30 percent of all currency transactions, making it the most liquid pair on the Forex market. The inverse relationship between the two currencies and high degree of liquidity make the EUR/USD currency pair one of the best assets to trade as a binary option.

In this article we will look at the economic indicators to consider when trading the EUR/USD.

Retail Sales

Retail Sales reports are important to traders because they provide an invaluable gauge of a country or region’s overall economic health. This is due to consumer spending accounting for the vast majority of a country’s economic activity. Positive retail sales touch many other aspects of a country’s economy; they give valuable insights into consumer confidence and are also closely correlated with employment health in the retail sector. If the figures come in better than expected they will inevitably result in a strengthening of the currency in question.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Gross domestic product refers to the aggregated value of all goods and services produced by a country or economic region. The figures, which are normally released quarterly as well as annually, inform traders as to whether an economy is expanding or contracting. A GDP that is lower than that of the previous release, indicates an economy that is shrinking, while a larger GDP than previously reported indicates a growing economy. In the case of the EU, European GDP usually does not generate as much of a market impact since France and Germany release their own GDP figures in advance. It would be wise to bear this in mind for all indicators that have a national, followed by a pan-European, report.

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

Consumer prices are important to traders for a couple of reasons: firstly they correlate with inflation; secondly in developed nations urban consumers account for the overwhelming majority of economic activity. CPI reports measure the monthly change in the prices of goods and services purchased by consumers. There are two reports: CPI and Core CPI, with the latter being of more interest to traders. This is because core CPI excludes food and energy prices which are far more volatile and can skew the overall reading.

Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI)

PMI is a monthly report that reveals the economic outlook of purchasing managers across a variety of sectors including manufacturing, services and construction. The figures are derived by surveying a cross-section of influential purchasing managers; the result is a figure between 0 and 100. If below 50 then the outlook is negative (it indicates contraction in the sectors being surveyed and has detrimental effects for the currency in question); if above 50 then the outlook is optimistic (it indicates a growth in the sector, a healthy economy and a strengthening of that country or region’s currency).

Producer Price Index (PPI)

PPI measures the monthly change in the prices of goods and services sold by producers. It is an important economic report as higher prices for both goods and services indicate economic inflation. This is because higher prices at the supply end of the chain are passed on to consumers. The impact of this report is increased when PPI figures are released in advance of Consumer Price Index figures, as both reports are highly correlated.

US Non Farm Payrolls

NFP is ordinarily released on the first Friday of every month and is without a doubt the single most tradable data release on the economic calendar. This is due to USD being either the base or quote in all major currency pairs. NFP tracks how many new jobs have been created in all but the farming industry across the US. A positive NFP figure – one that comes in higher than forecast – will cause “bullish†price action on the dollar; a negative NFP will almost always lead to “bearish†activity. Aside from the price movement immediately following the announcement, the entire day’s trading can be very volatile due to traders speculating on the results. This volatility is perfect for binary option traders, who can really maximise their profits on this particular trading day if they are on the right side of the trends.

Trade Balance

Usually expressed in terms of millions of the unit of currency in question, and also by the yearly percentage of change, trade balance statistics are derived by comparing the value of a nation’s imports and exports over a given period of time. If the figure is negative then more goods have been imported than exported (this is referred to as a trade deficit). If the figure is positive then more goods have been exported than imported (this is known as a trade surplus). Trade balance reports are extremely important events as they are central to a nation or region’s balance of payments. They are also particularly useful to currency traders as they provide valuable insights into the strength of a currency.

Industrial Production

Industrial production figures are also important to traders because industry accounts for a quarter of all the economies that feature in the major currency pairs. These figures measure the change in the total value of industrial production for a country or economic region. This includes factories, mines and utility companies. Healthy industrial output touches many other aspects of an economy including employment, consumer spending and currency strength. When industrial production is higher than forecast, traders can expect a rise in the currency in question; when lower they can expect a fall.

Federal Reserve Chairman / Central Bank Governor Speeches

Whenever the heads of any of the central banks speak publicly the markets sit up and take note, hanging on their every word. Generally these addresses are more tradable than even the economic data releases that often precede them. This is because whenever a central banker speaks, traders all across the world are listening intently to the tone of the speech, trying to pick up on clues about that banker’s take on the economic health of the country or region in question. With sentiment being such a colossal market mover, these addresses are also closely monitored for any indication of upcoming changes in fiscal policy.

Durable Goods Orders

This report tracks the change in the overall value of orders placed with durable goods manufacturers on a monthly’s basis. Durable goods are items such as household appliances and cars that have a shelf life of at least three years. Durable goods orders have a significant effect on the American economy as they directly relate to an increase in manufacturing activity. A healthy report (i. e one whose figures come in better than expected) is good for USD. As in the case of CPI, the Core Durable Goods report is the one that traders pay the closest attention to; this is because it excludes data relating to the much more volatile sales of transportation items such as cars and aircraft.

Building Permits

This monthly report is another economic indicator that is closely monitored by traders. The approval of a building permit is one of the first steps that have to be taken before starting a new building. As such, this report is a very reliable leading indicator of forthcoming construction projects. If the data comes in positive in relation to forecasts then the currency gets stronger (either CAD or USD depending on the report); if it comes in negative then traders can expect a drop in currency value. Traders also look for significant monthly changes in building permit numbers because of how closely they correlate with interest rates. A big drop in the number of permits may indicate a peak in interest rates, whereas a large increase points to interest rates having reached a low.

Existing Home Sales

With sales of existing homes (rather than newly-built ones) accounting for the overwhelming majority of sales in the U. S, this is by far the more important property sales report. Released monthly (albeit in an annualised format), it describes the month on month change in the number of existing homes sold in the US. Home Sales figures touch many other areas of the economy, so they are closely monitored by traders. Positive figures are good for USD, while negative figures have the opposite effect.

FOMC Minutes

The Federal Open Market Committee minutes are detailed reports that give an excellent insight into US monetary policy. Released three weeks after a policy decision, they are a very good gauge of what the Federal Reserve thinks about the US and global economies.

FOMC Rate Decisions

The FOMC meet eight times a year to decide on US monetary policy. The FOMC Rate Decisions are simply an announcement of whether the Federal Reserve has increased, decreased or maintained the key interest rate.

IFO Business Climate Survey

The monthly IFO business climate survey is an analysis of the sentiment (present and future) of German companies. Germany accounts for one quarter of Eurozone GDP. Released on the last week of each month, German IFO is a significant indicator of the economic health of the Eurozone.

Publié le 7/04/2017

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How to Trade Currency Pairs

On Forex markets, currencies are listed as pairs. В The price is one of the currencies valued against the other. В Obviously, there could be currencies that are more valuable when measured against some currencies and less valuable when measured against others.

If you are taking a vacation or buying raw or finished products you may need to buy a specific currency. The price for that currency is determined by the Forex market.

You can also buy or sell currencies as an investment or as a speculation. В The prices for these currencies are also determined in Forex markets.


There are many terms you need to learn to become fully conversant with currency trading.

PIP . Currency prices go to four decimal points. The fourth decimal is the PIP. (In Yen the second decimal is the PIP). A single PIP is a small fraction of the basic unit of any currency, but since currencies are traded in large "lots" a single PIP could represent hundreds of thousands of dollars. Brokers add or subtract PIPS from the real market price. This is called the spread. It shows the profit the broker wants to make on every trade. It is a good idea to trade through a broker with tight spreads, meaning s/he is accepting less profit per trade, hoping to make up the difference in volume.

Exchange Rates . Currencies have been traded on Forex markets since after World War II. At one time it was hoped that countries could maintain fixed exchange rates. That didn't happen. Now all world currencies "float", meaning that their price constantly fluctuates against all other currencies.

Bid and ask . These are Forex terms for buy and sell. Banks and brokers sell at the higher price and buy at the lower price. Thus, they enjoy a built-in profit. When you trade currencies you also buy at the higher price and sell at the lower price.

Call and put . A "call" contract means you estimate that the currency will go up in value. A "put" contract means you think the currency will go down in value. One of the fascinating aspects of currency pairs is that a given currency could be going up in terms of one currency and down in terms of another. So, you might have both a call and a put on that currency.

Liquidity . Currencies are traded 24/7 so the Forex markets are highly liquid. That means you can close a position at any time.

Hedge . Currencies are often traded as a hedge against possible loss.

Technical analysis . This method of analysis represents trader sentiment in a given currency. It is important to learn the basics of technical analysis before trading currencies.

Fundamental analysis . This shows the real-life strength or weakness of a currency. It gauges supply and demand in that currency and financial stability in the currency's home economy. It is also important to become knowledgeable in fundamental analysis.

Stop-loss . This is an order you give your broker, to sell the currency you bought if its value decreases by a given percentage.

Risk and Risk Management . There is always risk in any investment. It is important to concisely identify the risk you face in trading a given currency. Risk management is the art of mitigating risk through analysis, hedging, personal discipline, and close attention and evaluating all the information that could affect the currency.

Margin . This is an area of high risk for all traders, even the most seasoned. Margin is credit offered by the broker to enable you to buy more currency than your bankroll might allow. Fortunes are made and lost every day because of margin. It is wise to avoid buying on margin.

Why Do People Trade Currencies?

There are two main reasons that people trade currencies: because they need a currency for business and as a speculation. В Given that the economic recoveries in most economies have been weak, many speculators have turned to trading Forex.

Another major reason for buying or selling a currency is as a hedge. В For example, if you know that you will need a currency in a few months, you can hedge by buying an option or a futures contract in that currency.

How to Begin

You have to register with a broker. You don't have to buy a "seat" on a Forex exchange. The broker has done that for you. Then decide which currency you wish to buy or sell. The online trading platform, or software, makes it very easy to trade. The value of the currency you bought will now fluctuate constantly.

La línea de fondo

It is so easy to get started trading currencies that many new traders jump into the water before they are truly ready. В Due diligence is a kind of self-discipline whereby you develop a modicum of understanding of why currencies fluctuate before making your first trade.

- Publicado por Denise Marie

Trading Forex using Binary Options

Trading currency pairs on Forex has increased substantially in popularity in recent times. One of the prime reasons for this magnetic attraction is that many beginners are enticed by Forex because of its gigantic daily turnover, which is alleged to be in excess of $3 trillion. They believe that with such a huge sum of money in the offering that they should easily be able to acquire a small percentage of it.

However, statistics present an opposing viewpoint by revealing that only a small minority of investors are successful. This is because many influences strongly affect the creation of the price formations and structures of currency pairs making them difficult to evaluate and hard to trade profitably. As such, newbies are confronted by a steep learning curve that they need to conquer in order to acquire success.

One of the biggest obstacles that they face is that they always have to evaluate not just the direction that the price of a currency pair will progress but also its magnitude or size. This can be a quite nerve-racking task for the inexperienced. As an alternative, many investors begin using binary options to trade Forex because of the many simplifying advantages that they possess.

For instance, by activating binary options using a currency pair as its underlying asset, you can then just concentrate on predicting the price direction of a currency pair without the need to evaluate the size or magnitude of the movement. This important attribute infers that, for a ‘CALL’ binary option, if price is just one pip higher than its opening price at expiration then you will be in-the-money. Similarly, you need price to expiry at least 1 pip lower than its opening or strike price for a ‘PUT’ binary option in order to register a profit.

Another vital job that you must perform when you trade Forex directly is to develop a well-proven risk and money management strategy so that you can restrict your risk exposure per trade. However, if you trade Forex using binary options then this task can be avoided because you will always know precisely what your pre-defined profits and losses will be even before your options are activated.

Let us now study an explicit binary option trade in order to demonstrate precisely what you need to do in order to undertake such an investment. Envisage that your broker has just advised you that you should activate a new long (buy) position using the EURUSD currency pair. Consider that the value of the EURUSD is currently 1.2800 and that you deduce that price will continue to climb during the next hour. As such, you activate a CALL binary option using the EURUSD as its underlying asset with an expiry time of 1 hour. The strike price is 1.2800 and your deposit is $2,000. The payout ratio is 85% and the refund is 10%.

When you trade binary options, there can be only two possible results. Either you will receive a pre-advised profit or lose a significant portion of your deposit. After one hour has elapses, the EURUSD stands at 1.2850 which is above its opening price and you are in-the-money. Your broker pays you $1,700. However, if the EURUSD had finished beneath 1.2800, then you would have been out-of-the-money and lost your deposit but would have collected a rebate of $200.

Over the years, experts have developed a set to rules which they always apply when Forex trading. For example, their top priority when trading currency pairs is to minimize their losses. They achieve this objective by developing faith in their trading strategies. However, mastering such skills involves an extensive amount of time. Using binary options to trade Forex solves this problem since their structure has been specifically design to minimize risk exposure per trade.

Consequently, binary options will help place you in more control of your trades by enabling you to base important trading decisions on your trading strategies as opposed to gambling on your gut instincts. You will then be able to focus on identifying fewer but better quality trades as opposed to seeking adrenaline rushes by trading as many as possible. You will discover that trading Forex using binary options will increase your chances of success.

Sobre el Autor

Marcus Holland - Marcus Holland has been trading the financial markets since 2007 with a particular focus on soft commodities. He graduated in 2004 from the University of Plymouth with a BA (Hons) in Business and Finance.

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Binary Options Technical Analysis and Forex Signals. Currency Pairs

United States – Building Permits On Wednesday, at GMT 12:30 p. m. the US Census Bureau will release the Building Permits figure, which is an annualized number of new building permits… Más

New Zealand – Official Cash Rate On Wednesday, at GMT 8:00 p. m. the Reserve Bank of New Zealand will release the Official Cash Rate, which is the interest rate that… Más

Switzerland – KOF Economic Barometer Today, at GMT 8:00 a. m. the KOF Economic Research Agency will release its economic barometer index, which measures the changes in the level of a… Más

Australia – CB Leading Index Today, at GMT 3:30 p. m. the Conference Board Inc will release the month-over-month leading index for Australia, which measures the changes in the level of… Más

United States – Empire State Manufacturing Index Today, at GMT 1:30 p. m. the Federal Reserve Bank of New York released the empire state manufacturing index, which measures the level of… Más

New Zealand – Food Price Index Tomorrow, at 9:45 p. m. the Statistics New Zealand will release the food price index, which measures the changes in the price of food and… Más

United States – Institute for Supply Management (ISM) Manufacturing PMI Yesterday, at GMT 3:00 p. m. the Institute for Supply Management released its manufacturing PMI figure for the United States. The… Más

Australia – National Australia Bank (NAB) Limited Business Confidence Index Today, at GMT 12:30 a. m. the National Australia Bank (NAB) Limited will release its monthly business confidence index figure. This… Más

Japan – Tertiary Industry Activity Today, at GMT 4:30 a. m. the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will release the month over month tertiary industry activity figure, which measures… Más

Australia – Unemployment Rate On Thursday, at GMT 12:30 a. m. the Australian Bureau of Statistics will release the national unemployment rate, which measures the percentage of total work force which… Más

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Forex Currency Pair Analysis

Jan 14 USD regained net bid on better than expected core retail sales data along with some hawkish Fed speak from voters Plosser and Fisher. CAD and Yen were losers among forex majors. While headline retail sales rose a modest 0.2% last month, core spending topped views, rising 0.7% M/M an more than 4% Y/Y. That saw stocks and Tsy yields rise, with latter underpinned further by Fed hawks Plosser and Fisher who see a more sustained economic growth ahead. Both expect the Fed to continue to taper QE and favor a quicker exit too. Net action saw Usd/Yen firm back over Y104, with Yen weakness helping Eur hold steady vs Usd. Cad$ continued to underperform, weakening further above 1.09 on relative growth/monetary policy sentiment. Audusd lost ground on sell-stops below $0.8980.

EURUSD The market is currently locked within a broader underlying uptrend, with sights set on a test of next key resistance in the 1.36849 – 1.36987 area. However, technical studies are currently tracking in neutral territory. As such, the best strategy for now is to stay sidelined and look for opportunities to buy on dips towards 1.35963. Ultimately, only a break and close back under 1.35635 would force a shift in the structure.

GBPUSD traded sideways for much of the Asian session yesterday before hitting the day’s low of 1.6368 in early European trade. It bounced back to be at 1.6450 just before the release of the UK inflation data. The headline CPI came in at 0.4% m/m vs consensus of 0.5% but the y/y slowed to 2.0% versus expectation of 2.1% y/y. This is the first time in 4 years that it has touched the 2% handle. Core CPI also eased to 1.7% y/y vs f/c of 1.8%. PPI input slid by -1.2% y/y while output rose 1.0% y/y. The data which will give scope for the BoE to keep rates lower for longer to help the economy led to a quick decline towards the 1.6395 level where it found good support from bids at 1.6390. It then rallied back to an o/n high of 1.6465 during the US session before easing down to end the session around 1.6430 on light profit taking. With no first tier UK data on tap today, bids at 1.6390 by various names will protect the downside but sizeable offers at 1.6470 will cap the upside.

AUDUSD touched yesterday’s low of 0.9058 during the Australasia session before turning lower over the remainder of the day. It slid down to an intraday low of 0.9020 on selling by medium term investors and a macro account before it bounced back to start the European session around 0.9035. Good selling in AUDNZD weighed on the pair early in the session where it fell further towards the 0.9000 handle where it started the US session. Despite the slightly weaker than expected US retail sales data, weak gold prices weighed on the pair as it slid down to an o/n low of 0.8956 where it also ended the session as bears took charge. It opens a tad softer this morning around 0.8950 with scope for more losses towards 0.8913 and 0.8864 if the Australian job data disappoints tomorrow. Thus we prefer to sell rallies towards 0.9000 along with a model name while bids at 0.8915 by a local exporter will provide support.

Forex currency pair analysis brought to you by www. clmforex. com

Disclaimer: Trading of foreign exchange contracts, contracts for difference, derivatives and other investment products which are leveraged, can carry a high level of risk. These products may not be suitable for all investors. It is possible to lose more than your initial investment. All funds committed should be risk capital. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros. A Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) is available from the company website www. clmforex. com. Please read and consider the PDS before making any decision to trade Core Liquidity Markets’ products. The risks must be understood prior to trading. Core Liquidity Markets refers to Core Liquidity Markets Pty Ltd. Core Liquidity Markets is an Australian company which is registered with ASIC, ACN 164 994 049. Core Liquidity Markets is an authorized representative of Direct FX Trading Pty Ltd (AFSL) Number 305539, which is the authorizing Licensee and Principal.

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Binary options on currency pairs

Binary options on currency pairs

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Global Equity Markets and Currency Pairs

Forex has been one of the most bankable avenues for binary option traders to make money fast. With the weekly and daily high impact reports. the trend in currency pairs has not been too hard to predict. Now we are going to share another strategy that will help gauge pip movement. In other words, indices can often serve as a sort of crystal ball for forex.

Let me explain why. It is true that the stock market is probably the most extensive covered financial market out there. A lot of investors revel in the fact that they are able to own stocks in companies whose products they love and see a lot of value in. But in order to buy equities from a certain country, you will need to acquire the local currency.

So if the German equity market is booming like it is now, then a U. S. investor will have to exchange his dollars (USD) into Euros (EUR). There is now an increased demand for the EUR and it appreciates in value. At the same time, when dollars are sold its supply goes up. This lowers the value of the U. S. dollar.

International money flows basically dictate currency fluctuations. If the stock market is under-performing, then international investors pull their money out and head elsewhere. This has a negative or bearish effect on a particular currency – the EUR in this case.

Nevertheless, regardless of which country, the following holds true. When the equity of a certain country does better than another one, money will likely chase its stocks and move away from the weaker equity market.

So the key takeaway from all of this is… strong indices, strong currency (DAX up, EUR up); weak indices, weak currency (DAX down, EUR down).

The way to make money for binary option traders is to recognize which country has the stronger stock market. If it is Japan’s Nikkei outperforming the S&P, then it is time for some puts on the USD/JPY. Do this right and you will be on your way to making some good money trading binary options.

Still binary option traders need to be reminded that they should consider fundamentals, technicals and market sentiment before risking their money. There is no magic formula.

What do you think of this binary options trading strategy. Leave a comment below and help us give you better information so that you can conquer the exciting world of binary options.

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Forex Pairs in Binary Options Trading

Published January 1, 2017 | Por Caroline Carvaloh

Forex or the foreign exchange market is the place where currencies are traded on a global decentralized platform. A quantity of one currency is bought by paying a quantity of another currency which is determined by a variety of factors. The Forex is unique because of its huge trading volume, geographic dispersion, continuous operation and use of leverage. The rates at which these exchanges takes place is called exchange rates where the value of one currency is estimated in terms of another currency. The exchange rates can be spot exchange rates or forward exchange rates.

The currencies that are used to trade for each other are called Forex pairs. There are mainly 4 currency pairs that are global.

1) The Euro and the U. S. dollar denoted by EUR/USD

2) The U. S. dollar and the Japanese Yen denoted by USD/JPY

3) The British pound Sterling and the U. S. dollar denoted by GBP/USD

4) The U. S. Dollar and the Swiss Franc denoted by USD/CHF

List of Currency Pairs Offered For Binary Options Trading In the Trading Platform

When it comes to binary options trading for forex pairs, there are a whole lot of them available. You will be able to decide about which one you will need by choosing from the list of currency pairs offered for binary options trading in the trading platform you will choose to trade from.

The most effectively traded pair is the EUR/USD which belongs to the world’s most popularly traded currency U. S. dollar and the second most popular currency Euro that belongs to the European Union. The uniqueness of the US dollar is that it forms the reserve currency for major banks across the world which is furthered grounded by the fact that the OPEC rates (Oil and Petroleum Exporting Countries), Gold prices and other commodities are transacted in dollars.

The unique feature of Euro is that it forms the currency of the Euro zone (a consortium of 16 countries that have the same currency within the European Union called the EMU or European and Economic monetary union) which is the world’s largest economic region.

These factors make the EUR/USD the most traded Forex pair.

The Japanese Yen belongs to the Asia’s largest economy. Though the geographic base is lesser comparatively to other Asian countries, yet on this narrow base, the Japanese economy have an advanced technological growth, manufacturing units, huge exports and a substantial amount of world’s trade.

The Great Britain though part of the EU, has its own currency that forms an important trading pair with the US Dollar. The Swiss Franc is less liquid than its counterparts forming a safe trading pair with the US dollar.

The Forex pairs are subject to variations decided by the economic and financial policies of the economic zones, inflation and deflation, supply and demand and bursting of economic bubbles.

Currency Trading with Forex and Binary Options

When trading the Euro using a Forex platform, you are either purchasing or selling the Euro currency since its value is based off other currencies. You do your trading with the intention of later re-selling or repurchasing in order to gain a profit on the difference accumulated. The process of exchanging the one currency for another currency is known as the cross exchange .

When trading the Euro with a Binary Option platform, you are only concerned with forecasting which direction the Euro moves in comparison with the other currency it is paired. With Binary Options traders are not concerned so much with the value of any of the foreign currencies, because they are only concerned with being able to speculate the market’s future direction considering fundamental and technical conditions. Binary Option traders don’t have to worry about the value and differences of each currency, just whether the difference in the values increases or decreases.

Currency Trading in Forex

When you are trading a certain currency using a Forex broker, you are actually involved in cross exchange . which is the rate at which the currency of one country is exchanged for the currency of another.

For instance, let’s consider the EUR/USD currency pair which is one of the most commonly traded currency pairs in the markets. When we explore the EUR/USD currency pair, the first currency, the EUR, is the “base” currency and the second currency, the USD, is the “counter” currency. The counter currency is also referred to as the quote currency. There is a value for each of the currencies separately and when paired. The value is simply referred to as the currency pair value, which shows the base currency’s value when compared to the counter currency.

The currency exchange rate for each currency fluctuates depending upon economic and geopolitical situations happening within and outside of their respective nations. A tremendous number of factors need to be considered when deciding whether to “buy a currency” or “sell a currency” depending on how the markets behave and what effects they’ll have on the economies.

In Forex trading situations, the EUR/USD rate will identify the number of US dollars that one Euro is able to purchase (How many USD can you buy with 1 EUR). If you think the value of the Euro will increase when compared to the USD, you would buy EUR with USD. In cases where the exchange rate increases, you will be selling the Euros and you will be making profits.

Currency Trading in Binary Option

When you are involved in trading the EUR/USD currency pair in Binary Options (broker reviews) you will be taking advantage of the price movement of these two currencies by generating revenue even when currencies only move in the slightest of margins, because Binary Options traders receive maximum payouts on each trade that lands ‘In the Money’ .

In a Binary Option trade you need to forecast whether the price movement of the EUR will be up or down with respect to the USD. To do this, you will need to research what the current rates are, as well as figure out the daily/weekly/monthly trends which influence the rates of the currencies. After some careful analysis and investigation of the situation you should be able to make an educated prediction and speculate for yourself whether the price of the EUR will go up or down in a set time period. If the price of the EUR rises in accordance to your predication that the asset would gain by the expiration time, then the option you exercised would be a success. You would then multiply your investment amount by the amount agreed upon between you and the Binary Option on their trading platform to determine your profit.

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Publicaciones recientes de Christian Landmark: Christian Landmark

Dukascopy expands its binary options scope, adding six new currency pairs

Following this morning’s report by LeapRate that Swiss FX marketplace Dukascopy Bank had set the maximum order limit for binary options products at $1,000, the firm has today added six new currency pairs to its offering.

The currency pairs that have been added to the Swiss bank’s proprietary binary options platform are: GBP/CHF, GBP/AUD, GBP/CAD, GBP/NZD, AUD/JPY and CAD/JPY.

Dukascopy Bank added binary options to its product range earlier this year, via its proprietary platform which was designed in house by the technology-led company.

At the time of launch, LeapRate tested the platform. noting at the time that one of its more interesting characteristics is that it supports entry orders based on specific time or price. This is particularly interesting to customers that wish to buy calls or puts at a certain technical level that the customer considers important, at which time all the customer has to do is set the price and the direction.

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Superherobyday 28 Mar 2017

Have some questions about the forces behind the charts.

1) Do currencies move alone, as pairs, or both? For instance, does the EURO change in value independently and thereby affect all EUR pairs? Or do the movements in the various EUR pairs change the value of the EURO as a whole? Or both?

2) Similar to question 1. Is the index of a currency essentially just an "indicator" derived from all its pairs? Or can it be considered the 'true' value of a currency, while the pairs all fluctuate?

3) Is the chart of a cross pair (say EUR/JPY) a derivative of the two underlying major pairs (EUR/USD & USD/JPY)? Or is it an actual independent derivative of the two currencies (EUR & JPY)?

Essentially I'm trying to pin down the correlations between currencies, currency pairs, and cross pairs. Any wisdom, or even a point in the direction of knowledge is appreciated.

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Ross 28 Mar 2017

I use the heatmap at Oanda for correlation and only for Major Pairs not Exotic Pairs. hope it helps :

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BryanMac 28 Mar 2017

I tried using correlation for a while and found it helps me most on my 1HR charts, the lower time frames the correlation changes to rapidly IMO.

The below web site will let you set up custom correlation between almost all FOREX pairs. It also has some nice volatility tools.

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Superherobyday 28 Mar 2017

Thanks for the replies but that's not what I'm looking for. I'm not looking to discover which pairs correlate to which pairs, any heat map will tell me that. I'm trying to figure out why it is that they correlate, what causes the correlation, or even movement in general. Is it the currencies? Or is it the currency pairs?

Basically my question is this:

Does the overall value of the Dollar (say) determine its value in its respective currency pairs? Or does the conglomerattion of USD currency pairs determine the overall value of the dollar?

So for instance, does EUR/USD move only when Euros and Dollars are exchanged? Or could it be that just one of the currencies (Euro or Dollar) changed in value? Or could it be either?

Also, in regards to cross pairs, I want to know if the exchange rates are calculated by comparing the actual currencies to one another (EUR vs JPY) or if they are derived by comparing the two underlying major pairs against one another (USD/JPY vs EUR/USD).

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raydioturner 28 Mar 2017

Well lets look at a strong US dollar. It can and will cause a weak euro, GBP, Aussie, etc to decline and conversely cause a weak yen, CAD, etc to go up. Is it's index the sole reason for the movement? Well no this is where fundamentals start coming into play. I'll attach a monetary policy curve later this evening when I'm at my pc which will hopefully help out some. Those "minor" pairs like e/j isn't necessarily being driven by the E/U or U/J. although there is some correlation there it's its own pair linking the euro and yen together. Yes, a stronger yen will cause a weaker euro to decline and etc. So when you buy that pair you're making several transactions with your broker at once. You're selling euros and buying yens. Hope ot helps some and I hope the curve I post will help in your quest for enlightening.

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raydioturner 28 Mar 2017

Attached is a perception of monetary standings. please don't read too far into the word perception superhero this is more for illustration purposes and to further throw society into an uproar we're going to "read" this from right to left. Anyway, The USD is our stronger pair and the euro is of course the weakest. The further away the currency is from each other and the further into the Dovish/ hawkish territory it's in the you'll really start seeing the strength's. Now, yes this curve does constantly shift and swing as each country changes their monetary policies. But, I think or hope it will help point you in the right direction. Now go through your charts and match up these pairs on a daily, weekly etc and start drawing conclusions. Also, I'd recommend, if you haven't already, to start looking more into fundamentals. IMHO fundamentals will help with the "why".

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mark 02 Apr 2017

The pairs depend on both the assets listed. Ex: EUR/USD will rise if EUR strengthens or USD weakens. Similarly EUR/USD will lose value if EUR weakens or USD strengthens.

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dth 02 Apr 2017

I would say some of the indexes give more weight to what you're looking for more or less than others. The exhange rates are a derivaive of the interest rates and a few other calculations I'm not able to remember atm. Correlations offer a great insight as to why a pair(s) may move, however, I do not think that one should solely rely on this of course. If there is positive news for a particular currency it will move it in an aggregate manner. You will see this move across the board on all of it's pairs. For instance, NFP comes out strong and offers a future value greater for the USD, so any pair related to this will go higher/lower accordingly. It could be anything though, and not just data. What you see on your economic calender is what most would consider fundamentals, and it is but you should think of those data pieces as micro to the bigger picture fundamentals.

As raydio has stated earlier, the fundamentals provide the "why". IMO I think every trader should be able to explain technically and fundamentally the movement on a chart. There is reasoning for almost all moves. I would rather say all moves, if you can't explain it, than you just haven't found the information for it yet. Sometimes it can be confusing and hidden too, for instance strong US data would mean a higher USD but than drops, but that is another topic.

What I think you should be most aware of is "money flows". Money flows is what it sounds like, money flowing into a particular market. Some people might term this "smart money" moving into a market. I honestly don't like the term since it puts a limiting belief on myself, sure there might be more experienced ones out there but I'm going to leave it at that. As stated earlier a data piece can be perceived to change value in a curreny or pair. It doesn't have to be a data piece it could be somes words spoken by the central bank chairmen(or chairwomen), or a global crises. Whatever it may be it will cause investors to change their perception of value in whatever market it is and act on it. If there is a war going on, they'll choose to invest into the 'safe havens'. If the USD is ruling the market they may choose to invest in any USD pair and so on. The markets do not like uncertainty, of course no one can ever be sure of what is certain, but money flows will always go to where the money is at.

This is how I avoid 'waterfalls' in trading bins. Of course in the spot market you should love these waterfalls, but if I see a strong candle I check to see if there is the same sort of 'push' in other pairs related, and for both currencies. Again, I'm going to state that you should not take a trade based off of correlations. Correlations are just another tool, just is technical anaylsis is, and fundamental analysis is. One last thing I might add is you might see these money flows moving across the board, for instance eur losing strength on all pairs, except for maybe one or two EUR pairs. I would still consider this money flows into a weaker EURO but there is probably a bigger fundamental picture that caused the one or two to not move in sync with others. Hope that helps as well, feel free to ask more.

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yawyks 02 Apr 2017

As raydio has stated earlier, the fundamentals provide the "why". IMO I think every trader should be able to explain technically and fundamentally the movement on a chart . There is reasoning for almost all moves. I would rather say all moves, if you can't explain it, than you just haven't found the information for it yet. Sometimes it can be confusing and hidden too, for instance strong US data would mean a higher USD but than drops, but that is another topic.

If this is a pre-requirement prior a trade is taken, I humbly disagree. That is not practical nor possible for the masses and even if it is, the trained economist will have identified them way b4 the rookies read them on a publish report.

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dth 04 Apr 2017

If this is a pre-requirement prior a trade is taken, I humbly disagree. That is not practical nor possible for the masses and even if it is, the trained economist will have identified them way b4 the rookies read them on a publish report.

Agreed on your disagreement. Although now I feel I wasn't clear when I said "why". I didn't mean "why" as why to take a trade but rather why a move has happened. I should have also said to explain the movement that has already happened. Sorry for the confusion.

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Superherobyday 07 Apr 2017

I would say. Hope that helps as well, feel free to ask more.

Holy crap, thanks for the novel. Seriously, that's some good info.

What I was originally trying to understand was whether I could use indexes to predict S/R levels. But since indexes are derived from the pairs themselves, this is essentially wagging the dog. For now I'll just let them serve as an 'overall' picture ot how a currency is behaving.

Recently I've started to understand the importance of knowing the fundamentals, but to be blunt, it's a pain in the dick. Sifting through articles every day trying to build a picture of each country's economy is just inefficient, let alone trying to weigh economic news vs economic indicators (capital flows, account balance, intereste rates, etc..)

Do you have any reliable resources you can recommend that give fundamnetal breakdowns of each currency? An arrow, a score, a numerical value, or even a brief synopsis of each currency would really help.

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binoptwol 07 Apr 2017

I noticed that sometimes USD/CAD is reacting slowly to the moves that AUD/USD is making. For example: AUD/USD is moving upwards and 4 seconds later USD/CAD makes a move downwards.

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dth 07 Apr 2017

Holy crap, thanks for the novel. Seriously, that's some good info.

What I was originally trying to understand was whether I could use indexes to predict S/R levels. But since indexes are derived from the pairs themselves, this is essentially wagging the dog. For now I'll just let them serve as an 'overall' picture ot how a currency is behaving.

Recently I've started to understand the importance of knowing the fundamentals, but to be blunt, it's a pain in the dick. Sifting through articles every day trying to build a picture of each country's economy is just inefficient, let alone trying to weigh economic news vs economic indicators (capital flows, account balance, intereste rates, etc..)

Do you have any reliable resources you can recommend that give fundamnetal breakdowns of each currency? An arrow, a score, a numerical value, or even a brief synopsis of each currency would really help.

If you find that using the indexes to find S and R are working for you than by all means continue with it untill it stops working. I've never tried this myself but you don't need any confirmation from anything else if you've seen and tested something for yourself.

I'll agree keeping up with the fundamentals is a lot of work. You especially have to be careful with the articles you read since a lot of it can be opinionated and BS. Like yawks has stated a lot of the articles that are published are usually about moves that have already been done with. You do not need to keep up with every economic indicator. I'm sure you're aware of high, med, and low impact news on your economic calender, but you only need to pay attention to a few. There are a lot high impact news events in a week but even a lot of those high impacts are still not as relavant and there may be only a couple of the med impact that might be important. Other than that you should be aware that all these "high, med and low impact" economic indicators are still micro to the the bigger picture. I don't find too many articles that don't talk about what has already been done. I usually only read these ones to get insight to what has happened if I care enough about it. If it's not that than the article is probably an analyst trying to predict something about the future. There are tons of articles to read, I get about 30 000+ everyday through an RSS feed from multple sites and I probably read about 10 of them. Sometimes I don't even read them at all since they're just webites trying to get traffic but sometimes there are good articles that can provide useful insight. If I want to get insights on what has happened already I'll read bank reports but these can still be opionated as well.

Google "relative performance currencies" and you should find some things on strength meters on currencies. These can provide insight as to a strong currency fundamentals compared to a weaker one but remember they can also be based off what's already happened.

Google "fx bank strategy" and look for the pdfs. A lot of banks put reports out in these formats and they can give some pretty good information.

Google "Jarratt Davis". Subscribe to his email and watch his videos, he has helped my understanding and opened my eyes to the fundamentals tremendously. I think it will do you good if you already have a basic understanding of everything.

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yawyks 07 Apr 2017

Just want to touch on the 'predict' process which many many traders adopt, by way of ta or fa.

Steer away from that which is impossible, the market is way too diverse for this and its an effort in futility.

Maybe you want to test out a 'coin flip' approach at an arbitrary line wherever drawn on the chart. Try this to open a new dimension of possibities for yourself instead of being encumbered with whats governing the forex world today.

Move on from there to a 'momentum' assigned H-line as the concealed orderflow reveals. Once you get this on your chart, you don't have to predict anything after this to profit.

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Superherobyday 08 Apr 2017

Google "Jarratt Davis". Subscribe to his email and watch his videos, he has helped my understanding and opened my eyes to the fundamentals tremendously. I think it will do you good if you already have a basic understanding of everything.

Funny you mention that. Jarratt is the sole reason I've begun trying to understand fundamentals. But you get pretty limited info on his thread, and his videos give you a push in the right direction, but I'm looking for a more efficient way to get a daily rundown of fundamentals.

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Superherobyday 08 Apr 2017

Just want to touch on the 'predict' process which many many traders adopt, by way of ta or fa.

Steer away from that which is impossible, the market is way too diverse for this and its an effort in futility.

Maybe you want to test out a 'coin flip' approach at an arbitrary line wherever drawn on the chart. Try this to open a new dimension of possibities for yourself instead of being encumbered with whats governing the forex world today.

Move on from there to a 'momentum' assigned H-line as the concealed orderflow reveals. Once you get this on your chart, you don't have to predict anything after this to profit.

What are you saying Yawyks? Trading is gambling?

What is this momentum h-line you speak of? The almighty google turns up zilch.

28.11. 2017 00:00 | Max

There are many currency pair trading via binary options, and it is important for a trader to be able to tell which ones are going to be profitable and which ones are not. A trader faces many choices throughout his or her career. First, there is the option of which type of investment they would like to trade with. At first a trader would have a certain amount of money, and it would not do to let that money just sit around gathering dust, so there is the option of using the money in order to make it multiply. There are several ways to do this. You can purchase gold as an investment, deposit the money, start a business using that money, purchase bonds, and lastly, you can also purchase Forex using that money. Among the many options, Forex is the one that needs the keenest analysis, because there are so many currency pairs to choose from. Each Forex trading currency pair would have a different trend and a different way of handling it, so it is important for you to figure out which pair of choice you would like to trade in before you actually jump into the fray. You can, technically, trade in all of the Forex trading currency pair options if you have enough money, but the most realistic option would be to choose one of two pairs that would bring you the biggest amount of profit possible.

Basically, there are endless possibilities for Forex trading currency pairs, but only several are really important for you to know about because they are the most important currencies and most-traded. They are your best bet if you have a limited amount of capital.

Beginner traders would usually use the currency that they are already familiar with or have at hand. For example, if the trader lives in Singapore and is paid using Singapore Dollars, then the trader would most likely only trade using Singapore Dollars. But if that is the only Forex trading currency pair that you are considering, then you would be seriously missing out. There are endless possibilities and endless ways to make a profit from Forex trading currency pair, and you need to be able to make a keen analysis based on the most popular pairs in order to make the biggest amount of profit possible. Your money would multiply before you know it, and there would be no need for you to work for your money anymore because your money would work for you.

Most Popular Forex Trading Currency Pair

Several of the most popular Forex trading currency pair that you would have to know about so that you would be able to consider all your options and make an informed decision would include:


The world’s superpowers’ currencies would most definitely take the spotlight, and that is true in this case. USD is the currency of the United States of America, and this is the basis for all currency trades nowadays. Many say that there would never be a dark day for USD, and although the rate for USD can still go down at times, it would get back up as soon as the market stabilized. USD has been holding top position for quite some time now, and it does not seem like it is going to relent any time soon. On the other hand, the currency that is used simultaneously by many countries would be the EUR, and it is the currency that is capable of putting up a good fight to the USD.

These two currencies are amongst the most stable currencies available, and even though the rest of the world should fall into economic ruin, the USD and EUR are said to be the last currencies standing. Because of that, this Forex trading currency pair is perfect for those who are risk averse or those who are just learning about how to trade. This Forex trading currency pair would lend you security, and although the changes are often slow, this Forex trading currency pair could potentially earn you quite a lot of money. EUR/USD is the most popular currency pair to trade with currently, and there is a perfectly good reason for that.


The USD and JPY are another two of the most popular currencies to trade with. The relationship between this Forex trading currency pair has always been rather predictable because the Japanese government is always running interventions in order to make their own currency worth more. Because of that, although there would be down times at times, you can expect stability from this Forex trading currency pair. Also, because JPY is so cheap, you would be able to purchase a hell of a lot of them. Once the value rises—even if it rises just a little bit—you would be able to gain a lot of profit by using the sheer strength of quantity. Many savvy traders prefer to use this Forex trading currency pair, and there is a reason for that too.


It is said that the relationship between USD and CHF is also rather predictable, in that you only have to watch the ebb and flow of EUR/USD in order to be able to tell where the USD/CHF would go, which is always in the opposite direction of EUR/USD. Thus, if you are contemplating about trading USD and CHF, you would have two bases of analysis, and that would be the trend of USD/CHF itself as well as the trend of EUR/USD.


This is another Forex trading currency pair that is said to be able to give the investors a whole lot of profit due to interference from the government. The United Kingdom is always ready to drive this pair further, and you would be able to gain stability as well as more money from that fact.

Although you can trade with any currency pair you want, if you are a beginner who is just learning the ropes, your best bet would be to trade using stable and popular currencies, because if you are not careful with the less stable ones, you could end up losing a lot.

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ZAR-JPY currency forecast for Q4 of 2017

Regular binary options traders focus almost exclusively on intensely traded currency pairs while overlooking less liquid ones. Their loss. The savvy ones will check out this ZAR-JPY forecast because this volatile currency pair has the potential of leading them to generous payouts in the upcoming weeks.

Bad news from the domestic front

The Rand is under a lot of pressure these days due to the fact that the so-called “strike season” is slowing down an already sluggish economy. Labor tensions have amplified in September and this month didn’t bring the much expected resolution, with protests expected to continue in the next few months and even spill over in 2017. Inflation is down by a few percent, but the Rand is still cornered by outside forces and their impact has been obvious this year, with the SA national currency losing 6% to most counterparts.

The Rand is also vulnerable to a potential tapering of the quantitative easing and although there are no reasons of concern for the immediate future, this is a persistent threat. Following the debt ceiling and government shutdown crisis, the Fed has no intention of slowing down QE infinity, but whenever rumors of such a decision surface, the Rand takes a dive. A medium-long term fundamental analysis for the South African currency is hardly encouraging regardless of what currency we compare it against. Binary options and Forex traders should look for good on the US Dollar to see weakening and take advantage of opportunities ahead.

Bank of Japan’s gamble seems to pay off

Earlier this year when the policies proposed by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, deemed as “Abenomics” were revealed, some analysts shrugged. Values of 120 for the USD/JPY pair were forecasted but it still trades at double digit levels and there is no sign of dramatic chance in the foreseeable future. In April, the sales tax increase will be enacted and for the time being it is uncertain whether the corporate tax rate cut will also be implemented, but there are good signs that the measure will be delayed indefinitely.

BOJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda plans on continuing to expand the monetary base at the same level, but the government’s stimulus plan won’t hurt the YEN too much. Past performance can be used as an indicator for future results, and it is enough to look at the charts to see that the USD-ZAR currency pair kept gaining ground despite the Federal Reserve Bank’s actions. There is no reason to expect a different result regarding the ZAR-JPY, in fact the psychological threshold of 10.00 is unlikely to be crossed soon.

Both currency pairs are heavily influenced by US monetary cues, but any shockwaves coming from within Washington are going to send the YEN and ZAR in the same direction.

CHECK THIS OUT: Popular Currency Pairs Behavior .

Currencies are traded 24 hours on the global currency market. These currencies are part of the most popular type of investment in recent times: binary options. Binary options are mostly traded with currencies as currencies binary options. This enables you to trade currencies as binary options. This is very beneficial if you want to cut out all of the red tape of currency trading. Trading currencies is one of the most popular trading methods today and is likely to be so in the coming years. The reasons for this include the issue of the liquidity. The currency market is very liquid and you can trade currencies at will 24 hours a day. It makes no difference if we are speaking about the major currencies or the minor currencies. The great thing for you to get to grips with is that these currencies can now be traded as currencies binary options.

Currencies binary options are trading the worlds leading currency pairs with a binary options broker. The question is what is the point in trading currencies with a binary options broker? This is a good question so a good answer is needed too! Currencies can be traded in many ways. These ways can be with a forex broker, options broker or a binary options broker. All these different categories of trading currencies are still very popular, but binary options trading with currencies is the fastest growing and understandably so. The extent of technology has made currencies trading much easier. Binary options brokers give you the chance to trade currencies with ease.

When you trade currencies with a binary options broker once you make profit, this will come back pouring into your trading account. Therefore, you will have to wait barely any time before you can start trading again. This makes currencies binary options quick and dynamic, and this is what all traders haven’t figured out yet. Therefore you need to spread the word to all of the currency traders that want to make some quick cash. This can be started with a binary option broker and trading currencies this way is just so easy. Currencies binary options are also referred to as binary options. You can choose whichever of these names you prefer, depending on how you feel.

The future of currencies binary option trading seems quite promising as there is lot of profits that each trader can make from trading currencies with a binary options broker. Once you get the hang of currencies binary options you will have so much fun. The thing is that at first currencies binary options trading is a bit tricky, but with time your confidence will build up. Once your confidence builds up, currencies binary options trading will truly be natural to you. There has been people that have become professionals in a very small amount of time.

You may well have traded currencies before on the currency market. If not there is no need to worry as you can become an advanced currency trader in a really short period of time. The first thing that you need to do is deposit money with a binary options broker. You can deposit your preferred way as binary options brokers offer many deposit methods. Once you have gone through this stage you can start trade currencies binary options. If you ever get stuck at all there are a lot of binary options education materials that are easy to use on the net. If these aren’t good enough for you, just go to your local bookstore and you can learn all you need to know about currencies binary options.

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Binary Options Currency Correlation

The correlation is a very important concept or strategy in the Binary Options market. It is an open secret that traders always price various currencies in pairs as no single pair has the ability or power to trade independently from others and yet succeed. This is why it is very important and most often, a matter of survival to understand what actually the correlation is.

There are many ways through which correlation can influence the fate of any trader. For instance, the currency pairs “A” and “B” are moving in the same direction but you have only been closely following the movement of pair A while totally ignoring the other pair. Let’s find out more about the binary options correlation strategy below on a practical example.

You expect pair A to go up and consequently you buy it. However, you suddenly realize that you also have to deal with pair B that might go down according to your technical and fundamental analyses and as a result, you sell pair B short. Now what will happen that you might earn profit on pair A but you can expect loss from pair B as both the currency pairs are moving in the same direction. Similarly, you can also experience the same thing if you go long and short at the same time to pairs that seem to move in opposite direction.

In fact, you can take maximum advantage of binary options currency correlations and improve your portfolio profitability. But do so only if you manage to clearly understand what they actually mean and how they fluctuate or change with the passage of time. Some of the most important types of correlations are as following.

The Binary correlation coefficient

You need to learn what the correlation coefficients before understanding its type. In Binary trading, these coefficients range between -1 to +1. The currency pairs will always move in the same direction if the correlation is +1 whereas pairs will always move in the opposite direction in case there is total negative. The correlation between the currency pairs is totally random if the figure is zero.

Positive Binary Options Correlation

Currency figures generally move in the same direction if the figure is positive but less than +1 but it is not mandatory. In fact, there are greater chances of pairs to move in the same direction if the figure is close to +1.

Negative Correlation in Binary Options

A currency pair will usually move in the opposite direction if the correlation is negative but greater than -1 but it is not a hard and fast rule. They move in the opposite direction most of the time if the value is closer to the critical figure of -1.

In general options correlations are dynamic and can change at any moment. You can actually assess your chances of placing a successful trade by comparing the correlation of past few days with the long term correlation value. For instance, the two currency pairs A and B have been moving in the same direction during last year while going up and down with the same speed. However, you have observed in last month or so that the currency pairs are moving in the same direction but with different speed. Therefore, you can simply buy a currency pair that has been going up slowly because both the pairs will ultimately catch on speed and will move with similar speed. On the other hand, you can short see or ignore the other currency pair to make your trade successful.

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Binary Options Hub is a website dedicated to making binary options trading industry more transparent, honest and reliable. Our mission is to supply binary options traders with honest binary options reviews and also to provide a detailed reivew of the binary options trading platforms. Note that binary options trading involves a high level of risk itself and it is much risker when you trade with unregulated binary options brokers. Also there are a lot of binary options scams in this industry. Binary Options Hub is here to guide your through the available offers on the market and assure that you are always making a right choice when it comes to selecting the best binary options broker or top binary options trading platform. Trading binary options is quite fun and exciting process that may also result in financial gains, however it is also very risky. Please note that Binary Options Hub does not take any responsibility for your investment decisions. Binary Options Hub also recommends you to consult with an expert before engaging into binary options trading activity. Please read our full disclaimer and risk warning to understand the risks of binary options trading better. Do not deposit more than you are willing to risk.

Home › Education › Trading Currencies With Binary Options – 5 Elements to Consider

Trading Currencies With Binary Options – 5 Elements to Consider

Trading binary options currencies consists in pitting two currencies (called a pair) against each other. The valuation of each currency (exchange rate) is dependent on market movements as well as traders’ sentiment about the economy of the particular region of the currency. Trading currencies in binary options is becoming increasingly popular and in order to be successful at it, you must consider important factors that come into play with this sort of trade.

#1 – A dynamic market

The currency market is a very dynamic one so for traders who enjoy the challenge and excitement of keeping up with all the changes that occur on a daily basis, trading currency pairs can be extremely rewarding. Since binary options traders tend to thrive on the fast turnaround nature of the industry, trading currencies creates the perfect environment that serves as a great educational basis for developing your skills.

#2 – Volatility

In line with the dynamic factor of currencies, volatility must also be considered. The term volatility refers to the tendency and probability of a given asset that it can change directions at the slightest changes in market conditions. Currencies in particular are known for being quite unpredictable. In order to reduce the unpredictability factor, choose your pairs wisely by picking those that have a low volatility level. Since most binary options trades occur within a short span of time, reducing the likelihood that the currency pairs of your choice move suddenly and in an unpredictable direction will greatly improve your profit outcome.

#3 – Correlating pairs

Trading correlations in binary options is an effective way to better anticipate the direction of a given currency. Currencies work in pairs, therefore, learning how the movement of one currency correlates with the movement of another – either positively or negatively – will help you strategize better and open up more profitable trading opportunities. Some of the most popular correlating pairs include the EUR/USD, AUD/USD, and USD/CHF.

#4 – News influence

Like other asset classes, currency pairs are not immune to major economic news and data releases. However, a positive aspect of trading currency pairs revolves around the fact that not all news items influence them so as long as you know what to be on the lookout for, you will not have to spend a whole lot of time sorting through news information to know how to execute your trades. Elements that have the strongest influence on currencies include GDP numbers, employment data, US core retail sales, inflation reports, and news surrounding interest rates.

#5 – Trading EUR/USD

The EUR/USD is the most traded currency pair in the world. This makes it very interesting for binary options trader as it ensures that you can trade it anywhere in the world, at any time, and that it has good liquidity. The fact that it is so popular means that getting accurate information (whether in the form of signals or via financial news outlet) is easy. This allows you to make sound trading decisions that provide a greater reward with less risk.

Currency pairs make up the largest fraction of the trading volume produced by binary options traders, which makes it the number one asset class in the world. Novices and experienced traders alike can benefit from learning the ropes of trading currencies with binary options; once you know the fundamentals, you can execute trades that will eventually lead to substantial profits.

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Binary options’ trading is, in short, the prediction of a certain asset’s price. This implies that the better you know your asset, the more chances you have to become a successful trader. One of the most well known and traded category is that of the currencies, also known as the forex.

Understanding the Forex Market

If you have any experience in trading currencies on the forex market you will meet no difficulties in trading forex binary options. In fact, they are so much alike that once you have understood the first you can transfer the knowledge to the other and already know what the influential factors are and what signals you must follow.

“Currencies” is a very generous category as it allows the choosing of any currency pair. For that reason the variables change from trade to trade and the risk factors vary a lot. There are, however, some factors that you must consider, regardless the currency pair you take an interest in trading.

Elements That Influence Currency Trading

One such important element in binary options trading, in general, as well as currency trading, in particular, is the analysis. This is a technical factor that uses indices, charts and candlesticks to inform you about the great movement that take place in the fascinating field of currencies. If you disregard the analytical factor the accuracy of your predictions will rely, mainly, on luck.

You can also choose to trade currencies using the news. Although this is not easy and mostly recommended to the more experienced binary options trader, it is possible if you pay attention to the influential elements. They are called fundamental elements and are represented by interest rates, inflation reports, employment data, GDP data, etc.

It is important to line up your profit expectations with the currency pairs and choose according to the profit/risk ratio. A reliable broker that will not simply make the trade inaccessible when currency pair responds best to news is also something to look after. Nevertheless, the category of currencies is so offering that any binary options trader will be able to find a pair to trade in a profitable manner. Last, but not least, regardless of the class of the asset you wish to trade, never go about it without developing a strategy .

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Binary Currencies

Trading binary currencies is a relatively young trading strategy. Like other asset classes, currencies have a fixed payoff amount. As the most popular asset class traded on the binary options market, currencies allow traders to participate in foreign exchange markets. How trading binary currencies works

To take part in currency binary options trading, you need to understand the basic premise involved in binary options. This is to make a prediction of whether the value of one country’s currency will increase or decrease in comparison to another nation’s currency. As you’ve noticed, it works in the same way as trading binary commodities, indices, and stocks. It’s this attribute of binary currencies that enable anyone to enter trading binary options even with only basic knowledge about financial trading.

To demonstrate how the trading process goes, let’s say you decide to trade on the EUR/USD currency pair. This is the most frequently traded currency pair among traders worldwide. Assuming that the current EUR/USD exchange rate stands at 1.40, you can speculate whether this price value would go up or down within a given period of time.

If at 7:00 PM, you predict that the EUR/USD’s exchange rate would rise to 1.45 by 7:05 PM, then you need to buy a “call” option. Once you’ve bought your chosen option, all that you need to do is to observe the asset’s movement, hoping that it would move the way you want it to.

By 7:05 PM, you’ll immediately see the result of your trade. If the exchange rate reached 1.45 or higher, then you’ve made a right assumption. You then earn profit based on the asset’s payoff. However, if the asset moves downward and ends out-of-the-money, you get nothing.

Quick tips for trading binary currencies

As a new trader, it’s advisable that you start trading on major currency pairs before going into other types of currencies. It’s important that you develop a decent understanding of the currency pairings so that you can appreciate the rewards you can get in trading them. Moreover, adequate market research can greatly help you in making more accurate predictions based on the economic stability of certain countries.



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It is fair to say that currencies are by far the most traded asset, being traded around the clock whenever the markets are open. Traders looking into the possibility of getting involvedin binary options trading will find trading currencies not only exciting, but potentially highly profitable. Those new to trading should be aware that currencies are always traded in pairs, so for example, EUR/USD refers to the strength of the euro against the strength of the U. S. dollar. Trades may be placed on virtually any combination of currencies with some of the leading binary options brokers offering traders a huge range of currency pairs.

The basic premise behind currency trading is that a trader predicts whether the value of a country’s currency will rise or fall in value in relation to another country’s currency. For example, assuming the United States receives a piece of positive economic data while the European Union publishes negative economic data, the U. S. dollar will likely rise against the Euro. When trading currency pairs, in the same way as with all binary options, the trader is taking a view on the currency pair through placing a ‘CALL’ (the value will rise) or a ‘PUT’ (the value will fall) option.

When trading currency pairs it is important for traders to keepa close eye on market movements in order to be aware of the economic situation and stability of a number of countries. This knowledge will assist them in understanding how currencies compare with each other and help to increase their chances of experiencing significant returns on their trades.

Traders opting to trade currencies will find many trading platforms providing a broad range of currency pair options such as USD/CAD, EUR/USD, USD/JPY and GBP/USD, which reflect a selection of the most popular currencies traded across the world. Identifying currency pairs that deliver good returns can take time and practice but as soon as a trader grasps an understanding of the relationship between the different currencies, they will quickly be able to reap the rewards.

Binary options tradingis an ideal way to trade currencies. All a trader needs to do is choose a pair, analyze the data, and decide whether it will go up or down over a specified period of time. For example, if the current price of EUR/USD is 1.30954 and he expects the price to go up in the next hour, he would place a CALL option on EUR/USD and wait for the outcome in 60 minutes time. If his prediction is correct he stands to make a profit from the investment.

This can be illustrated with a real-life, current example relating to the value of the USD in March 2017. The U. S dollar at this time, is close to hitting a 12 year peak versus the Euro and its highest level versus the Japanese yen in nearly eight years amid expectations of a mid-2017 Federal Reserve interest rate hike and the European Central Bank ’s bond-buying program.

The dollar index, which measures the dollar against a basket of major currencies, hit its highest since September 2003, whereas the euro has fallen to its lowest level since April 2003. The launch of European Central Bank quantitative easing sent European yields lower and weakened the Euro, as did renewed concerns about Greece’s financial situation.

With the surging dollar a headwind for U. S. growth, a trader can take advantage of this favorable situation by trading the EUR/USD currency pair. In this case, he may take the decision to place a ‘PUT’ option on this currency pair if he believes the USD is likely to go up in relation to the Euro. In addition, a trader could trade the USD/JPY, placing a ‘Call’ option in response to the dollar’s strength against the yen. Both positions in this scenario could result in being potentially profitable.

Traders can proceed to trade currencies by opening an account with a reputable binary options broker where they will be able to choose from a wide range of currency pairs on the broker’s trading platform. Binary options trading has grown in popularity as it presents traders with lucrative trading opportunities. It is also particularly suited to currency trading and since current affairs and events have such a profound effect on currencies, this explains why so many traders choose to trade in this way and go on to become successful currency traders.

Image Credit: http://www. findunifi. com/how-to-trade-binary-options-and-not-go-broke

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Chris 03 Oct 2017

Today I want to share an indicator/trading strategy that is extremely simple, yet I believe can be quite useful if used in coordination with other technical analysis and general knowledge of market conditions.

What we have here today is called a “Multi Currency Pair Indicator” or MCPI for short. Essentially what this indicator does is save you the time of having to check most of your currency charts in to see how the other pairs are reacting before placing a trade on a particular pair.

This indicator watches the major currency pairs to find the status of the current candle (Bullish or Bearish) of USD, EUR, and GBP compared to other currencies such as EUR, JPY, GBP, CHF, AUD, and CAD.

For example, if all boxes in the USD row are red that means the current candle (or whichever candle you have it set to) of the USD is weak or bearish against all other major currencies at the moment. The same method is used to analyze the other pairs. The chart should be read in an “X /Y” manner.

In order to change the indicator settings, simply right click your chart after the indicator is already attached, select the MCPI and click “Edit”. Once in edit there are generally only two settings that a beginner should play with: history shift and draw line.

The number which history shift is set to is the amount of candles back it is given a reading for. If you don’t want the indicator to lag at all, simply set the history shift to “0” and it will give readings based on current candles. As with all indicators I encourage people to find and create their own settings that they find works best for them.

The “draw line” setting simply creates a vertical line through the candle in which it is reading from the history shift. If the history shift is set to “2” and one turns the draw line setting to “true”, then two candles back from the current you will see a large red vertical line letting you know it is giving readings based on the current candle.

A rough strategy that one could implement into his/her arsenal while using this indicator could go as follows:

Wait until a currency pair is showing a certain amount of bearish or bullish readings (all red squares or all green squares.)

Place a call or a put on the currency pair that is showing the strongest bullish or bearish signal in relation to the reading. (I. E. The EUR showing all green squares across the row would be a strong bullish sign indicating a call)

I feel this strategy works best when utilizing a martingale strategy on type of a simple trend indicator. As always a trade should never be placed based on just one strong signal, however, the stronger the signal the less “back up” signals it needs before it becomes a confirmation to place a trade in my opinion. Hopefully people are able to utilize this indicator and boost their overall win percentage. Happy trading from B. O.D!

The indicator can be downloaded here .

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Trading with currencies

We will go through currencies so you better understand how they work and what moves them. As you may know or you maybe have seen they are always traded in pair liek for example, EUR/USD; and one of the asset is always performing better then another. To better understand we can see this anology; when two cars are racing, they are in constant movement and one is always infront untill the other comes infront. And same thing is happening with currency pairs.

What you will learn here:

Basics and major pairs revealed

What effects the currencies?

information on most traded currency pairs

If you take a look at the USD/EUR pair and the USD is looking better, then the pair is going up. If EUR is stronger then the pair will go down. What dictates the movement of prices are trends and many other things. Since a very large quantity of currencies can be traded in Forex, there is 85% of the most traded ones and are called Majors. One of the interesting things is that the Majors all contain the USD.

Lets take a look at Major pairs that are traded the most: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, AUD/USD, USD/CHF, USD/CAD and NZD/USD.


Since Currency belongs to certain country or as in EUR case, the whole european union that means currency is influenced by economy, political views, financial news, natural disaster and so on. Even rumors can do things to change the price of pairs. By looking at all these fundamental analysis you can determine at what price will the pair go, up or down and then determine based on technical analysis on chart when you want to put in the trade. You always need to look at support and resistance in technical analysis and you must learn to look at both fundamental and technical analysis to make it work for you in long-term and be profitable as much as possible.



Available for trading: 24hours a day, 5 days per week. You should always check with your broker if there are some changes. Which broker offers EUR/USD: Every right broker should offer this pair. TIP . You should never trade during some big annoucments of banks or news with these two ebcause of their volatility. Always wait and then determine.


Available for trading: 24hours a day, 5 days per week. You should always check with your broker if there are some changes. Which broker offers USD/CAD: Every right broker should offer this pair. TIP . Since Canada is providing US oil, the price is not so volatile but you should be careful since oil prices can affect the price on this pair.


Available for trading: 24hours a day, 5 days per week. You should always check with your broker if there are some changes. Which broker offers USD/JPY: Every right broker should offer this pair. TIP . Mostly its stable but you should watch for sudden spikes in price action.


This is what you need to know about currencies and trading them. We have covered the most important factors so you get better insight knowledge on them. Of course to get even better insight and information about each and every one of them you have to follow the news and read about it since there are constant changes in the market. It is a must to cover your fundamental research in order to be a good and profitable trader on long run.

Binary Options Trading Currency Movement

Binary Options Trading Currency Movement The currency movement is to result in a state of disharmony that gets between a couple of currencies and in which the base currency for the first couple are to be corresponding to the other pair, and remember, for example, pair the euro against the dollar as the euro moves in the opposite direction for a couple of the dollar against the Canadian both in side upward or upward, bottom line, we can talk about the common currency site between couples dad can determine whether there counteract or similarity in couples movement, in the case found consensus among currency site and between couples, both in terms of the base currency or the interview means the existence of symmetry, as in the case of any difference between the various couples in this case we talk about counteract movement.

As should be noted that economic indicators can be on the movement of some currency pairs resulting impact on the couples relationship with each other, and it is not necessary that this movement be in the same class, especially in the case of news and economic indicators of interest to a range of work in the time period is limited which result in a set of problems that is the difficulty of The Aussie Method movements analysis, which requires caution and careful and stay in the safety case and good studied by monitoring the price movement constantly administration of the order to reach the desired goal of Trader and is making profits and gains.

All of these things require intelligence because the link and find out relations in the price movements is essential in the trading process, where not advised of condoning such things, especially in the case of having more than one deal variety of currencies, because there is a high probability in the presence of similar transactions and which can behave the same direction, whether profit or loss can also be quite the opposite happens, this analysis can affect the behavior in case the nature of the couples signed trading, as some traders can to identify similar deals from more than one pair can also be that opposite positions and multiple as it is based on your strategy that can fit in circulation, the basic is to know the extent of the impact on trading for the purpose of making profits, which represents the first and the last endeavor of The Aussie Method trading.

Subject of this article is about the value-added tax and especially its history and the reasons that make it imposes, as well as their relationship to the binary options market, because the impact we find strong relationship between taxes and the demand for goods, which in turn affects the inflation in the country or scoop the term deflation, which makes the value of the currency other currencies, and from here we conclude that the tax rate in a very large impact on the value of the currency where this Triple Threat Trade influence is increasing in the case of major currencies traded in the market.

Frankly speaking, it’s nothing like people have dealt with in abundance and which provides for the need to comply with one of the following two resolutions and two death or taxes, it can not be for countries to give up to the order, which would provide a tremendous amount of benefits, which represent in the reconstruction of public institutions with granting free services citizens and a very wide range of other concessions, as these privileges, which reflected the benefit of society.

The tax base which eradicates from those taxes is what limits the type of tax as the land tax is not the capital tax and not even the customs tax profit and not income, which in turn is different from property and inheritance tax and sales tax and tax even for VAT tax which we will discuss in this article.

The The Aussie Method VAT 1954 in France, where, and that ability when they appear at 20%, where it vestige sensation, as they urged, supported the other in exchange for an interception others by virtue of that they can stand on their arrival to get rich quick, making European countries differ in determining where the tax rates of which are renewed in the ratio of 6% as it reached 25% in some countries.

And this difference has an impact and I put in in binary options trading market, where in the case of the feet of the United Kingdom to raise the tax rate, for example, which would result in the effects are inevitable on the pound sterling during trading, because the high rate of VAT leads to lower demand resulting in lower economic expansion, by virtue of the relationship between the owners of capital rate of VAT, as most venture capitalists do not invest in countries that know a rise in the proportion of value-added tax that would cause the devaluation of the currency against other currencies, which causes the lower pair Sterling dollars in options trading market.

And for that it was necessary to the Triple Threat Trade investor in binary options market to be alert for these things and to be on the knowledge of the issuance of such decisions issued through the central banks, which have a very significant impact on the long-term times, placing him keep track of all and all the news What is new in the economic world countries and even national.

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What is your Binary Options Investing Strategy?

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Binary options are very alluring to many people. Perhaps it is the ease and simplicity which allows traders to trade a large selection of assets. People have the potential to make large profits on their investment. A person’s entire investment can be affected with one click of a mouse.

Binary options are trading channels that have become very popular over the last few years. This will likely remain that way in the future. It is important to have a trading strategy. You will put yourself at a disadvantage if you do not have a specific approach to trading. Here are some things to consider so that you can develop a great binary options trading strategy.

First, analyze why you are trading binary options to start with. You definitely want to earn some money, but how much money, and what is your time frame for making that amount? Those answers will determine how aggressive you want to be. Decide what your preferences are. You can trade options for stocks, currency pairs, and stock indices, just to name a few things. The most popular options are stock and currency pairs. You should pick something that you are familiar with. Resist trading a wide variety of assets. That strategy is very risky.

Knowledge is crucial to developing a binary options trading strategy. You need to know about the asset that you are trading, the market, the asset class, and also how other traders perceive that asset. The more knowledge that you have about the asset, the more likely you are to predict what will happen in the future. If you comprehend the market, then you can take advantage of the situation and invest appropriately.

Predicting the market can help you prepare for The Domino Effect. When certain assets are related to other assets, they can rise or fall simultaneously. For example, look at the correlation between oil and the American dollar. They have an inverse relationship. If the dollar gains strength, oil becomes more expensive. This will likely cause oil prices to drop. If the dollar decreases, then oil becomes easier to buy, which makes the price go up. Keep these relationships in mind when developing your strategy. Learn about the relationships that may make your asset rise or fall.

Be sure to learn about technical indicators. They are an important part of any binary options trading strategy. Two important strategies to learn about are moving averages and stochastic oscillators and crossovers. A moving average is a running average of the value of an asset over a length of time. For example, a 30 day moving average of an asset is the average of each price point over those 30 days. The stochastic oscillator measures momentum. It tries to predict turning points in the asset’s price based on support and resistance levels. These two technical indicators should be important pieces of your binary options trading strategy. The key is to learn as much as you can about what asset you are investing in.

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This post was written by yours truly, Jon Elder . My mission is to help you succeed in your personal finance life. Join me on the journey to financial freedom! You can subscribe through RSS FEED or EMAIL updates. You can also find me on TWITTER and FACEBOOK . Happy investing

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